Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf A.

1. Accept: Menerima

(Would you mind to accept me to work in this office?)

2. Acknowledge: Mengakui

(You aknowledge kinship with these creatures?)

3. Adaptation: Beradaptasi

(Antares movie is an adaptation of the wattpad story).

4. Apologize: Meminta maaf

(She said apologize about her mistake).

5. Arise: Naik

(The sun arise so fast today).

6. Attend: Menghadiri

(He is attend my college graduation party).

7. Argue: Memperdebatkan

(In this comoetition, two groups are argue who is the Indonesian singer who has the best voice).

8. Adopt: Mengadopsi

(My aunty adopt a child from an orphanage, because she could not have children of her own).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf B.

9. Bathe: Mandi

(Every morning, i take a bathe).

10. Beat: Memukul, Mengalahkan

(The teacher bit every late student).

11. Beg: Meminta, Mengemis

(He begs by asking me for money).

12. Bite: Menggigit

(Dog will not bite people who are not wrong).

13. Build: Membangun

(My dad built a company building for me).

14. Bow: Membungkuk

(Japanese people have a habit to bowing to others).

15. Blow: Meniup

(Balloon can be blown with mouth).

16. Bounce: Memantulkan

(Denny bounce the basketball into the hoop).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf C.

17. Catch: Menangkap

(Police catch thieves reliably).

18. Celebrate: Merayakan

(I celebrate my graduation with my family).

19. Chop: Mencincang

(Mom chopped onion using a knife).

20. Climb: Memanjat

(My brother can climb a cliff in a span of 1 hour).

21. Consult: Berkonsultasi

(I want to consult about my health with a doctor).

22. Cook: Memasak

(She can cook everything).

23. Criticize: Mengkritisi

(A Journalist must be able to criticize political cases).

24. Cure: Mengobati

(I cure my pain slowly).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf D.

25. Dance: Menari

(Seventeen is the best dancer in K-Pop).

26. Decide: Memutuskan, Menentukan

(I decide to study in Australian).

27. Deliver: Mengantar

(The driver is deliver my food to the front of my house).

28. Develop: Mengembangkan

(Elon Musk developed the Tesla coompany a long time ago).

29. Discuss: Berdiskusi

(My friend and I discussed the intersts of our group).

30. Dive: Menyelam

(Love Dive is IVE song).

31. Drive: Mengendarai

(When drive a motorcycle, don't do a daydream).

32. Dry: Mengeringkan

(I dry my shoes by drying them in the sun).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf E.

33. Engage: Bertunangan

(I and Joshua have a engange this week).

34. Enjoy: Menikmati

(Nabila enjoy the music).

35. Enter: Masuk

(Andre enter the office through the door).

36. Establish: Mendirikan

(Ricka establish a company containing many journalists).

37. Examine: Menguji

(Mazaya will examine math lessons to his students).

38. Expand: Memperluas

(Rio expand his fortune by working).

39. Explain: Menjelaskan

(I'm just explain about this lessons, and you have asked again!)

40. Explose: Mengeksplorasi, Menjelajah

(I explose nature with my boyfriend).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf F.

41. Feed: Memberi makan

(Chickens are feed by Maya).

42. Fight: Berkelahi

(Dewa and Adrian fight at school).

43. Find: Menjumpai

(I find myself in my sister).

44. Fly: Terbang

(I fly into the sky through various difficulties).

45. Fold: Melipat

(Tika fold clothes).

46. Forbid: Melarang

(Sintia forbade me to see her brother).

47. Freeze: Membekukan

(I had a hard time getting close to him, because he always freeze his heart).

48. Fry: Menggoreng

(Mom frying a chicken).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf G.

49. Generate: Menghasilkan

(Korea generates many talented idol).

50. Get: Mendapat

(She get what her want).

51. Give: Memberi

(I'll give everything he want).

52. Go: Pergi

(Let me go).

53. Grind: Menghaluskan, Membubuk.

(Dad grind seasonings using a blender).

54. Grow: Tumbuh

(The flower grows because it is constantly watered).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf H.

55. Hang: Menggantung

(She hang a clothesline behind the house).

56. Hear: Mendengar

(Her voice is to small, so that I can't hear).

57. Hide: Bersembunyi, Menyembunyikan.

(Nia hide behind the door).

58. Hit: Memukul, Menghantam.

(Radja hit a shoes at her enemy).

59. Hold: Menahan.

(I can hold my hunger).

60. Hop: Meloncat

(Tania hop form the top of the tile).

61. Hug: Memeluk

(I just hug my parents).

62. Hury: Buru-buru

(Teacher hury every students to go to the school).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf I.

63. Identify: Mengidentifikasi, Mengenali.

(Lecturer identifies a thesis).

64. Ignore: Mengabaikan

(I ignore Ivana for a while).

65. Imagine: Membayangkan

(I can't imagine that you are lost).

66. Imply: Mengimplikasikan (menyatakan secara tidak langsung)

(I can apply powder for sure).

67. Indicate: Mengindikasikan (menunjukkan)

(The souce indicate out the irregularities in this case).

68. Insist: Mendesak (meminta dengan tegas)

(Soraya insist Jessica to pay the debt immediately).

69. Invest: Menginvestasikan (menanamkan modal)

(I invested in the bank).

70. Investigate: Menginvestigasi (menyelidiki, memeriksa)

(He investigate who stole his heart).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf J.

71. Jog: Lari (lari pelan-pelan)

(I ran slowly on the jog this time).

