Di era globalisasi saat ini, bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang sangat penting untuk dikuasai. Hal ini disebabkan bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional. Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris dapat memudahkan untuk mencari informasi serta dapat berbicara dengan orang luar negeri. Oleh karena itu, bahasa Inggris sudah diajarkan ketika duduk di bangku sekolah bahkan sejak usia dini.
Salah satu materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan di sekolah adalah materi cause and effect. Untuk mengawali penjelasan mengenai cause and effect, hal yang harus wajib diketahui adalah tentang pengertiannya. Cause dapat diartikan sebagai penyebab atau sebab terjadinya suatu hal yang ciri-cirinya memiliki alasan, jawaban dari mengapa terjadi, kejadian di urutan pertama dan biasanya diawali dengan kata karena.
15 Contoh poem Bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan penjelasannya
Sedangkan effect adalah hasil tindakan yang terjadi atau disebut dengan akibat. Seperti sebuah dari adanya tindakan, jawaban dari apa yang terjadi dan urutan cause effect atau kejadian ini berada setelah adanya cause atau sebab. Dapat disimpulkan cause and effect dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan sebuah kalimat yang di dalamnya mengandung setidaknya ada satu sebab dan satu akibat.
Nah, untuk lebih jelasnya berikut ulasan lengkapnya seperti dilansir brilio.net dari berbagai sumber pada Selasa (3/7).
Fungsi cause and effect.
Adapun fungsi dari cause and effect sebagai berikut:
25 Contoh kalimat saran Bahasa Inggris beserta pejelasannya
- For (untuk)
Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua independend clause
Contoh: People are waiting in front of the store for the launching of brand new watch. (orang-orang menunggu di depan toko untuk peluncuran jam tangan merek terbaru).
- So (jadi)
Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua independend clause. Bedanya dengan for, jika so digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari..
Contoh: I spent all of my money on this dress, so I have no money left. (saya menghabiskan banyak uang untuk membeli baju ini, jadi saya tidak punya uang lagi).
- Because (karena)
Digunakan untuk menghubungkan independent clause dan independent clause.
Contoh: My sister is crying because she is hungry. (saudaraku menangis karena dia lapar)
- Because of (dikarenakan oleh)
Diikuti oleh kata benda (noun), karena of merupakan kata depan.
Contoh: I couldnt sleep well last night because of hot temperature. (saya tidak bisa tidur nyenyak semalam dikarenakan oleh suhu yang panas)
- The reason for (penyebab dari)
Sebaiknya diikuti dengan kata benda.
Contoh: The reason for flood in this city is garbage that people threw anywhere. (penyebab dari banjir di kota ini adalah sampah yang dibuang sembarangan oleh orang- orang)
- Due to (dikarenakan)
Merupakan compound preposition. Harus diikuti oleh kata benda.
Contoh: I need to go back to Johns house due to the heavy rain. (aku harus kembali ke rumah John dikarenakan hujan deras)
- Unless (kecuali jika)
Berfungsi untuk menunjukkan hubungan sebab-akibat.
Contoh: You wont be champion unless you practice hard. (kamu tidak akan jadi pemenang kecuali jika kamu berlatih dengan keras)
Kata penghubung untuk menyatakan effect.
Berikut fungsi penghubung dalam menyatakan effect:
- As a result (akibat dari)
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan akibat dari sesuatu.
Contoh: She never cleans her room. As a result, her room is always dirty. (dia tidak pernah membersihkan kamarnya. Sebagai akibatnya, kamarnya selalu kotor)
- Then (maka)
Digunakan sebagai kata penghubung untuk menunjukkan akibat (effect).
Contoh: Dina comes late to school, then she get punishment from teacher. (Dina datang terlambat ke sekolah, maka dia mendapatkan hukuman dari gurunya).
- Therefore (oleh karena itu)
Digunakan dalam kondisi formal, dan dalam sebuah tulisan.
Contoh: I didnt bring any money. Therefore, I couldnt buy anything there. (saya tidak membawa uang. Oleh karena itu, saya tidak bisa membeli apa pun)
- In order to (agar/supaya)
Lebih sering digunakan dalam sebuah percakapan dari pada tulisan.
Contoh: I will take the first bus in order to not get late to school. (saya mengambil bus pertama supaya tidak datang terlambat ke sekolah).
Berikut ulasan mengenai contoh soal cause and effect yang telah dirangkum brilio.net dari berbagai sumber pada Selasa(3/10).
