- Menikah dengan orang yang dicintai tentu menjadi kebahagiaan tersendiri bagi setiap pasangan. Perasaan inilah yang mengikat hubungan antar dua orang manusia berbeda jenis untuk menggapai cinta sejati dan berjuang bersama mengarungi biduk rumah tangga. Cinta yang dibangun sejak awal melangkah akan mempermudah cobaan seberat apapun.

Seperti kisah cinta pasangan muda asal Malaysia ini. Cinta mereka tak luntur meski ujian silih berganti datang dalam hidup mereka. Mereka adalah Nik Idzni Dalila Nik Mahmud dan Ahmad Kamal Effendi. Ujian terberat yang harus dilalui keduanya adalah saat dipisahkan oleh maut.

Nik Idzni Dalila meninggal genap setahun usia pernikahan. Ahmad Kamal menikahi kekasihnya setelah empat bulan berkenalan dan mengetahui gadis yang dicintainya itu menderita kanker ginjal stadium empat.

Meskipun demikian, keyakinan Ahmad Kamal untuk menjadikan Nik Idzni Idzni teman hidup sudah mantap. Kamal, sebagai seorang guru bahasa Inggris menerima Idzni sebagai istrinya dengan sepenuh hati. Keduanya akhirnya dapat menggelar pernikahan yang sederhana tapi khidmat pada 27 Desember 2015 silam.

Meskipun persiapan pernikahan harus dipantau Idzni dari jauh, niat baik mereka nyatanya dipermudah. Mengingat kala itu Idzni sedang menempuh pendidikan dokter di Queen Mary University of London.

On the 27/12/2015 at 12.36 pm( thanks to my ayah angkat for the details),we were officially husband and wife. Alhamdulillah, I cant thank Allah enough for the blessings He puts into my life. Thanks sayang nak kawen dgn I..hahahaha From the bottom of my heart, I thank everyone who made it to our solemnization.I would like to thank all my family members for helping me all the way through and made it possible to plan my big day being thousands miles away.I thank all my best buddies who made time to be part of my happiness be it before or on the day itself. I thank my two bestest friends who flew all the way from London to attend my wedding despite the crazy flight prices due to Christmas season. I thank each and everyone for all the well wishes and duas. I pray that Allah will reward you with the greatest blessing. Allah has blessed me so much sending all of you into my life and made me feel like I am the luckiest girl on earth. #alhamdulillah #kamalidznitietheknot #KamalwedsIdzni #kamalidzni

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Semua tamu undangan ikut berbahagia, mulai dari kerabat dan teman-teman mereka. Ditambah lagi dua orang sahabat Idzni di London ikut terbang ke Malaysia untuk menyaksikan janji suci antara Idzni dan Kamal. Namun rupanya kebahagiaan mereka juga tak lepas dari pertanyaan banyak orang.

Terlebih kepada keputusan Kamal, pria 26 tahun yang mau memperistri seorang pasien kanker. Tak peduli kata orang, bagi Kamal istrinya adalah wanita paling mandiri, berani, dan kuat melebihi gadis-gadis lain yang ia kenal.

I didn't know it could be that significant for my wife for the fact that she passes her final and very soon to be a doctor. After I read what she wrote on her blog I burst to tears; of how this good news actually a very important one. I think as much as my wife is open about her sickness, let me open up a bit to you whomever reading this. I was married to her so fast that we technically skipped dating. I told very few people about getting married and even less about whom I will be married to. Along the way, it is interesting because out of few people I shared the good news, half of them among friends questioned my choice; to marry a stage four cancer patient. Somewhat, I found that funny. I am so much of a person who is not about the look. This sickness that people sometimes make my wife feel less than a normal person does, was the actual reason I decided to tie the knot with her. Cancer has defined her to be the most independent, bravest and strongest girl I know of, and for that; she is the most attractive person I have known, and for that; she is definitely more than any girls I've known. Six months later, we're married a day after my birthday and we make it through long distance relationship prior her study in London. I don't know how much God will grant me time to make her happy, neither does she knows how much time we have. Knowing her now, her unshakeable faith truly taught me about the dependency on God. It is not even a year we live our life as husband and wife, but all I could say this woman is definitely my right choice. She is my girl, Doctor Idzni Dalila. I'm so proud of you sayang, and will always be. Love always, Your Instagram husband

A photo posted by Kamal Effendi K. (@kamaleffendi) on

Dikutip dari laman Mynewshub dan Dailymoslem, Kamis (12/1), ujian cinta mereka berdua tak cukup sampai disitu. Keduanya harus terpisah oleh jarak selama menempuh 'long distance marriage'. Namun Kamal terus menunjukkan cintanya dengan memberikan semangat serta kejutan-kejutan kecil untuk istri tercintanya.

Survived the long haul flight..How I wish I could drag the one that gave me this along to London

A photo posted by Nik Idzni Dalila (@nikidznidalila) on

Hingga pada akhirnya Kamal semakin bahagia saat mendengar kabar kelulusan Idzni dari Queen Mary University of London. Kamal juga merasa bangga karena dengan kondisi sang istri yang sakit, ia tetap mampu lulus dari Universitas yang tergolong paling baik di London.

So proud to be graduating from such an amazing university! Thank youu Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry,Queen Mary University of London. #QMULgrad

A photo posted by Nik Idzni Dalila (@nikidznidalila) on

Bahagia baru saja mereka rasakan hangatnya namun kondisi Idzni kian memburuk. Profesi dokter yang mati-matian ia kejar harus dilepas. Berat memang saat harus melepas apa yang telah diperjuangkan, tapi Idzni tak punya pilihan selain fokus pada kesehatannya.

