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31 Oktober 2022 23:01

145 Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris dan penerapan kalimatnya

Verb adalah suatu kata yang menunjukkan sebuah aksi, pelaku, atau pun peristiwa yang dialami subjek. Brilio.net
Contoh penggunaan verb

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf A.

1. Accept: Menerima

(Would you mind to accept me to work in this office?)

3 Contoh biodata bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk paragraf yang detail

2. Acknowledge: Mengakui

(You aknowledge kinship with these creatures?)

3. Adaptation: Beradaptasi

35 Contoh kalimat yang menggunakan to be is am are, mudah dipelajari

(Antares movie is an adaptation of the wattpad story).

4. Apologize: Meminta maaf

(She said apologize about her mistake).

5. Arise: Naik

(The sun arise so fast today).

6. Attend: Menghadiri

(He is attend my college graduation party).

7. Argue: Memperdebatkan

(In this comoetition, two groups are argue who is the Indonesian singer who has the best voice).

8. Adopt: Mengadopsi

(My aunty adopt a child from an orphanage, because she could not have children of her own).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf B.

9. Bathe: Mandi

(Every morning, i take a bathe).

10. Beat: Memukul, Mengalahkan

(The teacher bit every late student).

11. Beg: Meminta, Mengemis

(He begs by asking me for money).

12. Bite: Menggigit

(Dog will not bite people who are not wrong).

13. Build: Membangun

(My dad built a company building for me).

14. Bow: Membungkuk

(Japanese people have a habit to bowing to others).

15. Blow: Meniup

(Balloon can be blown with mouth).

16. Bounce: Memantulkan

(Denny bounce the basketball into the hoop).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf C.

17. Catch: Menangkap

(Police catch thieves reliably).

18. Celebrate: Merayakan

(I celebrate my graduation with my family).

19. Chop: Mencincang

(Mom chopped onion using a knife).

20. Climb: Memanjat

(My brother can climb a cliff in a span of 1 hour).

21. Consult: Berkonsultasi

(I want to consult about my health with a doctor).

22. Cook: Memasak

(She can cook everything).

23. Criticize: Mengkritisi

(A Journalist must be able to criticize political cases).

24. Cure: Mengobati

(I cure my pain slowly).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf D.

25. Dance: Menari

(Seventeen is the best dancer in K-Pop).

26. Decide: Memutuskan, Menentukan

(I decide to study in Australian).

27. Deliver: Mengantar

(The driver is deliver my food to the front of my house).

28. Develop: Mengembangkan

(Elon Musk developed the Tesla coompany a long time ago).

29. Discuss: Berdiskusi

(My friend and I discussed the intersts of our group).

30. Dive: Menyelam

(Love Dive is IVE song).

31. Drive: Mengendarai

(When drive a motorcycle, don't do a daydream).

32. Dry: Mengeringkan

(I dry my shoes by drying them in the sun).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf E.

33. Engage: Bertunangan

(I and Joshua have a engange this week).

34. Enjoy: Menikmati

(Nabila enjoy the music).

35. Enter: Masuk

(Andre enter the office through the door).

36. Establish: Mendirikan

(Ricka establish a company containing many journalists).

37. Examine: Menguji

(Mazaya will examine math lessons to his students).

38. Expand: Memperluas

(Rio expand his fortune by working).

39. Explain: Menjelaskan

(I'm just explain about this lessons, and you have asked again!)

40. Explose: Mengeksplorasi, Menjelajah

(I explose nature with my boyfriend).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf F.

41. Feed: Memberi makan

(Chickens are feed by Maya).

42. Fight: Berkelahi

(Dewa and Adrian fight at school).

43. Find: Menjumpai

(I find myself in my sister).

44. Fly: Terbang

(I fly into the sky through various difficulties).

45. Fold: Melipat

(Tika fold clothes).

46. Forbid: Melarang

(Sintia forbade me to see her brother).

47. Freeze: Membekukan

(I had a hard time getting close to him, because he always freeze his heart).

48. Fry: Menggoreng

(Mom frying a chicken).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf G.

49. Generate: Menghasilkan

(Korea generates many talented idol).

50. Get: Mendapat

(She get what her want).

51. Give: Memberi

(I'll give everything he want).

52. Go: Pergi

(Let me go).

53. Grind: Menghaluskan, Membubuk.

(Dad grind seasonings using a blender).

54. Grow: Tumbuh

(The flower grows because it is constantly watered).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf H.

55. Hang: Menggantung

(She hang a clothesline behind the house).

56. Hear: Mendengar

(Her voice is to small, so that I can't hear).

57. Hide: Bersembunyi, Menyembunyikan.

(Nia hide behind the door).

58. Hit: Memukul, Menghantam.

(Radja hit a shoes at her enemy).

59. Hold: Menahan.

(I can hold my hunger).

60. Hop: Meloncat

(Tania hop form the top of the tile).

61. Hug: Memeluk

(I just hug my parents).

62. Hury: Buru-buru

(Teacher hury every students to go to the school).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf I.

63. Identify: Mengidentifikasi, Mengenali.

(Lecturer identifies a thesis).

64. Ignore: Mengabaikan

(I ignore Ivana for a while).

65. Imagine: Membayangkan

(I can't imagine that you are lost).

66. Imply: Mengimplikasikan (menyatakan secara tidak langsung)

(I can apply powder for sure).

67. Indicate: Mengindikasikan (menunjukkan)

(The souce indicate out the irregularities in this case).

68. Insist: Mendesak (meminta dengan tegas)

(Soraya insist Jessica to pay the debt immediately).

69. Invest: Menginvestasikan (menanamkan modal)

(I invested in the bank).

