Contoh V1, V2, V3 Bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan penggunaannya dalam kalimat.
20 Contoh kata preposition dalam bahasa Inggris, lengkap dengan pengertian, kalimat dan artinya
1. Play
- V1: Play
- V2: Played
- V3: Played
Kalimat: He loves to play the guitar.
Arti: Dia suka bermain gitar.
2. Eat
V1: Eat
V2: Ate
V3: Eaten
Kalimat: She eats healthy food every day.
Arti: Dia makan makanan sehat setiap hari.
3. Read
- V1: Read
- V2: Read
- V3: Read
Kalimat: I read a fascinating book last night.
Arti: Saya membaca buku yang menarik semalam.
20 Contoh teks procedure dalam bahasa Inggris, lengkap dengan pengertiannya
4. Go
- V1: Go
- V2: Went
- V3: Gone
Kalimat: They went to the beach last weekend.
Arti: Mereka pergi ke pantai akhir pekan lalu.
5. Write
- V1: Write
- V2: Wrote
- V3: Written
Kalimat: She wrote a beautiful poem.
Arti: Dia menulis puisi yang indah.
6. Have
- V1: Have
- V2: Had
- V3: Had
Kalimat: We had a great time at the party.
Arti: Kami memiliki waktu yang menyenangkan di pesta.
7. Speak
- V1: Speak
- V2: Spoke
- V3: Spoken
Kalimat: He speaks three languages fluently.
Arti: Dia bisa berbicara tiga bahasa dengan lancar.
8. Run
- V1: Run
- V2: Ran
- V3: Run
Kalimat: The dog ran quickly in the park.
Arti: Anjing itu berlari dengan cepat di taman.
9. Take
- V1: Take
- V2: Took
- V3: Taken
Kalimat: She took a photo of the sunset.
Arti: Dia mengambil foto matahari terbenam.
10. Break
- V1: Break
- V2: Broke
- V3: Broken
Kalimat: He accidentally broke the vase.
Arti: Dia secara tidak sengaja merusak vas.
11. Do
- V1: Do
- V2: Did
- V3: Done
Kalimat: They did their homework diligently.
Arti: Mereka mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah mereka dengan tekun.
12. Sing
- V1: Sing
- V2: Sang
- V3: Sung
Kalimat: She sang a beautiful song at the concert.
Arti: Dia menyanyikan lagu yang indah di konser.
13. See
- V1: See
- V2: Saw
- V3: Seen
Kalimat: We saw a breathtaking view from the mountaintop.
Arti: Kami melihat pemandangan yang memukau dari puncak gunung.
14. Build
- V1: Build
- V2: Built
- V3: Built
Kalimat: They built a new house in the neighborhood.
Arti: Mereka membangun rumah baru di lingkungan tersebut.
15. Teach
- V1: Teach
- V2: Taught
- V3: Taught
Kalimat: The teacher taught us a valuable lesson.
Arti: Guru itu mengajarkan kepada kami pelajaran yang berharga.
16. Buy
- V1: Buy
- V2: Bought
- V3: Bought
Kalimat: She bought a beautiful dress for the party.
Arti: Dia membeli gaun cantik untuk pesta.
17. Drink
- V1: Drink
- V2: Drank
- V3: Drunk
Kalimat: They drank refreshing lemonade on a hot day.
Arti: Mereka minum lemon yang menyegarkan di hari yang panas.
18. Breakfast
- V1: Breakfast
- V2: Breakfasted
- V3: Breakfasted
Kalimat: We breakfasted early before the trip.
Arti: Kami sarapan pagi sebelum perjalanan.
19. Fly
- V1: Fly
- V2: Flew
- V3: Flown
Kalimat: Birds fly gracefully in the sky.
Arti: Burung terbang dengan anggun di langit.
20. Sleep
- V1: Sleep
- V2: Slept
- V3: Slept
Kalimat: He slept soundly through the night.
Arti: Dia tidur nyenyak sepanjang malam.
21. Play
- V1: Play
- V2: Played
- V3: Played
Kalimat: The children played happily in the park.
Arti: Anak-anak bermain dengan bahagia di taman.
22. Drive
- V1: Drive
- V2: Drove
- V3: Driven
Kalimat: She drove carefully on the icy road.
Arti: Dia mengemudi dengan hati-hati di jalan yang berlapis es.
23. Speak
- V1: Speak
- V2: Spoke
- V3: Spoken
Kalimat: He spoke eloquently during the presentation.
Arti: Dia berbicara dengan lancar selama presentasi.
24. Dance
- V1: Dance
- V2: Danced
- V3: Danced
Kalimat: The couple danced gracefully at the ball.
Arti: Pasangan itu menari dengan anggun di pesta dansa.
25. Write
- V1: Write
- V2: Wrote
- V3: Written
Kalimat: She wrote a heartfelt letter to her friend.
Arti: Dia menulis surat yang tulus kepada temannya.
26. Run
- V1: Run
- V2: Ran
- V3: Run
Kalimat: The athlete ran faster than everyone else.
