Kata kerja kedua dalam bahasa Inggris, pahami susunan katanya.

Kata kerja kedua dalam bahasa Inggris  berbagai sumber

foto: freepik.com

26. Climb = Climbed = Memanjat

(She climbed the mountain with her friends)

27. Hike = Hiked = Mendaki

(They hiked through the forest trails)

28. Shop = Shopped = Berbelanja

(She shopped for clothes at the mall)

29. Buy = Bought = Membeli

(He bought a new car last month)

30. Sell = Sold = Menjual

(They sold their old furniture online)

31. Build = Built = Membangun

(He built a birdhouse for the garden)

32. Fix = Fixed = Membenarkan

(She fixed the broken lamp)

33. Repair = Repaired = Memperbaiki

(He repaired the leaky fauce)

34. Plant = Planted = Menanam

(They planted flowers in the garden)

35. Water = Watered = Menyiram

(She watered the plants every day)

36. Grow = Grew = Menumbuhkan

(He grew tomatoes in his backyard)

37. Harvest = Harvested = Menuai

(They harvested apples from the orchard)

38. Create = Created = membuat

(She created a masterpiece)

39. Design = Designed = Merancang

(He designed a new website)

40. Sew = Sewed = menjahit

( She sewed a dress for the party)

41. Knit = Knitted = Merajut

( They knitted scarves for the winter)

42. Crochet = Crocheted = Merenda

(She crocheted a blanket for her baby)

43. Clap = Clapped = Bertepuk tangan

(They clapped enthusiastically after the performance)

44. Laugh = Laughed = Tertawa

(He laughed at the joke)

45. Cry = Cried = menangis

(She cried tears of joy at her graduation)

46. Smile = Smiled = Tersenyum

(They smiled at each other warmly)

47. Shout = Shouted = Berteriak

(He shouted for help when he fell.)

48. Whisper = Whispered = Berbisik

(She whispered secrets to her friend)

49. Blink = Blinked = Berkedip

(They blinked in surprise)

50. Wave = Waved = Melambaikan

(He waved goodbye as the train departed)

Kata kerja kedua dalam bahasa Inggris, perhatikan perubahan katanya.

Kata kerja kedua dalam bahasa Inggris  berbagai sumber

foto: freepik.com

51. Sing = Sang = Bernyanyi

( She sang along to her favorite song)

52. Scream = Screamed = Berteriak

(They screamed in terror during the movie)

53. Dream = Dreamed = Bermimpi

(He dreamed of becoming a pilot)

54. Bake = Baked = Membakar

(She baked cookies for the school bake sale)

55. Roast = Roasted = Memanggang

(He roasted marshmallows over the campfire)

56. Grill = Grilled = memanggang

(They grilled burgers for the barbecue)

57. Boil - Boiled = Merebus

(She boiled water for tea)

58. Fry = Fried = Menggoreng

(He fried eggs for breakfast)

59. Steam = Steamed = Mengukus

(They steamed vegetables for dinner)

60. Broil = Broiled = memanggang

(She broiled fish in the oven)

61. Poach = Poached = merebus

(He poached eggs for brunch)

62. Simmer = Simmered = Mendidihkan

(She simmered soup on the stove)

63. Saute = Sauted = Menumis

(They sauteed onions for the pasta sauce)

64. Baste = Basted = Memercik

(He basted the turkey with butter)

65. Marinate = Marinated = Merendam

(She marinated the chicken overnight)

66. Slice = Sliced = Memotong tipis

(They sliced the bread for sandwiches)

67. Dice = Diced = Memotong dadu

(He diced tomatoes for the salsa)

68. Chop = Chopped = Mencincang

(She chopped vegetables for the stir-fry)

69. Grate = Grated = menggaruk

(They grated cheese for the pizza)

70. Blend = Blended = Mencampur

(He blended fruits for the smoothie)

71. Mix = Mixed = mencampur

(She mixed the ingredients for the cake batter)

72. Stir = Stirred = Mengaduk

(They stirred the soup to prevent it from burning)

73. Pour = Pourred = Menuang

(She poured milk into her cereal)

74. Measure = Measured = mengukur

(He measured flour for baking)

75. Knead = Kneaded = Menguleni

(They kneaded dough to make bread)

Kata kerja kedua dalam bahasa Inggris, simak penggunaan katanya.

Kata kerja kedua dalam bahasa Inggris  berbagai sumber

foto: freepik.com

76. Roll = Rolled = menggulung

( She rolled out the dough for cookies)

77. Cut = Cut = Memotong

(He cut the cake into slices)

78. Carve = Carved = memahat

(They carved pumpkins for Halloween)

79. Peel = Peeled = mengupas

( She peeled an orange for a snack)

80. Core = Cored = Membuang isi

(He cored apples for the pie)

81. Brush = Brushed = Menyikat

( She brushed her hair before leaving)

82. Comb = Combed = Menyisir

(He combed his hair neatly)

83. Shave = Shaved = mencukur

(They shaved their beards in the morning)

84. Wash = Washed = Mencuci

(She washed her hands before dinner)

85. Rinse = Rinsed = Membilas

(He rinsed the dishes after dinner)

86. Scrub = Scrubbed = Menggosok

(They scrubbed the bathtub clean)

87. Polish = Polished = Memoled

( She polished her shoes for the party)

88. Sweep = Swept = menyapu

(He swept the floor with a broom)

89. Mop = Mopped = Mengepel

(They mopped the kitchen floor)

90. Dust = Dusted = Membersihkan debu

(She dusted the furniture with a cloth)

91. Vacuum = Vacummed = Menyedot

(He vacuumed the carpets)

92. Iron = Ironed = menyetrika

(They ironed their clothes for work)

93. Fold = Folded = Melipat

(She folded the laundry neatly)

94. Hang = Hung = menggantung

(He hung the picture on the wall)

95. Organize = Organized = Mengatur

(They organized their bookshelf alphabetically)

96. Arrange = Arranged = Menyusun

(She arranged flowers in a vase)

97. Sort = Sorted = Menyortir

(He sorted the mail into different piles)

98. File = Filed = Mengarsipkan

(They filed important documents in folders)

99. Pack = Packed = mengemas

(She packed her suitcase for the trip)

100. Unpack = Unpacked = Memobongkar

(He unpacked his belongings after moving)

Itulah 100 kata kerja kedua dalam bahasa Inggris, lengkap contoh peletakannya dalam kalimat. Harapannya, setelah kamu mengetahui tentang contoh dari kata kerja kedua (verb 2) bahasa Inggris, kamu dapat menggunakan kata-kata tersebut dalam obrolan sehari-hari. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat ya!