70. Investigate: Menginvestigasi (menyelidiki, memeriksa)

(He investigate who stole his heart).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf J.

71. Jog: Lari (lari pelan-pelan)

(I ran slowly on the jog this time).

72. Jump: Melompat

(The participants will jump on the wall).

73. Justify: Menjustifikasi, Membenarkan.

(Raisa justify that she is cheater).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf K.

74. Keep: Menjaga

(I always keep my privacy).

75. Kick: Menendang

(The goalkeeper kicks the ball out of bounds).

76. Kiss: Mencium

(I just kiss my niece).

77. Kneel: Berlutut

(Every Eid, I always kneel in front of my parents).

78. Knit: Merajut

(Ani opens jacket knitting service).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf L.

79. Lay: Meletakkan

(Dyah lay her phone on the table).

80. Lean: Bersandar

(I lean on Panji's shoulder).

81. Learn: Belajar

(I learn hard for this chance).

82. Leave: Meninggalkan

(I leave the group).

83. Light: Menyalakan

(The flash is light by me).

84. Lie: Berbohong

(I dont like to lie).

85. Listen: Mendengarkan

(Every students listen to the teacher).

86. Look: Melihat

(Taylor Swift look at me tonight).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf M.

87. Maintain: Memelihara, Mempertahankan.

(Vindy maintain a chicken).

88. Make: Membuat

(Mareta make a cake to me).

89. Manage: Mengatur

(I can manage my finance).

90. Measure: Mengukur

(Anggi measures the speed of the motor).

91. Meet: Berjumpa, Menjumpai.

(I meet with her at cafe).

92. Mention: Menyebutkan

(He always mention my existance).

93. Mind: Keberatan

(I mind to that proposal).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf N.

94. Neglect: Mengabaikan, Melalaikan.

(I'm trying to neglect his existence).

95. Negotiate: Merundingkan, Berunding.

(My class is negotiating a problem).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf O.

96. Observe: Mengamati

(I like to observe the pace of the vehicle).

97. Obtain: Memperoleh, Mendapatkan.

(Narnia obtain wolf meat).

98. Open: Membuka

(I open the door).

99. Operate: Mengoperasikan, Menjalankan.

(Cut operate the computer very well).

100. Order: Memesan

(I order the food using online application).

101. Overtake: Menyusul

(Bunga overtake her parents to Paris).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf P.

102. Paint: Mengecat

(I paint the house using color paint).

103. Pay: Membayar

(I pay clothes using shopeepay).

104. Peel: Mengupas

(Maitsa said that peeling salak skin is not too difficult).

105. Perform: Menyelenggarakan, main (di atas panggung).

(Seventeen perform at GBK).

106. Pinch: Mencubit

(Dika pinched her sister).

107. Prepare: Menyiapkan

(I will prepare my lunch).

108. Prevent: Mencegah

(Mom prevents neighbor nonsense by insinuating it).

109. Protect: Melindungi

(My father will always protect our family).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf Q.

110. Qualify: Memenuhi syarat

(Rara is not qualified to be secretary).

111. Quit: Berhenti (selamanya)

(I quit liking chicken noodle).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf R.

112. Recall: Mengingat

(I will recall my memory).

113. Receive: Menerima

(I receive email for no reason).

114. Reduce: Mengulangi

(Raya reduce he same mistake today).

115. Reflect: Mencerminkan

(Bayu reflect on me, a good man).

116. Replace: Menggantikan (posisi)

(Nadia replace her sister).

117. Represent: Mewakili

(Milla respresents the campus to compete in talent events).

118. Resist: Menentang, Melawan, Menolak.

(My father resist his future son-in-law).

119. Ride: Menunggang, Mengendarai.

(I ride my motorcycle alone).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf S.

120. Sanction: Menghukum

(Police are sanction criminals).

121. Scrub: Menggosok

(I can't scrub my back alone).

122. Sell: Menjual

(Naya sell her skincare and phone).

123. Serve: Melayani

(Pilots are serve the passenger).

124. Sew: Menjahit

(I sew my kebaya).

125. Shed: Mencucurkan/menitikkan (air mata)

(I shed, because he is not coming today).

126. Shoot: Menembak

(Monsta X shoot the song).

127. Ski: Berseluncur

(Kaia is skating in the snow).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf T.

128. Take: Mengambil

(Andre take my bag in a office).

129. Talk: Berbicara

(I talk with my lecturer).

130. Teach: Mengajar

(I don;t think that she can teach children).

131. Tear: Menyobek

(Tearing paper is very easy).

132. Tell: Bercerita, menceritakan

(I tell him that I love him).

133. Throw: Melempar

(Sonia throw her enemy's shes into a garbage bin).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf U.

134. Understand: Memahami

(I can't understand what you want).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf V.

135. Value: Menilai/nilai

(She have her value).

136. Volunteer: Bersukarela

(I really want to be a volunteer who can work in the village).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf W.

137. Walk: Berjalan

(I dont really like walking).

138. Win: Memenangkan

(I win writing article competition yesterday).

139. Wear: Mengenakan

(She wear uniform before go to school).

140. Wash: Mencuci

(My brother wash his motorcycle last night).

141. Watch: Menonton

(Who doesn't like to watch movie? I don't think so).

142. Wave: Melambaikan

(I waved my arms when it was no longer strong enough to finish my food).

143. Weep: Menangis

(Don't let children weep for too long).

144. Whip: Mencambuk

(I'm not willing to geat a whip ssentence).

145. Write: Menulis

(Harry Styles write Perfects song to Taylor Swift).

Penulis: mg/Ricka Milla Suatin

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