- Handphone saat ini rasanya sudah susah sekali dipisahkan dari kehidupan manusia. Mau dimana pun kapan pun orang akan selalu membawa telepon genggam itu. Entah untuk chatting, membuka media sosial, selfie atau sekadar bermain game saja. Namun kamu patut hati-hati, jangan terlalu terobsesi dengan handphone jika tidak mau nasibmu berakhir tragis seperti wanita ini.
Dikutip dari CCTVnews, Selasa (5/12), seorang wanita ditemukan tewas setelah terombang-ambing oleh derasnya aliran sungai di Wengzhou, Zheijang, China. Wanita yang diketahui bernama Wang ini ditemukan tewas pagi harinya setelah suaminya melaporkan dirinya ke polisi karena tidak pulang sejak semalam.
Menurut rekaman video CCTV di tempat kejadian, terlihat Wang sedang berjalan-jalan sekitar pukul 08.00 malam waktu setempat. Sepanjang perjalanan, dia terlalu sibuk dengan layar handphone-nya dan tidak terlalu memperhatikan jalan di depannya. Akibatnya tanpa sadar wanita 28 tahun ini terperosok ke sungai. Terlihat Wang sempat berteriak meminta tolong selama 1 menit. Sayangnya saat itu jalanan sedang sepi. Akhirnya nyawanya tak bisa diselamatkan.
Kasus ini tentu saja mengundang banyak keprihatinan masyarakat. Pasalnya bukan sekali ini saja ada kasus nyawa hilang karena terlalu sibuk bermain handphone. Sebelumnya anak kecil berusia 5 tahun tewas tertabrak kendaraan karena ibunya terlalu fokus pada handphone dan tidak memperhatikan anaknya yang berlari ke jalanan.
"Serius deh, tolong berhenti terobsesi berlebihan pada HP," ujar salah seorang netizen.
"Sesekali aku ingin sekali menampar orang yang tetap melihat HP-nya saat sedang menyeberang di jalanan," tambah netizen lain geram.
Berikut video kejadian nahas tersebut:
Woman killed by her cellphone addiction Too obsessed with her cellphone, a woman in Wenzhou, Zhejiang died from drowning after missing her step and falling into a river on Tuesday evening. Surveillance footage released online shows the woman struggling for over a minute before she disappeared from the surface of the water. The woman, 28-year-old Wang, a migrant worker and mother of two, was walking in the middle of the road, but being too focused on her phone, she gradually walked towards the edge of the water without realizing it, which in the end leads to the tragedy. Wangs body was discovered after her husband Yang spotted her shoe floating on the river while he was looking for her the next morning. Zhou Renjun, the police officer in charge of the case, told that the river is only chest-deep, but the thick sludge down the water can cause people to slip and fall. Wangs tragedy has become a wake-up call for the public, as Chinese social media users are calling for people to have more caution while using phones. There are so many tragedies caused by obsession with cellphones. Why do people always think they can be immune to misfortunes? @XiaoLucky20120206. Sometimes I really want to slap the face of those who keep staring at their phones while crossing the road. @Summer Q. Seriously, stop being phubbers. @Kaqisedemao. The word phubber describes those who are too preoccupied with their mobile phones. Tragedies caused by phubbing have frequently been seen on news reports in recent years. An American man fell off a cliff to his death after getting distracted by an electronic device on Christmas Day. In August, a 5-year-old girl was hit by a bus and died, because her mother was busy looking at her phone without noticing the girl running into the middle of the driveway. Moreover, phubbers are more subject to getting robbed, according to a report on China Police Daily.
Posted by CCTVNews on Friday, January 1, 2016
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