Arti: Atlet itu berlari lebih cepat dari semua orang.
27. Break
- V1: Break
- V2: Broke
- V3: Broken
Kalimat: He accidentally broke the window with a ball.
Arti: Dia tanpa sengaja merusak jendela dengan bola.
28. Study
- V1: Study
- V2: Studied
- V3: Studied
Kalimat: They studied together for the upcoming exam.
Arti: Mereka belajar bersama untuk ujian yang akan datang.
29. Cook
- V1: Cook
- V2: Cooked
- V3: Cooked
Kalimat: She cooked a delicious meal for her family.
Arti: Dia memasak makanan lezat untuk keluarganya.
30. Swim
- V1: Swim
- V2: Swam
- V3: Swum
Kalimat: They swam in the crystal-clear lake.
Arti: Mereka berenang di danau yang jernih.
31. Speak
- V1: Speak
- V2: Spoke
- V3: Spoken
Kalimat: The president spoke passionately about unity.
Arti: Presiden berbicara dengan penuh semangat tentang persatuan.
32. Sing
- V1: Sing
- V2: Sang
- V3: Sung
Kalimat: The choir sang a beautiful hymn at the church.
Arti: Paduan suara menyanyikan himne yang indah di gereja.
33. Travel
- V1: Travel
- V2: Traveled
- V3: Traveled
Kalimat: They traveled to different countries during their vacation.
Arti: Mereka bepergian ke berbagai negara selama liburan mereka.
34. Draw
- V1: Draw
- V2: Drew
- V3: Drawn
Kalimat: She drew a beautiful landscape with colorful crayons.
Arti: Dia menggambar pemandangan yang indah dengan crayon berwarna.
35. Plant
- V1: Plant
- V2: Planted
- V3: Planted
Kalimat: They planted flowers in the garden last spring.
Arti: Mereka menanam bunga di taman musim semi lalu.
36. Jump
- V1: Jump
- V2: Jumped
- V3: Jumped
Kalimat: The kangaroo jumped over the fence effortlessly.
Arti: Kanguru melompati pagar dengan mudah.
37. Speak
- V1: Speak
- V2: Spoke
- V3: Spoken
Kalimat: She spoke softly to avoid waking the baby.
Arti: Dia berbicara dengan lembut agar tidak membangunkan bayi.
38. Sleep
- V1: Sleep
- V2: Slept
- V3: Slept
Kalimat: The baby slept peacefully in the crib.
Arti: Bayi itu tidur dengan tenang di buaian.
39. Ride
- V1: Ride
- V2: Rode
- V3: Ridden
Kalimat: They rode horses along the beach at sunset.
Arti: Mereka berkendara kuda di sepanjang pantai saat matahari terbenam.
40. Clean
- V1: Clean
- V2: Cleaned
- V3: Cleaned
Kalimat: She cleaned the entire house before the guests arrived.
Artis: Dia membersihkan seluruh rumah sebelum tamu datang.
41. Study
- V1: Study
- V2: Studied
- V3: Studied
Kalimat: He studied diligently for the important exam.
Arti: Dia belajar dengan tekun untuk ujian penting.
42. Open
- V1: Open
- V2: Opened
- V3: Opened
Kalimat: She opened the gift with excitement.
Arti: Dia membuka kado dengan penuh kegembiraan.
43. Watch
- V1: Watch
- V2: Watched
- V3: Watched
Kalimat: We watched a fascinating documentary about wildlife.
Arti: Kami menonton dokumenter yang menarik tentang satwa liar.
44. Build
- V1: Build
- V2: Built
- V3: Built
Kalimat: They built a sturdy bridge across the river.
Arti: Mereka membangun jembatan yang kokoh melintasi sungai.
45. Plant
- V1: Plant
- V2: Planted
- V3: Planted
Kalimat: We planted trees in the backyard for shade.
Arti: Kami menanam pohon di halaman belakang untuk naungan.
46. Play
- V1: Play
- V2: Played
- V3: Played
Kalimat: The kids played joyfully in the playground.
Arti: Anak-anak bermain dengan gembira di taman bermain.
47. Dance
- V1: Dance
- V2: Danced
- V3: Danced
Kalimat: They danced all night at the wedding celebration
Arti: Mereka menari sepanjang malam di pesta pernikahan.
48. Try
- V1: Try
- V2: Tried
- V3 Tried
Kalimat: By the time he joined the team, they had already tried multiple strategies.
Arti: Pada saat dia bergabung dengan tim, mereka sudah mencoba beberapa strategi.
49. Stir
- V1: Stir
- V2: Stirred
- V3: Stirred
Kalimat: Before the guests arrived, he had stirred the sauce for the pasta.
Arti: Sebelum tamu datang, dia sudah mengaduk saus untuk pasta.)
50. Kill
- V1: Kill
- V2: Killed
- V3: Killed
Kalimat: By the time the police arrived, the criminal had already killed two people.
Arti: Pada saat polisi tiba, pelaku kejahatan sudah membunuh dua orang.)