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22 Agustus 2024 09:25

40 Contoh kalimat direct and indirect speech, beserta pengertian dan jenisnya

Pada dasarnya direct speech mengutip langsung ucapan seseorang, sedangkan indirect speech menyampaikan ulang pernyataan. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Brilio.net - Ketika ingin menguasai bahasa Inggris terkadang memiliki tantangan tersendiri, terutama saat harus menggunakan kalimat yang melibatkan pernyataan langsung dan tidak langsung. Dalam bahasa Inggris kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung dikenal dengan sebutan direct and indirect speech.

Kalimat direct and indirect speech sering kali muncul dalam komunikasi sehari-hari, baik lisan maupun tulisan, sehingga penting untuk memahami perbedaannya. Penguasaan konsep ini dapat membantu meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa yang lebih baik lagi.

50 Contoh kalimat kompleks dan simpleks disertai dengan pengertian dan cirinya

Nah, biar makin paham brilio.net menyajikan contoh kalimat direct and indirect speech, di mana kalimat ini berfungsi untuk menyampaikan pesan atau informasi dari satu orang ke orang lain dengan cara yang berbeda.

Pada dasarnya direct speech mengutip langsung ucapan seseorang, sedangkan indirect speech menyampaikan ulang pernyataan tanpa menggunakan kata-kata aslinya. Memahami cara penggunaannya adalah keterampilan penting dalam percakapan formal maupun informal dalam bahasa Inggris.

Langsung saja, yuk simak ulasan lengkap di bawah ini, yang disadur dari berbagai sumber pada Kamis (22/8).

50 Contoh kalimat simile lengkap dengan pengertian, fungsi, dan cirinya

Pengertian kalimat direct and indirect speech.

foto: freepik.com

Direct and indirect speech merupakan dua cara untuk melaporkan maupun mengutip ucapan seseorang. Direct speech (kalimat langsung) ialah cara menyampaikan perkataan seseorang secara tepat, dengan menggunakan tanda kutip untuk mengutip kata-kata asli yang diucapkan. Dalam direct speech, tidak ada perubahan dalam kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh pembicara. Contoh direct speech:

- She said, "I am going to the store."

Sebaliknya, indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung) ialah cara menyampaikan ulang ucapan seseorang tanpa menggunakan tanda kutip serta dengan mengubah struktur kalimat yang sesuai dengan konteks pelaporan. Dalam indirect speech, perubahan pada kata-kata sering terjadi, termasuk perubahan pada tenses, kata ganti (pronouns), hingga keterangan waktu atau tempat, untuk menyesuaikan dengan situasi pelaporan.

Contoh indirect speech:

- She said that she was going to the store.

Perubahan-perubahan ini membuat indirect speech lebih fleksibel dalam menyampaikan pesan, tanpa harus mempertahankan kata-kata persis seperti yang diucapkan.

Sementara itu, jenis-jenis kalimat direct and indirect speech, diantaranya:

1. Direct speech

Direct speech berfungsi untuk mengutip langsung perkataan seseorang. Ciri utama dari direct speech merupakan penggunaan tanda kutip dan tidak adanya perubahan pada kata-kata yang diucapkan. Direct speech biasanya digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari, dialog cerita, serta teks yang membutuhkan pengutipan kata-kata asli. Contoh:

- John said, "I will finish the project tomorrow."

2. Indirect speech

Indirect speech digunakan untuk melaporkan atau menyampaikan kembali apa yang telah dikatakan seseorang tanpa mengutip kata-kata secara langsung. Kalimat ini sering digunakan dalam tulisan formal maupun informal ketika kita ingin menyampaikan informasi tanpa menyebutkan kutipan langsung. Dalam indirect speech, biasanya terjadi perubahan pada tenses, kata ganti, serta keterangan waktu hingga tempat. Contoh:

- John said that he would finish the project the next day.

3. Statement (Pernyataan)

Jenis pernyataan ini bisa berupa kalimat langsung atau tidak langsung. Untuk direct speech, pernyataan biasanya dikutip secara langsung seperti dalam percakapan. Dalam indirect speech, pernyataan tersebut diubah dan diadaptasi sesuai dengan konteks pelaporan.

- Contoh direct:

She said, "I love reading books."

- Contoh indirect:

She said that she loved reading books.

