Image: - Becoming a first child is not an easy thing, but its rather special. I am a firstborn myself and I feel that I have more responsibilities and concerns for my parents and younger siblings, and I feel that its the blessings (in disguise) that my siblings do not get. Being a first child, a big sister and a woman at the same time just multiplies the burdens due to all of the roles that I have to submit to but then again its just about how we see it.
Below are seven things that only first child would experience, if you know what Im saying:
1. Reaching for dreams by herself
Many examples tell stories about first daughter who has to go away from her family to reach for her dreams. She studies in other cities or abroad and live far from her parents. In more than few cases, she even works part-time or freelancing before she is graduated. Sometimes it is because of financial reason but sometimes its simply because she wants to be independent and not troubling her parents. This situation teaches responsibility. It also gives a good example to her younger siblings and to make parents dream come true.
2. Learning about anything she likes
Being the firstborn, she usually doesnt have anyone to look up to or to get advices from. Words from parents or uncles and aunts can sometimes be outdated due to the age gap, so first child usually seek to learn things by herself and has her own calculation to get to it. She follows her own passion instead of going with the current because she is accustomed to do and find anything by herself.
3. Caring for the family even when shes far away
Although she doesnt live close by, she cares about her family more than her younger siblings. As the firstborn, she likes to check on her family to see how they are doing and tries to keep contact with all of the family members, no matter how busy she is. When shes home she is likely to gather the family together.
4. Spending her spare time with hobby
In order to kill boredom, she likes to be busy with her hobby. She likes to find new things, including exploring herself. She likes to do something useful and give benefits to others so she would make notes on her newfound and experiences and share it especially with her younger siblings. The notes can also be useful to be memoirs to be read sometime in the future. Also she likes to do other positive things because she has the responsible on being a good example to other people, but also to enrich herself.
5. Visiting the places she wants
Being a woman is not an obstacle to travel. When she feels stuck in one place, she doesnt hesitate to go to other places and explore new things there. She knows how to adapt so she isnt scare of new situations and the unknown. She knows that new things await for her somewhere out there and she isnt scare to embrace it. She colors her life without waiting for anyone to do it for her.
6. Being strong and steadfast
She is mature by nature. She has the sense of responsibility planted in her since childhood so she knows how to take care of herself even in hard times. She doesnt want to bother her parents because she knows they already have too much to think about, lets say her younger siblings. She tries not to complaint and prefers to find solutions for her problems by herself. She manages her life because she knows shes the only one who can do it.
7. Living by her familys hopes and prayers
She lives by hopes, because parents put great hopes on her shoulders to be the role model for her younger siblings. When the first child is successful, most likely her younger siblings would follow her path. Perhaps her parents are busy taking care for her siblings and could only pray for the best things to happen to her, and she is the proof of her parents good nurturing. If youre the first daughter, you must stay strong and realize that you could get to this point of life also by your parents prayers. Becoming a good woman and as good example is simply the good way to repay and answer to those prayers.