Unfinished hotel in Bedugul (Image via elgibrany)
Brilio.net/en - Despitethe beautiful beaches and stunning rice terrace views, some bold travelers to Bali opt for more peculiar places to visitplaces thatare rumored to be haunted.
Want to see if itstrue or not? Seeif you have the guts...
1. Taman Festival Ghost Town in Sanur.
The forsaken theme park was closed down due to financial difficulties, and all of its buildings and abandoned rides were claimed back by the forest.
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2.Bounty Beach Club in Gili Meno.
Okay, its not really in Bali, but onsecluded Gili Meno island, Bounty Beach Club Bungalows once enjoyed aheyday.Theglory daysare long gone and the abandoned Balinese infrastructure has lain emptyever since.Some say it was abandoned after the Bali bombings, othersthat it was closed after the unnatural death of its owner. Some people claim theyve seen the owner's ghost inthe unoccupied buildings.
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3.Abandoned Aircraft near Pandawa Beach.
In addition to the famous abandoned plane wedged in a residential area in Kuta, another plane was found abandoned near the famous Pandawa Beach on theBukit Peninsula. The real-size plane has its passengers chairs removed, leaving an empty aisle with an eerie atmosphere. Now, this creepy site is an Instagram hit.
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4.Uncompleted Hotel in Bedugul.
The construction of Taman Rekreasi Bedugul Hotel stopped in2002 after the Bali bombings and never restarted, even though it was nearly complete. Dubbed the Ghost Palace Hotel, its now completely abandoned and has gained areputation as one of the scariest places on the island. Toilets are installed, luxurious beds in rooms and a beautiful reception sit thereempty. It's unclear why this hotel never opened, but some say it's because there were so many accidents in its construction. Some visitors claim to hear construction noises to this day.
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5.Deserted Temple in Karangasem.
Nobody knows why the construction of the temple in Tista Village was never completed. It has lainforgotten for many years and all the statues, ornaments and stairs covered with moss. Withall the rumors about this temple, many are afraid to visit it.
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6.The Necropolis of Trunyan.
The best for last. What do you expect from the village wheredeceased people are laid just like that under a huge, shady tree? In the village of Trunyan, we can see the dead everywhere. The localshave a habit of neither cremating nor burying the deceased family members.The bodies are just laid on the ground, hedgedinwith a bamboo cage to prevent scavenging animals from eating them. Some of those bodies are rather new, still with flesh and skins, some of them are half-rotten, and the rest are just skeletons. But in a place filled with rotten bodies, you wont notice any bad smell.The tree, known as Taru Menyan, is allegedly the secret behind this. The sacred tree prevents the bodies fromreleasing their odors.
Imagevia wisatabaliutara
There are bodies inside the cages (Imagevia sewavilladibali)
They look like this (Image via atlasobscura)