- A set of pictures uploaded by a University student went viral on the Internet as they depicted a genius trick that surely taught her ill-mannered roommate a lesson.
According to Mirror, the students roommate had been secretly stealing her food from the fridge. Fed up with the bad habit but being unable to confront the roommate, she came up with a plan to create a tantalizing trap, using a fake but tasty looking breaded chicken cutlet.
The fake chicken cutlet is almost indistinguishable from the real one, and looked as tasty. That was until the first bite.
The result was a crispy cardboard chicken cutlet. To add extra flair, she topped off the chicken cutlet with chili powder.
After covering the meal with cling wrap, she placed it in the fridge and waited to fool the roommate.
The pictures have been shared hundreds of thousands of times.
It looked so tasty, and Internet users (netizen) said they still wanted to eat the expertly-made fake food, despite the fact that they already knew it was not real.
Unfortunately, the student did not reveal the end of the story after it was placed in the fridge.