Contoh soal cause and effect mudah dipelajari.
foto: pixabay.com
1. I love living in Australia ... the weather.
a. Because
b. Since
c. As
d. Because of
e. But
Answer: a
2. Keith lost his job due ... cutbacks in the department.
a. For
b. At
c. To
d. By
e. Either
Answer: c
3. Constance might go to the library, ... she might stay home.
a. But
b. Yet
c. For
d. So
e. And
Answer: d
4. I am not feeling well, ... I will come to the party.
a. Because
b. However
c. Since
d. Unless
e. Eventhough
Answer: b
5. ... being very rich, he never shows off.
a. Although
b. Despite
c. Instead
d. Other than
e. Furthermore
Answer: a
6. She never helps anyone ... having a lot of money.
a. Whenever
b. However
c. Inspite of
d. Instead
e. Eventhough
Answer: c
7. ... I was walking on the street, the accident happened.
a. While
b. When
c. Whereas
d. Unless
e. Otherwise
Answer: a
8. You can borrow my car ... you agree to be very careful with it.
a. Because
b. Wherever
c. Whenever
d. As long as
Answer: d
9. Dessert are harsh and dry ... many plants grow there.
a. For
b. So
c. Yet
d. Or
e. And
Answer: d
10. Please come on time, ... We may miss the flight.
a. Otherwise
b. Therefore
c. So
d. But
Answer: a
11. We should avoid oily food ... be healthy.
a. Finally
b. In order to
c. Consequently
d. For
e. Always
Answer: b
12. Complete the dialog below.
Rita : This is not usual
Nessie : Why?
Rita : You are already at school at 06.30
Nessie : I do it for purpose. I come early ... I can prepare for my presentation
a. So
b. For
c. Because
d. In order to
Answer: a
Contoh soal cause and effect mudah dipahami (bold)
13. All the flights to and from China are canceled, ... corona virus.
a. As a result
b. Therefore
c. Because of
d. In order to
Answer: c
14. The climate change and global warming worsen year by year, ... many influencers persuade to reduce the use of plastic bag and to plant the tree to make the earth better.
a. Because
b. Due to
c. For this reason
d. Contributed to
Answer: c
15. You will not get many viewers or subscribers ... you make an original content.
a. Unless
b. Because of
c. Because
d. For that reason
Answer: a
16. Mrs. Bunga is not coming today, the students must write the essay.
a. So
b. Consequently
c. In order to
d. Because
Answer: d
17. She will stay at home ... she does not have anything to do outside.
a. Since
b. Act
c. Short
d. For
Aswer: a
18. I love Switzerland ... the weather.
a. Because
b. As
c. Because of
d. Since
Answer: c
19. He got to work really, really late "Cos he missed his train". Which cause and effect word is 'Cos short for?
a. Due to
b. Because
c. As
d. Since
Answer: b
20. The incrase in tropical stroms in recent year has been ... global warming.
a. Put up with
b. Put down to
c. Set down to
d. Both
Answer: a
21. I can not eat the seafood ... my allergy.
a. Because
b. Because of
c. As
d. Due to
Answer: b
22. We can to the school late ... we missed the first bus.
a. Where as
b. Now and then
c. Due to the fact that
d. So that
Answer: c
23. Rico finished his job earlier due ... bad weather.
a. To
b. In
c. For
d. By
Answer: a
24. ... my car was stolen, I will have to rent a car fot the next few days.
a. Because
b. For
c. Because of
d. Then
Answer: a
25. ... his lack of courage, Nathan didn't participate in the competition.
a. Because
b. Because of
c. And
d. Since
Answer: b
Magang: Annisa Dhea
foto: freepik.com
26. She couldn't come to the party because she had to work overtime. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: a
27. He was late for school because he missed the bus. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: a
28. Because of his honesty, he was trusted by everyone. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: b
29. Since he loved animals, he decided to become a veterinarian. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: c
30. Due to his laziness, he failed the test. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: d
31. She was happy because she got a good score. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: a
32. Because of the traffic jam, he arrived late at the airport. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: b
33. Since it was his birthday, he invited his friends to his house. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: c
34. Due to the bad weather, the flight was delayed. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: d
35. He studied abroad because he wanted to learn a new culture. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: a
36. Because of his generosity, he donated a lot of money to charity. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: b
37. Since she was allergic to peanuts, she avoided eating them. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: c
38. Due to the high demand, the price of the product increased. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: d
39. He quit his job because he was unhappy with his boss. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: a
40. Because of the earthquake, many buildings collapsed. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: b
41. Since he was good at math, he joined the math club. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: c
42. Due to the low supply, the product was out of stock. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: d
43. She went to the doctor because she felt sick. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: a
44. Because of the pandemic, many people lost their jobs. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: b
45. Since he was interested in history, he read a lot of books about it. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: c
46. He couldn't take the exam because he was sick. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: a
47. Due to heavy rain, many roads were flooded. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: d
48. She studied hard since grade 10. As a result, she graduated with good grades. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: e
49. He couldn't finish his homework due to a power outage. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: d
50. He couldn't swim since he was a child. Therefore, he was afraid of water. The correct word to connect the cause and effect is ...
a. Because
b. Because of
c. Since
d. Due to
e. Therefore
Answer: e
Demikianlah contoh soal cause and effect pilihan ganda dan jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat dan materi ini bisa dipakai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.