Tenses adalah perubahan bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu terjadinya kejadian/peristiwa. Jumlah keseluruhan tenses ada 16, salah satunya yaitu Simple Present Tense. Berikut ini adalah penjelasan Simple Present Tense.

Simple Present Tense.

Fungsi Simple Present Tenseyaitu:

1. Menyatakan kebiasaan umum (habitual action).

Contoh: The sun rises in the east.

2. Menunjukkan kebenaran umum atau suatu fakta (general truths/facts).

Contoh: Mr. Jokowi is our president.

3. Menyatakan hal yang sering dilakukan.

Contoh: Fitriyah often reads a novel in the morning.

4. Menunjukkan kejadian saat ini.

Contoh: My mother usually goes shopping in the market.

Rumus verbal sentence.

(+) S + V1/Vs/es + O

(-) S + Do/Does + Not + V1+ O

(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O ?

(-?) Do/Does + Not + S + V1 + O ?


(+) We always study together.

(-) We dont always study together.

(?) Do we always study together?

(-?) Dont we always study together?

Rumus nominal sentence.

(+) S + To be (is/am/are) + 3C (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)

(-) S + To be (is/am/are) + Not + 3C (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)

(?) To be (is/am/are) + S + 3C (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)?

(-?) To be (is/am/are) + S + Not + 3C (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)?


(+) She is so beautiful.

(-) She is not so beautiful.

(?) Is she so beautiful?

(-?) Isnt she so beautiful?


1. Penggunaan to be: (I=> am), (you, they, we,benda jamak => are), (she, he, it,benda tunggal => is).

2. Jika subject berupa I, you, they, we, dan benda jamak maka pada akhiran kata kerja (verb) tidak ada penambahan -s/-es dan menggunakan V1.

3. Jika subject berupa she, he, it,dan benda tunggal maka pada akhiran kata kerja (verb) mendapat tambahan -s/-es atau menggunakan Vs/es.

4. Penambahan -s/-es:

Penambahan -es.

=> Apabila kata kerja (verb) berakhiran ss, sh, ch, o, x, z.

Contoh: cross-crosses, brush-brushes, teach-teaches, go-goes, mix-mixes, buzz-buzzes,dll.

=> Apabila kata kerja (verb) berakhiran huruf konsonan + y, maka huruf y di ganti i kemudian ditambahkan -es.

Contoh:study-studies, dry-dries, cry-cries, fly-flies, try-tries, fry-fries, reply-replies, supply-supplies, satisfy-satisfies,dll.

Penambahan -s.

=> Apabila kata kerja (verb) berakhiran huruf vocal + y, maka ditambahkan -s.

Contoh: say-says, pay-pays, buy-buys, pray-prays, stay-stays, play-plays, delay-delays, destroy-destroys, obey-obeys,dll.

=> Apabila kata kerja (verb) berakhiran selain dari poin-poin di atas, maka ditambahkan -s.

Contoh: eat-eats, drink-drinks, bring-brings, think-thinks, visit-visits, help-helps, make-makes, look-looks, sit-sits, come-comes,dll.

5. Time signal yang digunakan adalah every day, every morning, every night, every week, every month, every year, every Sunday, always, usually, often, sometimes, once, twice,dll.