- If you've been in Indonesia long enough, you'll hear enough horror stories, urban mythsand ghostly legendsto make you believe they really exist.There are loads of demons, spirits and ghosts people have believed in for hundreds of years, including theWewe Gombel, Kuntilanak, Leak, Tuyuland Suster Ngesot, all of which we've profiled on this site.
The nextaddition to that list is the Genderuwo.
The name Genderuwo comesfrom the Kawi wordgandharwa and Sanskrit wordgandharva, meaningrooted. In Hinduism and Buddhism, Gandharwa is depicted as a man-like creaturewho lives in the Heavens (Kahyangan). In ancient Persia there is a myth of the Gandarewa, an invisible water creature who tries to consume all good things during Creation until it'sdefeated by a warrior named Keresaspa. In Java, gandharva is a celestial being who's good at dancing and singing.
Physical Characteristics
Genderuwo is mainly known in Java, as a geniethattakes the shape ofan ape. It has a sturdy, big body with reddish black skin and a thick coat of hair. Its eyes are red and teeth sharp. It cantake the shape of a small hairy creature before expanding itselfin an instant. At night, you can be warned by the smell of baked cassava. If it gets stronger, the Genderuwo is close.
It likes to stay nearbig rocks surrounded bywater, in old abandoned buildings, under big trees or in dark and dampcorners, where it waits to come out at night. Certain places in Java are famous haunts for theGenderuw, like the Donoloyo teak forest at Sloghimo (around 60 kilometerseast of Wonogiri, Central Java) and Lemah Putih at Kulon Progo (about 60 km west of Yogyakarta).
You should also watch out for forest wasp nests (tawon gung)! It likes to hide in those (as if the wasps weren't bad enough).
The Genderuwo is said to derive from the spirits of people who died violently (by suicide or accident) and didnt get a proper burial. The spirits are stuckin this world, and those who lived as bad, evil people when they were alive become evilGenderuwos and those who were kind become good Genderuwos.
Most Genderuwo arescoundrelsand perverts that prey on women and children. Meanwhile, kind-hearted Genderuwo often appear as wise old men in a white robe thathelp people by acts likekeeping a sacred area safe from bad people and even helping circumcise poor boys. If people sleep on the ground near sacred places, it will move them so they wake by a well a message that they should wash before going to a holy place.
Protecting yourself
Genderuwo are very mischievous. They are known for kidnapping upset or anxious people at dusk, and carrying them to the top of bamboo grove, urinating on passersby and giving bladder problems to people who pee on their trees.
By far their biggest offences are sexual...
A bad Genderuwo takesthe shape of a human and triesto seduce ordinary people. It likes to pat womens buttocks, stroke their bodies while they sleep, and even movetheir underwear around. It also likes to throw pebbles atpeoples houses at night.
If a Genderuwo takes up residencein a womans womb, it can make her have ahyper sex drive and seek multiple sexual partners, and as much action sex as she can. The womens libido is controlled by the Genderuwo and each time she climaxes, it doestoo. It also targets lonely wives or widows, disguising itself asthe womans husband or lover and climbing intoher bed.
The Genderuwo gets intoxicated fromgadung, poisonous tubers, so farmer leave them out so it won't kidnap them.Ifanyone is kidnapped by a Genderuwo, cooking sticky rice (or saying that someone is cooking it) can be a good way to get the kidnapped back.
Both gadung (above) and ketan/sticky rice (below) are some food can keep you safe.
A Myth Gets Too Real
The spirit can also get women pregnant. Eyang Ratih from Alas Purwo in Banyuwangi, East Java,says she has cared for a Genderuwos child Wagini for 16 years. In aninterview with Merdeka, Eyang Ratih describes Wagini as a simple, good and gentle person. She found him when he was 13 and adopted him.
Eyang Ratih and Wagini
2016 Sources
The Summoning
Want to meet a Genderuwo? Here's how.
A Genderuwo can be summoned by simply by grilling sate made with crow meat. Crow is believed to be both Genderuwos favorite pet and food, just like chickenforhumans. There are certain rituals and spells you need to recite to summon one and you have to cookin an open space to make sure the aromareaches aGenderuwo.
The purpose of summoning Genderuwo is mostly for gambling and luck. These demands should be asked quickly before it eats the sate, because after it gets what it wants, it willignore the summoner and just go.