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26 September 2024 22:30

50 Contoh kalimat past perfect continuous tense, pahami rumus dan fungsinya

Kunci past perfect continous tense ada pada durasi yang sudah terjadi sebelum aksi lain terjadi di masa lalu. Dwiyana Pangesthi
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Brilio.net - Past perfect continuous tense mungkin terdengar rumit, namun penggunaannya sebenarnya sangat sederhana. Tense ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan berlangsung sampai titik waktu tertentu sebelum akhirnya berhenti. Kuncinya ada pada durasi yang sudah terjadi sebelum aksi lain terjadi di masa lalu.

Rumus dari past perfect continuous tense adalah: subject + had + been + verb-ing. Misalnya, I had been studying, berarti kamu sudah belajar selama beberapa waktu sebelum berhenti. Nah, memahami rumus ini akan memudahkan kamu untuk menggunakan tense ini dengan benar.

50 Contoh kalimat argumentatif berbagai tema, singkat dan menarik

Fungsinya sendiri untuk menekankan durasi suatu kejadian sebelum peristiwa lain. Jadi, ketika kamu ingin menceritakan sesuatu yang sudah berlangsung lama sebelum kejadian lain, tense ini menjadi pilihan tepat.

Berikut ini brilio.net himpun dari berbagai sumber, Kamis (26/9) contoh kalimat past perfect continuous tense yang akan mempermudah kamu dalam menguasainya.

1. Contoh kalimat past perfect continuous tense dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

40 Contoh kalimat kompleks dan kalimat tunggal, lengkap dengan ciri dan strukturnya

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1. She had been working at the company for five years before she got promoted.
2. I had been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes before it arrived.
3. We had been cooking for hours when the guests finally arrived.
4. They had been studying all night before the exam started.
5. John had been playing guitar for two hours when his mother called him.
6. My sister had been cleaning her room before I entered.
7. He had been running for an hour before he felt tired.
8. I had been reading the book before you came to visit.
9. We had been watching TV for three hours before we decided to sleep.
10. The dog had been barking loudly for minutes before its owner calmed it down.

2. Contoh kalimat dalam konteks akademis.

11. The teacher had been explaining the lesson when the bell rang.
12. They had been conducting the research for months before they found the result.
13. The students had been practicing the dance before the performance began.
14. He had been revising his thesis for weeks before the deadline.
15. We had been analyzing the data before the professor asked for the report.
16. She had been preparing for the presentation all night before she gave it.
17. The team had been designing the project for six months before it was launched.
18. I had been writing the essay for hours before I submitted it.
19. They had been studying together before the tutor arrived.
20. He had been memorizing vocabulary for two hours before the test started.

3. Contoh kalimat dalam dunia pekerjaan.

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21. I had been working on the project for a week before my boss reviewed it.
22. She had been answering emails for hours before the meeting began.
23. They had been negotiating the contract before the deal was finalized.
24. The team had been developing the software for a year before it was released.
25. He had been leading the team for five years before he decided to resign.
26. We had been discussing the proposal before our manager joined the conversation.
27. The employees had been organizing the event for months before it took place.
28. He had been troubleshooting the issue before he found the solution.
29. She had been preparing the presentation for days before the client meeting.
30. The company had been expanding its market before the new CEO took over.

4. Contoh kalimat dalam situasi santai.

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31. I had been walking for hours before I found a place to rest.
32. They had been chatting for a while before they ordered dinner.
33. We had been playing video games for hours before we realized the time.
34. She had been shopping all day before she returned home.
35. He had been traveling for months before he settled in one place.
36. The kids had been playing outside before the rain started.
37. I had been jogging for an hour before I decided to stop.
38. We had been talking about old memories before the movie started.
39. He had been practicing guitar before he finally mastered the song.
40. They had been driving for hours before they found the right direction.

5. Contoh kalimat dalam hubungan sosial.

foto: freepik.com

41. I had been helping my friend move before we decided to take a break.
42. She had been calling her sister for days before she got a response.
43. They had been discussing the problem before they found a solution.
44. We had been planning the trip before they invited us to join.
45. He had been supporting his friend during difficult times.
46. I had been thinking about her before she called me.
47. They had been celebrating their anniversary before they received the news.
48. She had been comforting her brother before he calmed down.
49. We had been hanging out together before we met more friends.
50. He had been meeting his colleagues before they all went to lunch.

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