- Belajar bahasa Inggris akan jadi lebih mudah jika kamu sudah bisa menguasai kosakatanya. Setelah menguasai berbagai macam kosakata, maka tahap selanjutnya dapat mengerti kamu akan lebih mudah mempelajari bentuk-bentuk kalimat maupun kata kerjanya. Salah satu yang patut kamu pelajari adalah kata adverb.
Adverb terdiri dari beberapa jenis kata yang berkaitan dengan waktu, tempat, negosiasi, dan berbagai bentuk lainnya. Kata adverb berfungsi sebagai pelengkap kalimat dan berperan penting dalam penyusunan suatu kalimat. Agar memahami kata adverb lebih jauh lagi, berikut disajikan pengertian dan jenis kata adverb yang mudah dipahami, dikutip dari berbagai sumber, Minggu (23/4).
75 Contoh kata kerja relasional bahasa Indonesia serta pengertian dan strukturnya yang mudah dipahami
Pengertian kata adverb
Adverb adalah kata yang digunakan untuk memodifikasi atau memberikan informasi tambahan tentang verb, adjective, atau adverb lain dalam suatu kalimat. Adverb biasanya digunakan untuk menjelaskan cara, tempat, waktu, frekuensi, atau derajat suatu kejadian atau tindakan dalam kalimat.
65 Contoh kalimat kata kerja mental dalam teks persuasi, lengkap dengan pengertian dan jenisnya
Adverb dapat ditempatkan di berbagai posisi dalam kalimat tergantung pada jenis dan fungsi adverb tersebut. Beberapa adverb umumnya ditempatkan di awal atau akhir kalimat, seperti adverb waktu dan adverb tempat, sementara adverb cara biasanya ditempatkan setelah verb yang dimodifikasinya. Penting untuk memahami peran dan fungsi adverb dalam kalimat agar dapat menggunakannya dengan benar dan menghindari kesalahan dalam pemakaian bahasa.
Ahli linguistik menyatakan bahwa adverb adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mengubah makna kata kerja, kata sifat, atau kata keterangan lainnya dalam suatu kalimat. Adverb biasanya digunakan untuk memberikan informasi tambahan tentang bagaimana, di mana, kapan, atau seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan dalam kalimat.
Menurut ahli linguistik lainnya, adverb adalah kata yang digunakan untuk memberikan informasi tambahan tentang verb, adjective, atau adverb lainnya dalam kalimat. Adverb dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan waktu, tempat, cara, derajat, atau frekuensi suatu kegiatan dalam kalimat.
Secara umum, ahli linguistik sepakat bahwa adverb merupakan salah satu jenis kata yang sangat penting dalam bahasa karena dapat mempengaruhi makna dan nuansa dalam suatu kalimat. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman tentang penggunaan dan fungsi adverb yang tepat sangat penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa, baik untuk kepentingan akademis maupun praktis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
1. Adverb of manner
Adverb jenis ini menjelaskan bagaimana suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Contohnya: quickly (cepat), slowly (lambat), carefully (hati-hati), dll.
2. Adverb of place
Adverb jenis ini memberikan informasi tentang di mana suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Contohnya: here (di sini), there (di sana), outside (di luar), dll.
3. Adverb of time
Adverb jenis ini menjelaskan kapan suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Contohnya: now (sekarang), later (nanti), yesterday (kemarin), dll.
4. Adverb of frequency
Adverb jenis ini memberikan informasi tentang seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Contohnya: always (selalu), never (tidak pernah), rarely (jarang), dll.
5. Adverb of degree
Adverb jenis ini menjelaskan seberapa besar atau kecil suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Contohnya: very (sangat), quite (cukup), almost (hampir), dll.
6. Adverb of affirmation
Adverb jenis ini digunakan untuk menyatakan persetujuan atau keyakinan. Contohnya: certainly (pasti), indeed (memang), absolutely (sangat), dll.
7. Adverb of negation
Adverb jenis ini digunakan untuk menyangkal atau menolak suatu pernyataan. Contohnya: not (tidak), never (tidak pernah), no (tidak), dll.
8. Adverb of reason
Adverb jenis ini memberikan alasan atau penyebab suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Contohnya: because (karena), therefore (oleh karena itu), hence (sehingga), dll.
9. Interrogative adverb
Adverb jenis ini digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan. Contohnya: where (di mana), when (kapan), why (mengapa), dll.