It was one emotional day yesterday. The day I finally had the courage to say goodbye to the profession I thought I'll be doing for life. I remember learning the attributes of a good doctor in medical school and one of them is to know her own limitations.As for that, I think I can't do doctor anymore. It's emotional because I never quite imagine myself doing something else but staying in a place doing something that breaks me everyday is not wise either.I plan and Allah plans and He is indeed the best planner. There is a fine line between not giving up and pushing yourself too much till it compromises your own health and after a thorough deliberations and istikharah, I choose to leave. I choose to focus more on my health and put less pressure to my self.It's a tough decision but it has to be made but heyyy I'll be back home,close to my family, my husband and my friends insyaAllah. Allah knows best and I trust him. #byebyeDrIdzni #officiallyunemployed #BUDUakudatang

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Kondisi Idzni yang terus menurun pun mengharuskannya untuk melakukan berbagai terapi. Bahkan tak jarang ia harus bermalam di rumah sakit dan menahan sakitnya sendirian tanpa kehadiran keluarga.

Namun beruntungnya ia memiliki teman-teman yang begitu perhatian. Suami tercinta pun selalu berusaha untuk terus mendampinginya di London. Meninggalkan pekerjaan dan segala rutinitas di Malaysia.

Last week has been a very challenging one. I was admitted to the Royal London Hospital for 4 nights after my immunotherapy due to having severe pain all over my body especially on my chest and joints. The pain was so bad that a slight movement of any part of my body caused me to feel like someone was stabbing my chest continuously. Getting out of bed and a short trip to the loo were almost impossible. You know how everyday we don't even realise that being able to get out of bed,go to the toilet,wash up and do any other normal activities are blessings,not until they are taken away from us. When I was in pain, I remember how I miss praying normally(which I would not even notice if I didnt go through these days) or just being able to toss and turn in bed. I also learn about friendship in a whole new level. My family is far away but I have more visitors everyday than the one whose family are here. When I was in hospital,my friends came every single day after work,bought me food,texted me to make sure I am fine,flew my husband from Malaysia to be with me, surprised me with a gift I never expected,took care of me like their own family and prayed for my wellbeing. How could I not be grateful? Allah tests me but He sends all these amazing people to love me and care for me. There are too much blessings for me to count and I would rather focus on that and be grateful. This world is a temporary place but to be able to experience this kind of love makes me feel like I am the luckiest person on earth. I told my husband this,my friends make me feel so rich,the feeling that no amount of money would be able to trigger.#alhamdulillah . Mom told me this before, if we put our trust in Allah,He will never disappoint us. God knows how worried or how much my parents and siblings want to be here for me but the situation is very complicated. I know they never stop sending duas and this is how Allah answers them. He put me in good hands feeling loved and cared for before going home for good insyaAllah

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Doa terus mengalir untuk kesembuhan Idzni. Meski tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa terkadang Idzni berada di titik terlemahnya. Namun sosoknya yang begitu tegar tetap berusaha untuk tetap kuat dan berpikiran positif pada Allah.

Pasangan ini tahu benar bahwa semua hal yang terjadi dalam kehidupan mereka adalah atas seizin Allah, termasuk penyakit yang diderita Idzni. Oleh karena itu, mereka selalu mengingatkan diri agar selalu memperjuangkan yang terbaik dan menyerahkan hasilnya pada Allah.

Idzni paham bahwa apa yang dilakukan suaminya dengan menjadi pendamping seseorang dengan kanker stadium empat, bukanlah hal mudah. Oleh karena itu, ia tak lupa untuk selalu berterimakasih pada Allah karena telah mempertemukannya dengan lelaki penuh kasih sayang seperti Kamal.

To my dearest husband, Asking you to marry me has and will always be the most selfish decision I have ever made. Being your wife for the past 210 days makes me realise how glad I am to have found you. I can never thank God enough for sending you into my life. I know some people said "she's pretty,I'd marry her as well eventhough she has cancer" but they have no idea what they're talking about.They have no idea of how much sleep you've lost just to make me comfortable so that I could rest,how many times you went back and forth to the hospitals and clinics when I was in pain,how you had to clean up when my tummy decided not to take in the food I ate,how you had to do the dishes and pack the leftovers because I was too tired from just cooking simple meal and the list goes on but all in all they have no idea of how it feels like to face every single day knowing that you could lose your wife anytime.I'll be forever debted to you and I can only pray to God that He grants you the highest place in Jannah.If the day comes and I have to go, I pray that He makes you strong and with His mercy,I pray hard that we will be reunited in Jannatul Firdausi(ameen). I secretly pray that He sends you someone who will make you happy because you, out of all people deserve all the happiness in this world and the hereafter for your kindness and selflessness.Thank you for being such an amazing husband one can ask for and despite the ups and downs,the thought of being the luckiest person to be married to you never left my mind,not even for a second.

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Dan segala rencana dan apa yang telah diperjuangkan Idzni dan Kamal harus berakhir. Allah memutuskan untuk mengambil Idzni dari sisi Kamal. Namun meski terpisah wujud, cinta sejati mereka masih ada. Pengorbanan keduanya untuk memperjuangkan yang terbaik pada akhirnya harus menyerahkan hasilnya pada Allah.

Selamat jalan Idzni, semoga mendapatkan tempat terbaik di sisi-Nya...