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13 Oktober 2022 07:42

Kamus bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia dan contoh kalimatnya

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Kamus bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia dan contoh kalimatnya

Kamus bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia dan contoh kalimatnya.

1. About: Tentang
Contoh: I am always thinking about you.

2. Activity: Aktivitas
Contoh: Writing is my favorite activity.

Pengertian persamaan kata, jenis dan contoh penerapannya

3. After: Setelah
Contoh: After all this time, i am still doing my homework.

4. Again: Lagi
Contoh: Over and over again

5. Agree: Setuju
Contoh: I am agree with your statement.

13 Beda kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris, Indonesia, dan Jawa ini kocak

6. Always: Selalu
Contoh: I will always love you

7. Arrive: Tiba
Contoh: I am just arrive in this airport.

8. Asking: Bertanya
Contoh: Thankyou for asking.

9. Baby: Bayi
Contoh: I have a new baby

10. Bad: Buruk
Contoh: You have a bad attitude.

11. Ball: Bola
Contoh: He playing football.

12. Bear: Beruang
Contoh: Bear has a big body.

13. Beauty: Kecantikan
Contoh: Inner beauty is important.

14. Bed: Tempat tidur
Contoh: My bed is dirty.

15. Before: Sebelum
Contoh: Before going to school, i always take a bath.

16. Begin: Mulai
Contoh: Begin again.

17. Believe: Percaya
Contoh: I believe in you.

18. Best: Terbaik
Contoh: She is the best student in the class.

19. Big: Besar
Contoh: She was grow up and being my big sister

20. Bird: Burung
Contoh: Bird is one of animal which can fly.

21. Can: Dapat
Contoh: I can do it.

22. Come: Ayo
Contoh: He was come two years ago.

23. Do: lakukan
Contoh: I do to deserve you.

24. Go: Pergi
Contoh: This morning, i and my mother going to the market.

25. Drink: Minum
Contoh: She like to drink green tea.

26. Help: Tolong
Contoh: When i was younger, i ever help my father to feed the chicken.

27. Like: Suka
Contoh: Sinta like all Denny Caknan's song.

28. Think: Pikir
Contoh: I think you're right.

29. Need: Butuh
Contoh: I need you.

30. Have: memiliki
Contoh: I have doll.

31. Eat: makan
Contoh: I want to eat.

32. Sit: Duduk
Contoh: Sit down nicely.

33. Sleep: Tidur
Contoh: I will sleep early tonight.

34. Buy: membeli
Contoh: My father buy a new car.

35. Brave: Berani
Contoh: She is a brave girls.

36. Flaunt: Memamerkan
Contoh: I gave him a chance to flaunt his achievement.

37. Garden: Taman
Contoh: I heard that there is a beautiful garden in this city.

38. Quick: Cepat
Contoh: I ate a quick lunch.

39. Receive: Menerima
Contoh: I received an invitation.

40. Whisper: Berbisik
Contoh: I heard you guys whispering.

41. Train: Berlatih
Contoh: Idol SM entertainment was trainee for seven years.

42. Cut: Memotong
Contoh: My father cut a grass now.

43. Look: Melihat
Contoh: She look so perfect tonight

44. Love: mencintai
Contoh: I love you.

45. Write: Menulis
Contoh: Teacher write on a black board.

Magang: Feni Listiyani

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