1. Slowly (lambat): She walked slowly to the bus stop.
2. Quickly (cepat): He typed quickly on his computer.
3. Carefully (hati-hati): She held the fragile vase carefully.
4. Loudly (keras): The band played their music loudly.
5. Softly (lembut): She spoke softly to the baby.
6. Sadly (sedih): She cried sadly after watching a sad movie.
7. Brightly (terang): The sun shone brightly in the sky.
8. Darkly (gelap): The room was darkly lit.
9. Beautifully (indah): The flowers bloomed beautifully in the garden.
10. Happily (bahagia): They happily walked on the beach.
11. Nervously (gugup): She nervously waited for the exam result.
12. Briskly (gesit): She walked briskly to the office.
13. Calmly (tenang): He handled the situation calmly.
14. Angrily (marah): He spoke angrily to his friend.
15. Quietly (senyap): They quietly walked through the library.
16. Clearly (jelas): The teacher explained the lesson clearly.
17. Eagerly (bersemangat): The children eagerly opened their gifts.
18. Patiently (sabar): She waited patiently for her turn.
19. Fearfully (takut): He looked fearfully at the dark alley.
20. Courageously (berani): He courageously saved the drowning child.
21. Honestly (jujur): She answered the question honestly.
22. Carelessly (asal-asalan): He did his work carelessly.
23. Frequently (sering): They frequently visited their grandparents.
24. Occasionally (kadang-kadang): She occasionally eats fast food.
25. Rarely (jarang): He rarely goes to the cinema.
26. Almost (hampir): She almost missed the bus.
27. Fully (sepenuhnya): He fully understood the concept.
28. Only (hanya): She only drinks coffee in the morning.
29. Too (terlalu): The coffee was too hot to drink.
30. Enough (cukup): She had enough time to finish the project.
31. Almost (hampir): He almost forgot his keys.
32. Completely (sepenuhnya): She completely finished her work.
33. Hardly (hampir tidak): They hardly had time to rest.
34. Mostly (sebagian besar): The event was mostly attended by young people.
35. Partly (sebagian): She was partly responsible for the accident.
36. Nearly (hampir): He nearly missed his flight.
37. Really (benar-benar): She was really happy to see her friend.
38. Simply (secara sederhana): He explained the concept simply.
39. Slightly (sedikit): The water was slightly warm.
40. Totally (sepenuhnya): He totally disagreed with his friend.
41. Utterly (sangat): She was utterly exhausted after the trip.
42. Well (baik): He played well in the basketball game.
43. Quite (sangat): She was quite surprised by the news.
44. Enough (cukup): They earned enough money to buy a new car.
45. Barely (hampir tidak): She barely passed the exam.
46. Notably (terutama): The restaurant was notably busy during the lunch hour.
47. Simply (secara sederhana): She simply couldn't finish the work in time.
48. Essentially (pada dasarnya): The book is essentially a love story.
49. Particularly (terutama): She was particularly interested in the history of the city.
50. Merely (hanya): He merely nodded his head in agreement.
51. Approximately (sekitar): The journey took approximately two hours.
52. Exactly (tepat): She arrived exactly at 8 o'clock.
53. Fully (sepenuhnya): He was fully aware of the consequences of his actions.
54. Hence (karena itu): She couldn't attend the meeting, hence she sent her assistant.
55. Mostly (sebagian besar): The guests were mostly from out of town.
56. Nearly (hampir): He nearly fell off the ladder.
57. Obviously (jelas): It was obviously a mistake on his part.
58. Rarely (jarang): They rarely eat out at fancy restaurants.
59. Seriously (serius): She took the problem seriously and found a solution.
60. Somehow (entah bagaimana): He somehow managed to finish the project on time.
61. Suddenly (tiba-tiba): The car suddenly swerved to the left.
62. Surely (pasti): She surely knew the answer to the question.
63. Together (bersama-sama): They worked together on the project.
64. Unfortunately (sayangnya): Unfortunately, the event was cancelled due to bad weather.
65. Usually (biasanya): He usually wakes up at 6 o'clock in the morning.
66. Very (sangat): She was very happy with her new job.
67. Almost (hampir): They were almost at the top of the mountain.
68. Clearly (jelas): The instructions were clearly written on the package.
69. Early (awal): She arrived early for the meeting.
70. Highly (sangat): He was highly recommended for the position.
71. Only (hanya): The restaurant serves only vegetarian food.
72. Simply (secara sederhana): She simply couldn't understand the math problem.
73. Truly (benar-benar): He was truly sorry for what he had done.
74. Very (sangat): The weather was very hot that day.
75. Happily (senang): They happily celebrated their anniversary.