- Postur dan berat badan menjadi sesuatu yang penting bagi sebagian orang. Untuk menjaga berat badan tetap ideal dan sehat, dibutuhkan juga keseimbangan antara bobot dan asupan makan.

Banyak juga orang yang mengalami berat badan yang terlalu berlebihan dan terlalu di bawah rata-rata dengan usia mereka. Berupaya untuk diet dan menambah gizi makanan yang dikonsumsi juga menjadi pilihan bagi mereka untuk tetap mendapat tubuh yang ideal.

Bagi wanita, berat badan menjadi sesuatu yang krusial dan memiliki body goals adalah dambaan bagi mereka. Terlihat cantik dengan badan yang pas dan tubuh yang sangat ideal adalah tujuan hidup wanita.

Dikutip dari berbagai akun Instagram, Jumat (20/4) ini adalah potret wanita yang memilih untuk menaikkan berat badannya agar terlihat lebih menarik dan proporsional. Seperti apa? Simak foto-foto selengkapnya sebagai berikut.

1. Claire Guentz.

I know I've shared this before but I'm sharing it again because it seemed to resonate with a good amount of people. . On the left was a couple weeks after I had broken my jaw, and had lost over 10 lbs. initially. On the right is a week or so ago. Now, I have never been someone to fixate on my actual weight, I didn't even own a scale until last year. But, for whatever reason, seeing that lower number on the scale messed with my head a little bit. I knew I needed to gain back the weight, but I think there is this automatic association that weighing less is somehow better. Obviously this is not true but I think that has been engrained in us by society. And to be honest, I knew I needed to gain back the weight but I didn't see the hurry. I didn't think I looked unhealthy. I thought I looked fine...lean even. It wasn't until I saw this photo on the left that I remember thinking, "oh, shit...definitely do not have a butt anymore" Which yes, is funny to an extent...but it's also a little scary how something can be so engrained in us (a lower number on the scale) and us embody that without even knowing it. . Even for someone who doesn't use a scale (I just weigh myself for macro adjustments), I do understand how the number on the scale can have a big impact on someone. So I just really encourage you guys to adjust your goals based on what you see in the mirror and how you are feeling about your body (if that makes sense). Yes, the number on the scale CAN be an indicator of progress, but it is NOT the only indicator. I look at these photos and on the right is someone who is healthy, happy, confident, and those are the things that I strive for. Those are what will make your progress meaningful, not the number on the damn scale #screwthescale #gainingweightiscool

A post shared by Claire Guentz (@claireguentz) on

Coba nih lihat, foto before afternya dari kurus hingga atletis begini. Keren, kan?

2. Mackenzie Forbes.

Ayo tetap rajin berolahraga supaya kamu bisa flawless kayak gini, girls!

3. Steffy K Joson.

Very important caption Just wanted to lose some words to this transformation picture of me. I see so many picures of my transformation on other companies selling detox teas, supplements, workoutplans or products without even asking me. But thats not even the point of this caption. I never used these products and im really annoyed & pissed off that so many people in the fitness industry steal pictures of others to promote their shitty products. So many innocent people do believe i used the products and they can achieve the same transformation like i did. PLS DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING ON SOCIAL MEDIA! The first workoutplan i bought was from @tammyhembrow , second one from @katyaelisehenry ! I trained one year with their plans after that i trained by myself and created my own workout guides! This transformation took me 3 years! Just wanted to clear this out my loves its really sad but thats the truth of the fitness industry nowadays, all for klicks and the money. Pls dont believe everything you see ______________________________________________ Btw im having a huge sale on my bestseller the peachprogress ! All about bootybuilding and the story behind this transformation go take a look on my second page @shapesbysteffy for more infos #Transformation

A post shared by S T E F F Y (@stefkjoson) on

Penampilan Steffy yang drastis ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa ia semakin seksi dengan menaikkan berat badannya.

4. Abby Pollock.

Kalau dilihat, Abby memang salah satu wanita yang sangat menekuni dunia fitness dan membuat badannya juga terlihat fit.

