© Zen Harmony
Brilio.net/en - As a physical, mental, and spiritual practice to reach psychological healing as well as overall fitness, yoga is rapidly adapted into many variations, and the latest one is rather adventurous and captivating.
Zen Harmony Diving in Bali is conducting underwater yoga classes, where you may practice your favorite poses 12 meters under the surface! Well, you could say this is a new way to do diving, or maybe to do yoga.
In their classes, you and other divers will practice yoga as well as Zentsu, a water-based relaxation method that supposedly brings back feelings of being back in the womb. Maybe its hard to remember what its like to be in it, yet we can imagine a peaceful feeling, serenity and security, as if being in the arms of a mother.
Zentsu is a relaxation method practiced in a swimming pool or the calm waters of a lake or sea, Staff instructor and general manager Jelena Vukosavljevic, as reported by Daily Mail. A yoga and ayurveda therapist gently rock you side to side at a frequency similar to the movements in the womb.
Underwater yoga may seem a bit challenging, yet appears to have many benefits. Not only does it help you to control your breathing, it also increase your lung capacity and enables you to focus on meditation and reduce stress while minimizing the risk of physical injury.
If you thought the underwater meditation makes you gasp for breath, youll soon learned that the participants are invited to use Ocean Reef Integrated Dive Masks which allow the wearer to breathe through their mouth and nose. Oh, what a relief!
Zen Harmony Diving host underwater yoga at PADI 5 Star Dive Resorts Zen Dive Bali and Zen Resort Bali on the east and north coasts of Bali. Current classes consist of about four yogis. Even beginners can enjoy their relaxing yoga session in 12 meters deep.