- Serangan teroris yang terjadi di Ibu Kota Prancis, Paris pada Jumat (13/11) malam waktu setempat, sangat menyita perhatian dunia. Serangan bom dan penembakan yang menewasakan lebih dari 153 jiwa tersebut membuat para pemimpin dunia mengungkapkan duka citanya.
Inilah beberapa ungkapan duka cita dari para pemimpin dunia, yang kutip dari Twitter pribadi mereka, Sabtu (14/11).
1. Joko Widodo, Presiden Republik Indonesia
"Dukacita mendalam bagi korban aksi kekerasan di Paris. Terorisme, apapun bentuk dan alasannya tidak dapat ditolerir -Jkw"
Dukacita mendalam bagi korban aksi kekerasan di Paris. Terorisme, apapun bentuk dan alasannya tidak dapat ditolerir -Jkw
Joko Widodo (@jokowi) November 14, 2015
2. David Cameron, Perdana Menteri Inggris
"I am shocked by events in Paris tonight. Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people. We will do whatever we can to help (Sangat terpukul atas kejadian di Paris Semalam. Pikiran dan doa kami bersam rakyat Prancis. Kita akan melakukan apapun untuk membantu)"
PM: I am shocked by events in Paris tonight. Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people. We will do whatever we can to help.
UK Prime Minister (@Number10gov) November 13, 2015
3. Lee Hsien Loong, Perdana Menteri Singapura
"Shocked at news of #ParisAttacks. Our thoughts & prayers go out to e victims & their families, & to the people & govt of France. - LHL (Terkejut atas berita penyerangan Paris. Pikiran dan doa kami kepada korban dan keluarganya, dan seluruh rakyat serta pemerintah Prancis)"
Shocked at news of #ParisAttacks. Our thoughts & prayers go out to e victims & their families, & to the people & govt of France. - LHL
Lee Hsien Loong (@leehsienloong) November 14, 2015
4. Malcolm Turnbull, Perdana Menteri Australia
"Australians' thoughts, prayers & resolute solidarity with people of France as they respond to brutal terrorist attacks in Paris tonight. (Pikiran dan doa rakyat Australia bersama rakyat Prancis yang merespon serangan brutal terorois di Paris semalam)"
Australians' thoughts, prayers & resolute solidarity with people of France as they respond to brutal terrorist attacks in Paris tonight.
Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm) November 14, 2015
5. Narendra Modi, Perdana Menteri India
"News from Paris is anguishing & dreadful. Prayers with families of the deceased. We are united with people of France in this tragic hour. (Berita dari Paris sangat kejam. Doa kami bersama keluarga korban. Bersama rakyat Prancis bersatu dalam tragedi ini)"
News from Paris is anguishing & dreadful. Prayers with families of the deceased. We are united with people of France in this tragic hour.
Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 13, 2015
6. Dilma Rousseff, Presiden Brazil
"Dismayed by the terrorist barbarism, express my abhorrence to violence and manifest my solidarity to the people and to the French Government. (Kaget oleh sikap barbar teroris. salidaritas saya untuk rakyat dan pemerintah Prancis)"
Consternada pela barbrie terrorista, expresso meu repdio violncia e manifesto minha solidariedade ao povo e ao governo francs.
Dilma Rousseff (@dilmabr) November 13, 2015
7. Cristina Kirchner, Presiden Argentina
"Once again, the horror and tragedy of global terrorism. Our solidarity with the people and the Government of France (Sekali lagi horor dan tragedi serangan teroris dunia. Solidaritas kami bersama rakyat dan pemerintah Prancis)"
Once again, the horror and tragedy of global terrorism. Our solidarity with the people and the Government of France
Cristina Kirchner (@CFKArgentina) November 14, 2015
8. Juan Manuel Santos, Presiden Kolombia
"We condemn attacks in Paris. Our solidarity with the French people and President @fhollande. Incidentally today spoke with him. (Kami mengutuk serangan di Paris. Solidaritas kami bersama rakyat dan pemerintah Prancis)"
Condenamos ataques en Pars. Nuestra solidaridad con el pueblo francs y el Presidente @fhollande. Coincidencialmente hoy habl con l.
Juan Manuel Santos (@JuanManSantos) November 13, 2015
9. Francois Hollande, Presiden Prancis
"Faced with dread, there is a Nation who knows to defend himself, known to mobilize its forces and, once again, will defeat terrorists. (Hadapi kekejaman, ada negara yang tahu cara bertahan, tahu cara menggerakkan angkatan bersenjata dan sekali lagi, akan mengalahkan teroris)"
Face l'effroi, il y a une Nation qui sait se dfendre, sait mobiliser ses forces et, une fois encore, saura vaincre les terroristes.
Franois Hollande (@fhollande) November 13, 2015
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