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Brilio.net/en - Some places around the world are believed to hide supranatural powers which would affect our life in so many ways, and eventually giving them legendary status. Since were in the month of love, lets talk about romantic powers several places are supposed to possess, according to legends.
Whether you believe it or not, many people assume that these places could make their relationship last forever. If they didnt took their steps carefully, their relationship will doomed. As it may sound a little bit superstitious, many couples just didnt want to take the risk.
1. Cornell University Suspension Bridge
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With numbers or cornellianas[1] around, the Cornell University Suspension Bridge is the most famous places for the lovey-dovey couples.
Legend has it that if a female student refuses a kiss on the suspension bridge that stretches across Fall Creek next to the Johnson Museum of Art, the bridge will collapse beneath their feet into the gorge.
Another legend says that if a couple walk around the entire perimeter of Beebe Lake while holding hands, the two are destined to be engaged. Yet another legend says that about 60% of Cornell students marry other Cornellians. In reality, the number is only closer to 8%.
2. Bogor Botanical Garden
This lush and beautiful garden in Bogor, Indonesia, has several legends related to love. A legend says that any unmarried couple who come to the garden will soon broke up, yet if a single person come, he/she will eventually meet their soulmate.
In the garden, you will find a tree called the Soulmate Trees (Pohon Jodoh); two adjacent trees which branches entwined with each other. People believe that if a married couple sits on a bench beneath the trees, their marriage will be eternal.
3. Juliets Wall
The tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet deeply affected lovers over the globe, deeper than weve ever imagine.
Every year, thousands of people leave a letter for Shakespeare's unfortunate heroine, Juliet Capulet, at her imaginary home in Verona, Italy. They write her in hopes that she will grant them eternal, undying love. The practice moves the heart of the folks in Hollywood, who happened to made a hit movie, Letters to Juliet.
4. Mount Semerus Love Slope
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The Love Slope (Tanjakan Cinta), a part of majestic Mount Semerus hiking trails in Indonesia, is a place where lovers determined to make a lifetime relationship or a short one. Legend has it that hikers shouldnt look back at their partner on the jounrey, as it will somehow separate them.
According to the legend, a man and his fiancee were hiking Mount Semeru. The man walked far ahead without ever looking back to check for his woman. The woman eventually fell from exhaustion and died. Ever since, hikers are not supposed to look back to his/her love ensure their relationship last forever.
5. Mount Huangshan
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At the highest peak of this majestic mountain in China, couples are locking their love with a padlock, which has to be chained into one of many bridges there. They have to throw the key over the cliff to ensure eternal love, and to do that theyll have to climb there first. Well, sometimes true love needs a few ights and a couple of sacrifices.
6. Saint Valentines Shrine
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On Valentines Day, love-seekers flock to Whitefriar Street Church in Dublin, Ireland, to pay homeage to St. Valentine has this burial place. They believe in doing so, their romantic luck will be changed and the long sought love will arrived in no time.
7. Taipei Xiahai Temple
Image via taipeitravel
Many believe that this Taiwanese temple will help them to find their significant other. They will have to be serious about their quest, since luck is only granted to those who carried out multiple rituals that includes offering sugar to the Gods, lighting a candle, and eating a wedding cookie.
8. Love Tree at Kemaro Island
At Kemaro Island in Palembang, Indonesia, there is a special tree called the Love Tree (Pohon Cinta). Legend has it that couples who wrote their names on its bark will find their relationship to last forever. This tree grows in an unique shape and is shorter than the surrounding trees.
Source: BBC Travel, Infoyunik.