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The temperature outside was dipped around 45 degrees that night

  13 Januari 2016 17:09

Brilio.net/en - An unknown passenger on a subway was seen to not allow faith in humanity lost as he let a shivering, shirtless stranger to have his clothes in the middle of chilly night.

The encounter happened on a Brooklyn-bound A train, Friday when the temperatures outside dippedaround45 degrees.

Seen on the clip taken by Lazaro Nolasco, the good-guy straphanger tried to give his shirt to the shirtless man and later help him to put it on. He is also seen putting a beanie hat on the strangers head.

Nolasco also said that the singlet-hero asked the stranger whether he wanted to go to hospital in which the man agreed. However, Nolasco didnt get a chance to see what happened next as he had to get off the train.

Nolascos video went viral over the weekend watched by millions of viewers.

Find the heartwarming moment on the video below!