4. Questions (Pertanyaan)

Pertanyaan juga bisa dilaporkan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Dalam direct speech, pertanyaan dikutip langsung serta sering kali diikuti oleh tanda tanya. Dalam indirect speech, pertanyaan diubah menjadi bentuk pernyataan tanpa tanda tanya, dan ada penyesuaian dalam kata kerja dan kata ganti.

- Contoh direct:

He asked, "Where are you going?"

- Contoh indirect:

He asked where I was going.

5. Commands, requests, and advice (Perintah, Permintaan, dan Nasihat)

Kalimat perintah, permintaan, atau nasihat dalam direct speech mengutip instruksi atau saran secara langsung. Dalam indirect speech, struktur kalimat ini diubah dengan penggunaan kata kerja seperti asked, told, advised, dan sejenisnya, diikuti oleh infinitif (to) untuk menyampaikan perintah atau saran secara tidak langsung.

Contoh direct:

She said, "Close the door!"

Contoh indirect:
She told me to close the door.

Contoh kalimat direct and indirect speech.

foto: freepik.com

- Contoh kalimat direct

1. John said, "I have been working on this project for three months and I finally finished it yesterday."

2. Maria asked, "Why didn't you tell me about the meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow?"

3. "I am really excited about the vacation next month," she said, "and I can't wait to visit the new places."

4. The teacher said, "You all need to submit your assignments by Friday, or there will be consequences."

5. "I just received the promotion I've been working towards for years," Michael announced proudly.

6. Emily shouted, "Please stop making so much noise! I'm trying to concentrate on my studies."

7. "I can't believe that it's already been five years since we last met," James said nostalgically.

8. David explained, "The process of applying for a visa can be complicated, but I'll help you with it."

9. "My favorite part of the book was when the hero finally realized his true strength," she remarked.

10. "I will never forget the kindness you showed me when I was struggling," Laura said sincerely.

11. "I've already told you this, but you need to make sure all the documents are in order before you proceed," Mark reminded her.

12. "This is the best dish I've ever tasted," the food critic exclaimed, "you really outdid yourself this time."

13. She said, "If you want to improve your skills, you must practice every day without fail."

14. "I don't know why the weather has been so unpredictable lately," Sam commented during their conversation.

15. "After all the work we've done, I think we deserve a break this weekend," Karen suggested cheerfully.

16. Peter declared, "I will stand by my decision, no matter what anyone says, because I believe it's the right thing to do."

17. "I've always dreamed of traveling to Paris, and now my dream is finally coming true," she said excitedly.

18. "You should have been more careful with the documents," Paul scolded, "now we have to start over."

19. "I really appreciate all the help you've given me during this difficult time," Sarah said gratefully.

20. "We must take immediate action if we want to prevent further damage to the environment," the environmentalist urged passionately.

- Contoh kalimat indirect

21. John mentioned that he had been working on the project for three months and had finally finished it the day before.

22. Maria inquired why he hadnt informed her about the meeting that was scheduled for the following day.

23. She said that she was really excited about the vacation next month and that she couldnt wait to visit the new places.

24. The teacher reminded the class that they all needed to submit their assignments by Friday, or there would be consequences.

25. Michael proudly announced that he had just received the promotion he had been working towards for years.

26. Emily shouted at them to stop making so much noise because she was trying to concentrate on her studies.

27. James said nostalgically that he couldnt believe it had already been five years since they had last met.

28. David explained that the process of applying for a visa could be complicated, but he would help them with it.

29. She remarked that her favorite part of the book was when the hero had finally realized his true strength.

30. Laura sincerely said that she would never forget the kindness they had shown her when she was struggling.

31. Mark reminded her that he had already told her this and that she needed to make sure all the documents were in order before she proceeded.

32. The food critic exclaimed that it was the best dish he had ever tasted and that the chef had really outdone himself that time.

33. She said that if they wanted to improve their skills, they had to practice every day without fail.

34. Sam commented during their conversation that he didnt know why the weather had been so unpredictable lately.

35. Karen cheerfully suggested that after all the work they had done, she thought they deserved a break that weekend.

36. Peter declared that he would stand by his decision, no matter what anyone said, because he believed it was the right thing to do.

37. She said excitedly that she had always dreamed of traveling to Paris and that now her dream was finally coming true.

38. Paul scolded them for not being more careful with the documents, adding that they now had to start over.

39. Sarah said gratefully that she really appreciated all the help they had given her during that difficult time.

40. The environmentalist urged them passionately that they must take immediate action if they wanted to prevent further damage to the environment.

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