Photo: Fox 10 - A mother bursts into tears upon hearing her passed away babys heart beat again. It was almost three years after baby Lukas died when Heather Clark heard his heart beat again; but this time, in 4 year-old Jordan Drake.
Back in 2013, 7-month-old Lukas Clark died while being left with a babysitter, whose boyfriend abused the baby. Despite her grief, Heather decided to donate his organs to other children in need.
Little did she know that her dear babys heart would beat again. But this weekend, she heard just that.
Born with a congenital heart defect, Jordan Drake had spent most of her life at Phoenix Children's Hospital. On June 22, 2013, her life changed forever when she received a new heart. Lukas heart.
Sunday (31/1) will be the day the two families will remember. Both met for the first time, and it was a touching moment when Heather heard her sons heart beating in Jordans chest.
"It's hard to describe... that she would be so selfless to be able to think of another family while she's going through her grief," Esther Gonzalez, Jordan's mother, as reported by Fox 10. "We're family now. We're friends now. Our families are families. We've brought our families together."
The two mothers intend to meet each other on a regular basis, and a recording of Lukas heartbeat has been planted inside a stuffed animal to be heard anytime Heather wants.
According to Heather, two other childs lives were saved by two more of Lukas organs, as well.
"The only thing I can think of is, I can't save my own son, so why not save someone else's child because I can't do anything with him," Heather said.