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2 Oktober 2024 06:10

50 Contoh kalimat past continuous tense, bisa jadi referensi belajar

Tense ini dibentuk menggunakan was atau were diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk -ing. Dwiyana Pangesthi

Brilio.net - Past continuous tense sering digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu. Tense ini membantu memberikan detail tentang waktu kejadian yang spesifik, terutama ketika ada peristiwa lain yang terjadi bersamaan. Jika kamu ingin menceritakan apa yang sedang dilakukan pada saat tertentu di masa lalu, past continuous tense akan sangat berguna.

Tense ini dibentuk menggunakan was atau were diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk -ing. Misalnya, I was studying berarti "Saya sedang belajar" pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Dengan mempelajari dan memahami kalimat-kalimat past continuous tense, kamu bisa memperkaya kosakata serta keterampilan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.

50 Contoh kalimat past perfect interogatif, lengkap dengan rumusnya

Dengan mengetahui contoh kalimat past continuous tense, bisa kamu jadikan referensi belajar. Setiap contoh disertai dengan penjelasan singkat agar kamu lebih mudah memahami penggunaannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Yuk, simak ulasan yang brilio.net himpun dari berbagai sumber pada Selasa (1/10).

Pengertian dan rumus past continuous tense.

foto: freepik.com

55 Contoh kalimat positif di lingkungan sekolah, lengkap dengan ulasannya

Past continuous tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan bahwa suatu tindakan sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Rumusnya sederhana, yakni:

Subjek + was/were + Verb-ing + objek atau keterangan waktu.

Contoh, "She was cooking when I arrived." Artinya, saat seseorang tiba, si dia sedang memasak. Subjek di sini adalah she, lalu menggunakan was karena subjeknya tunggal, dan diikuti dengan kata kerja cook yang berubah menjadi cooking.

Untuk subjek jamak seperti we, you, dan they, kamu menggunakan were sebagai pengganti was. Misalnya, We were watching a movie at 8 PM. Artinya, pada jam 8 malam, kami sedang menonton film.

Fungsi past continuous tense.

foto: freepik.com

Past continuous tense digunakan dalam beberapa situasi berbeda. Di antaranya:

1. Menggambarkan aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu. Contohnya: "I was sleeping when the phone rang." Pada saat telepon berdering, aku sedang tidur.

2. Menggambarkan dua aktivitas yang berlangsung bersamaan di masa lalu. Contoh: "While she was studying, I was cooking dinner." Ketika dia belajar, aku sedang memasak.

3. Menunjukkan aktivitas yang terjadi sebelum dan berlanjut sampai kejadian lain terjadi. Contoh: "He was walking to the store when it started to rain." Saat dia sedang berjalan ke toko, hujan mulai turun.

Contoh kalimat past continuous tense.

foto: freepik.com

1. I was reading a book when you called me.
2. They were playing football when it started to rain.
3. She was cooking dinner when the doorbell rang.
4. We were watching a movie at 9 PM last night.
5. He was driving to work when he saw the accident.
6. My parents were sleeping when I came home.
7. The kids were playing outside while I was cleaning the house.
8. I was writing an email when my computer crashed.
9. You were talking to John when I saw you.
10. She was studying all night for her exam.
11. They were eating lunch when we arrived.
12. He was fixing his car while his wife was gardening.
13. I was singing in the shower when you knocked on the door.
14. The teacher was explaining the lesson when the fire alarm went off.
15. They were waiting for the bus when it started snowing.
16. We were dancing when the music suddenly stopped.
17. He was painting the house when it began to rain.
18. I was listening to music while I was working on my project.
19. The baby was crying when I entered the room.
20. She was working late at the office last night.
21. They were playing chess when I visited them.
22. I was having lunch when my phone rang.
23. The students were discussing the topic when the teacher walked in.
24. We were walking in the park when we saw a rainbow.
25. He was exercising at the gym when I called him.
26. She was drawing a picture while her brother was playing with toys.
27. I was baking a cake when the oven suddenly stopped working.
28. They were arguing about something trivial when I saw them.
29. He was fixing his bike when it started to rain.
30. We were decorating the Christmas tree when our friends arrived.
31. She was sewing a dress when her mother called her.
32. They were preparing for the party when I reached their house.
33. I was swimming in the pool when it started to rain.
34. The children were playing hide and seek when their parents came home.
35. She was teaching a class when the principal entered the room.
36. He was reading a newspaper when his friend visited him.
37. We were waiting for the train when the announcement was made.
38. They were celebrating their victory when we arrived at the stadium.
39. I was cleaning the garage when I found my old skateboard.
40. She was washing the dishes when her phone rang.
41. He was mowing the lawn when it began to rain.
42. The cat was sleeping on the sofa when I got home.
43. They were walking their dog when I saw them in the park.
44. I was packing my suitcase when I realized I forgot my passport.
45. She was knitting a scarf when I called her.
46. We were preparing dinner when the power went out.
47. He was playing the piano when the guests arrived.
48. They were having a picnic when it started to rain.
49. She was reading a novel when her brother interrupted her.
50. I was taking a nap when you knocked on the door.

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