Andika Hazrumy (Photo via BantenCo) and Ahmad Dhani (Photo via KapanLagi)
In the past few months,we have been busy reading and hearing about the upcoming elections in Jakarta, with the spotlight primarily being focused on candidates Agus Yudhoyono and Sylviana Murni, incumbent Basuki 'Ahok' Tjahaja Purnama and Djarot Saiful Hidayat, as well as Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno. But Jakarta is only one among 101 regions across the archipelago where citizens will take to the poll on February 15 to elect a new leader.
Below are five names in regions outside of JAkarta you'll want to keep an eye on.
1. Abdullah Puteh, the long time player.
Abdullah Puteh (Photo via KanalAceh)
If you think the name is familiar, you are right. Puteh, who is now running as an independent gubernatorial candidate in Aceh, was all over the media back in 2004. He was the Aceh Governor accused of corruption in the purchase of two helicopters, PLC Rostov MI-2, worth $12.5 billion (roughly Rp166 trillion). In April 2005, Puteh was sentenced to 10 years behind bars by the South Jakarta District Court. Soon after the ruling was issued, the Home Affairs Department stripped Puteh from his position as governor. He was released on parole from Sukamiskin Penitentiary in Bandung, West Java on November 18, 2009.
For this years election, he is accompanied by Sayed Mustafa Usab, a member of Aceh I provincial council (DPRD) from the National Mandate Party (PAN) faction.
2. Rano Karno, the actor-turned-politician.
Rano Karno (Photo via KoranNonstop)
Before switching into politics, Rano Karno was a prominent Indonesian actor and film director. He currently serves as Banten Governor since August 12, 2015, replacing Ratu Atut Chosiyah who was suspended from her seat after being entangled in an election-related bribery case in 2014.
Rano began his acting career when he was nine and rose into fame after playing Si Doel in the legendary Si Doel Anak Betawi (1972) movie. To hone his talent, he also studied acting at East West Player, USA. Years later, under Karnos Film production house, he directed a monumental TV series, Si Doel Anak Sekolahan, with him playing as Si Doel again, a character that remains attached to his name today.
Rano became a shining star in the 1980s and 1990s, before withdrawing himself from the spotlight for a career in politics. He is running for Governor of Banten as an incumbent this year with running mate Embay Mulya Syarief, a community leader and one of the founders of Banten Province.
3. Embay Mulya Syarief, the martial art master.
Embay Mulya Syarief (Photo via BantenBangkit)
Embay Mulya Syarief, widely known as Haji Embay, is an entrepreneur, martial art master, political and religious activist, as well as a community leader in Banten. With Aminudin Kiai Ibrahim, Embay took an important role in ensuring the establishment of Banten Province back in 1999. He and Aminudin were the ones who asked for President B.J. Habibies permission to inaugurate Banten Province, to establish a public university in Banten, to reform Cilegon as a city, and to establish districts in South Banten.
He was one of Habibies vocal supporters. He expressed his political support for Indonesia's third presidentby sending his students and jawaras (local martial arts champions) as part of the Swakarsa force to secure the demonstration rejecting the Special Session of the MPR in 1999.
Despite his fathers close relationship with Haji Chasan Shohib, Bantens key figure and father of former Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah, Haji Embay and Haji Chasan rarely got along. His opposition to Chasan has resulted in a death threat against him.