5. Emily Skye.

Before anyone whips out the "I like the before pic better" comments, read the following: - 1st pic: 2008 / 47kg This is before I started strength training. I was only doing cardio & I was obsessed with being as skinny as I could be. I was starving myself & was really unhealthy & unhappy. I suffered depression & had terrible body image. 2nd pic: 2016 / 60kg I now weigh 13kg more, I lift heavy weights & do a little bit of HIIT. I dont do ANY long cardio sessions & I eat more than I've ever eaten in my life. I'm also happier, healthier, stronger & fitter than I have ever been. I no longer obsess over the way I look. I eat & train to feel my best, for overall "health" & longevity. I LOVE having muscle & I feel more confident than ever. When I first started lifting weights 7 years ago, I was finally starting to become healthy & happy for the first time in my life. I had friends at the time telling me I wasn't healthy & was taking it "too far". - This devastated me & had me in tears! I couldn't believe that the people who were supposed to love me weren't happy for me even though I was obviously much happier & healthier than I'd ever been. Luckily I decided not to listen to their put downs and kept going with my new healthy lifestyle & here I am today the best I've ever been, and I no longer have those "so called" friends. I now surround myself with positive, supportive people who are true friends to me! I love my life & I'm so grateful I decided to make those changes several years ago & committed to my healthy lifestyle. Now I'm able to help others become their best too! - My F.I.T. Programs that I created are all based around strength training & HIIT - it's what's given me & thousands of other ladies amazing, healthy, lasting results. (Click the link in my profile to join!) Exercise & eat nutritious food because you LOVE yourself & know that you deserve to be your best. Try not to focus on being "skinny" & just focus on your overall health - mental & physical. Don't listen to anyone who tries to bring you down. Surround yourself with positive, supportive, like-minded people & always do what makes you happy regardless of what anyone else thinks! .

A post shared by EMILY SKYE Health + Fitness (@emilyskyefit) on

Ibu dari satu orang anak ini terlihat tinggi, tetapi semakin tampak kurus juga. Emily pun menaikkan berat badannya hingga 13 kilo dalam kurun waktu 8 tahun.

6. Emma Louise.

Before anyone whips out the "I like the before pic better" comments, read the following: - 1st pic: 2008 / 47kg This is before I started strength training. I was only doing cardio & I was obsessed with being as skinny as I could be. I was starving myself & was really unhealthy & unhappy. I suffered depression & had terrible body image. 2nd pic: 2016 / 60kg I now weigh 13kg more, I lift heavy weights & do a little bit of HIIT. I dont do ANY long cardio sessions & I eat more than I've ever eaten in my life. I'm also happier, healthier, stronger & fitter than I have ever been. I no longer obsess over the way I look. I eat & train to feel my best, for overall "health" & longevity. I LOVE having muscle & I feel more confident than ever. When I first started lifting weights 7 years ago, I was finally starting to become healthy & happy for the first time in my life. I had friends at the time telling me I wasn't healthy & was taking it "too far". - This devastated me & had me in tears! I couldn't believe that the people who were supposed to love me weren't happy for me even though I was obviously much happier & healthier than I'd ever been. Luckily I decided not to listen to their put downs and kept going with my new healthy lifestyle & here I am today the best I've ever been, and I no longer have those "so called" friends. I now surround myself with positive, supportive people who are true friends to me! I love my life & I'm so grateful I decided to make those changes several years ago & committed to my healthy lifestyle. Now I'm able to help others become their best too! - My F.I.T. Programs that I created are all based around strength training & HIIT - it's what's given me & thousands of other ladies amazing, healthy, lasting results. (Click the link in my profile to join!) Exercise & eat nutritious food because you LOVE yourself & know that you deserve to be your best. Try not to focus on being "skinny" & just focus on your overall health - mental & physical. Don't listen to anyone who tries to bring you down. Surround yourself with positive, supportive, like-minded people & always do what makes you happy regardless of what anyone else thinks! .

A post shared by EMILY SKYE Health + Fitness (@emilyskyefit) on

Yey! Naik berat badan sekitar 10 kilogram membuat Emma menjadi lebih menarik dan sporty lho.