72. Jump: Melompat

(The participants will jump on the wall).

73. Justify: Menjustifikasi, Membenarkan.

(Raisa justify that she is cheater).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf K.

74. Keep: Menjaga

(I always keep my privacy).

75. Kick: Menendang

(The goalkeeper kicks the ball out of bounds).

76. Kiss: Mencium

(I just kiss my niece).

77. Kneel: Berlutut

(Every Eid, I always kneel in front of my parents).

78. Knit: Merajut

(Ani opens jacket knitting service).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf L.

79. Lay: Meletakkan

(Dyah lay her phone on the table).

80. Lean: Bersandar

(I lean on Panji's shoulder).

81. Learn: Belajar

(I learn hard for this chance).

82. Leave: Meninggalkan

(I leave the group).

83. Light: Menyalakan

(The flash is light by me).

84. Lie: Berbohong

(I dont like to lie).

85. Listen: Mendengarkan

(Every students listen to the teacher).

86. Look: Melihat

(Taylor Swift look at me tonight).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf M.

87. Maintain: Memelihara, Mempertahankan.

(Vindy maintain a chicken).

88. Make: Membuat

(Mareta make a cake to me).

89. Manage: Mengatur

(I can manage my finance).

90. Measure: Mengukur

(Anggi measures the speed of the motor).

91. Meet: Berjumpa, Menjumpai.

(I meet with her at cafe).

92. Mention: Menyebutkan

(He always mention my existance).

93. Mind: Keberatan

(I mind to that proposal).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf N.

94. Neglect: Mengabaikan, Melalaikan.

(I'm trying to neglect his existence).

95. Negotiate: Merundingkan, Berunding.

(My class is negotiating a problem).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf O.

96. Observe: Mengamati

(I like to observe the pace of the vehicle).

97. Obtain: Memperoleh, Mendapatkan.

(Narnia obtain wolf meat).

98. Open: Membuka

(I open the door).

99. Operate: Mengoperasikan, Menjalankan.

(Cut operate the computer very well).

100. Order: Memesan

(I order the food using online application).

101. Overtake: Menyusul

(Bunga overtake her parents to Paris).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf P.

102. Paint: Mengecat

(I paint the house using color paint).

103. Pay: Membayar

(I pay clothes using shopeepay).

104. Peel: Mengupas

(Maitsa said that peeling salak skin is not too difficult).

105. Perform: Menyelenggarakan, main (di atas panggung).

(Seventeen perform at GBK).

106. Pinch: Mencubit

(Dika pinched her sister).

107. Prepare: Menyiapkan

(I will prepare my lunch).

108. Prevent: Mencegah

(Mom prevents neighbor nonsense by insinuating it).

109. Protect: Melindungi

(My father will always protect our family).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf Q.

110. Qualify: Memenuhi syarat

(Rara is not qualified to be secretary).

111. Quit: Berhenti (selamanya)

(I quit liking chicken noodle).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf R.

112. Recall: Mengingat

(I will recall my memory).

113. Receive: Menerima

(I receive email for no reason).

114. Reduce: Mengulangi

(Raya reduce he same mistake today).

115. Reflect: Mencerminkan

(Bayu reflect on me, a good man).

116. Replace: Menggantikan (posisi)

(Nadia replace her sister).

117. Represent: Mewakili

(Milla respresents the campus to compete in talent events).

118. Resist: Menentang, Melawan, Menolak.

(My father resist his future son-in-law).

119. Ride: Menunggang, Mengendarai.

(I ride my motorcycle alone).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf S.

120. Sanction: Menghukum

(Police are sanction criminals).

121. Scrub: Menggosok

(I can't scrub my back alone).

122. Sell: Menjual

(Naya sell her skincare and phone).

123. Serve: Melayani

(Pilots are serve the passenger).

124. Sew: Menjahit

(I sew my kebaya).

125. Shed: Mencucurkan/menitikkan (air mata)

(I shed, because he is not coming today).

126. Shoot: Menembak

(Monsta X shoot the song).

127. Ski: Berseluncur

(Kaia is skating in the snow).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf T.

128. Take: Mengambil

(Andre take my bag in a office).

129. Talk: Berbicara

(I talk with my lecturer).

130. Teach: Mengajar

(I don;t think that she can teach children).

131. Tear: Menyobek

(Tearing paper is very easy).

132. Tell: Bercerita, menceritakan

(I tell him that I love him).

133. Throw: Melempar

(Sonia throw her enemy's shes into a garbage bin).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf U.

134. Understand: Memahami

(I can't understand what you want).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf V.

135. Value: Menilai/nilai

(She have her value).

136. Volunteer: Bersukarela

(I really want to be a volunteer who can work in the village).

Contoh verbs dalam bahasa Inggris, diawali dengan huruf W.

137. Walk: Berjalan

(I dont really like walking).

138. Win: Memenangkan

(I win writing article competition yesterday).

139. Wear: Mengenakan

(She wear uniform before go to school).

140. Wash: Mencuci

(My brother wash his motorcycle last night).

141. Watch: Menonton

(Who doesn't like to watch movie? I don't think so).

142. Wave: Melambaikan

(I waved my arms when it was no longer strong enough to finish my food).

143. Weep: Menangis

(Don't let children weep for too long).

144. Whip: Mencambuk

(I'm not willing to geat a whip ssentence).

145. Write: Menulis

(Harry Styles write Perfects song to Taylor Swift).

Penulis: mg/Ricka Milla Suatin