- Halo Sobat Brilio, saat ini kamu udah bisa banyak ketemu orang secara tatap muka setelah lama terkungkung pandemi. Nah, kira-kira Sobri udah nyiapin gimana cara memperkenalkan diri kembali setelah sekian lama nggak ketemu orang-orang baru?
Nah, kalau belum bisa cek info di bawah ini supaya Sobat Brilio bisa memperkenalkan diri dengan cara yang keren. Salah satu perkenalan diri yang keren bisa menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
59 Contoh kalimat perintah beserta penjelasannya
Perkenalan dalam bahasa Inggris bukan hanya sekadar menyebutkan nama dan alamat aja ya, guys. Ada pepatah yang mengatakan " Tak kenal maka tak sayang ", nah maka dari itu, cara seseorang memperkenalkan diri juga penting ya, supaya first impression orang terhadapmu bisa terlihat lebih keren.
Perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris atau self introduction biasa dilakukan saat pertama kali bertemu dengan orang baru. Melakukan perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris juga tidak sulit. Sobat Brilio jangan khawatir, kamu bisa temukan beberapa cara memperkenalkan diri dengan keren lewat bahasa Inggris yang sudah rangkum khusus untuk Sobat Brilio, Rabu (21/9).
Struktur memperkenalkan diri dengan bahasa Inggris.
Sebelum Sobri baca ke bagian contoh, ada baiknya kamu tahu dulu susunan atau struktur saat memperkenalkan diri dengan bahasa Inggris.
Contoh teks prosedur bahasa Inggris simpel, lengkap dengan ciri-ciri
- Awali dengan salam dan juga sapaan.
Ketika Sobat Brilio berkenalan, jangan lupa gunakan salam dan sapaan yang benar dan tentunya secara sopan. Berikut contoh salam dan sapaan yang baik:
1. Hello! (Halo!)
2. Hi! (Hai!)
3. Good morning Sir and all of my friends here! (Selamat pagi Bapak dan semua teman-teman saya di sini!)
4. Hi everyone. Good afternoon! (Halo semua! Selamat siang!)
5. Hi everybody! (Halo semua!)
- Sampaikan maksud dari percakapan.
Menyampaikan maksud dari percakapan itu baik, supaya orang yang kamu ajak berkenalan tahu maksud dari sapaan yang kamu berikan sebelumnya. Berikut contoh kalimat yang biasa digunakan untuk menyampaikan maksud percakapanmu saat memperkenalkan maksud percakapan:
1. Let me introduce myself (Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya)
2. I would like to introduce myself (Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya)
3. I'm right here to introduce myself (Saya di sini untuk memperkenalkan diri saya)
- Mulai dengan perkenalan identitas.
Sebuah perkenalan identitas yang biasanya disebutkan adalah nama lengkap, nama panggilan, asal kelahiran dan tempat tinggal, hingga background pendidikan. Namun, tentunya hal ini juga akan disesuaikan dengan situasi atau momen yang sedang kamu ikuti. Berikut contohnya :
1. My full name is. (Nama lengkapku adalah.)
2. My name is (Namaku adalah.)
3. Im. (Saya.)
4. People usually call me.. (Orang-orang biasa memanggilku..)
5. You can call me. (Kamu bisa memanggilku)
Sedangkan saat menyebutkan alamat, kamubisa menggunakan kalimat berikut:
1. Currently I live in. (Sekarang aku tinggal di)
2. My address is (Alamatku berada di.)
3. I come from. (Saya datang dari.)
- Kalimat penutup diikuti rasa terima kasih.
Saat akan mengakhiri perkenalan diri, Sobri juga sampaikan rasa terima kasih. Berikut ini bisa Sobat Brilio gunakan untuk mengakhiri perkenalan dirimu:
1. This is the end of my self-introduction (Inilah akhir dari perkenalan saya)
2. Thats all from me (Itu saja dari saya)
3. Thank you for your attention (Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda)
4. Pleased to meet you! (Senang berkenalan denganmu!)
5. Glad to see you (Senang bertemu denganmu)
6. Nice to meet you! (Senang bertemu denganmu)
Nah, setelah semua itu dilakukan, tentunya Sobat Brilio juga harus menyampaikan perkenalan diri kalian dengan nada dan intonasi yang baik, serta dibarengi dengan gestur dan mimik muka yang mendukung.
Magang: Muhammad Reza Ariski
Contoh perkenalan diri menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
1. Good morning friends. We are from group 6 and will present the results of our group's research on marketing strategies in the digital era. My name is Nuraini and I am the group leader. Then there are Clayton and Sasha as members. For those who have questions for discussion, you can deliver at the end after we have finished presenting the material. Thank you.
2. Good morning friends, To all of my friends, allow me to make an introduction to who I am. My full name is Johnny Lee . People usually call me Johnny. I'm the second child in my family. I was born in Jakarta, on July 14th, 1999. Currently, I live in Tebet, South Jakarta. I really like music and I can play some musical instruments like guitar, piano, and bass. Besides that, I am also interested in Graphic Design. Currently, I have a portfolio for professional graphic design for social media, PowerPoint, and so on. I think thats all from me. Nice to meet you. Thank you!
3. Hello, my name is Mark Lee. I am the creator of Speaking English, a blog for intermediate English learners who want to become more fluent in the language. I am originally from Canada and I currently live in the United States. I have been a teacher since 2008, and specialize in business writing and IELTS preparation. Before becoming a teacher, I worked as a copy-editor for government agencies in Washington DC and as a ghostwriter for startup founders and independent consultants around the world. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, practicing photography, and exploring the city by bicycle.
4. Hi everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Letusha Gunawan, just call me Ucha. I was born in Madura. I'm currently managing my own F&B business. Besides that, I am also focusing on writing novels to achieve my dream; become a famous writer. I Hope that I can make my dream come true. That's all I can say in this introduction. Thank you and have a nice day!
5. Good morning everyone,To all of my friends, allow me to make an introduction to who I am. My full name is David Beckham. People usually call me David. I'm the second child in my family. I was born in Jakarta, on July 14th, 1999. Currently, I live in Tebet, South Jakarta.I really like music and I can play some musical instruments like guitar, piano, and bass. Besides that, I am also interested in Graphic Design. Currently, I have a portfolio of professional graphic design for social media, PowerPoint, and so on. I think thats all from me. Nice to meet you. Thank you!
6. Hello friends, I hope all is well.I am here to introduce myself. My name is Nabila, I was born on February 9th, 2000. I came from Surabaya but now I live in Bandung and study at ITB. My address is on Jalan Ganesha, Bandung. I am currently in the 8th semester, studying business and Management in ITB.I love reading books, of course. My favorite day is Saturday because that day I can be free to read my favorite books, especially fiction books. My role author is Tere Liye because I think his imagination is amazing. Normally I spend my days off in a bookstore, cafe, and my home yard. I think thats enough. Thank you.
7. Good morning. My name is Fara, and Im the VP of the Finance Department in PT Alam Jaya. Ive always been passionate about finding smart ways to save money. I believe establishing money management strategies as early as possible is the key to securing your future. I began using these strategies myself as I was working through college, and I now have over $10 million in my retirement fund. That amount is growing every day, and Im here to teach you how to set up an account like that, too. I hope we can make a good collaboration.
8. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. How are you? Thank you for coming here. I hope everyone is healthy now. I am so excited today because we are going to talk about a plan for our business partnership. Before we start the meeting, let me introduce myself and our business team. I am Nita Lukiami from North Asia Group. I'm a Sales Marketing Supervisor, and I will moderate this meeting. Id like you to meet our Director, Mr. Johnson. He graduated from Harvard University majoring in Management of Technology. Hes experienced in the business. During his tenure, he has driven us to succeed in many partnerships with many big companies in Indonesia. I think the introduction session was very good.
9. Hi Sir/Mam, let me introduce myself. My name is Ruri. Im a recent elementary education graduate from Ball State University. Ive been working at a camp for elementary children this summer, and Im excited to find my first teaching position for the coming school year. I have several original lesson plans I created during my teaching internship that I look forward to implementing in my own classroom. I attended Brookwood Elementary myself and believe I would be a great fit for your second-grade opening. It would be a joy for me to teach students in the same place that sparked my love of learning.