40 Contoh kata verbal dalam bahasa Inggris, dan penggunaannya dalam kalimat
Verbal Aksi (Action Verbs)
1. Run
Contoh: She runs in the park every morning (Dia berlari di taman setiap pagi).
2. Eat
Cntoh: They eat lunch together (Mereka makan siang bersama).
3. Write
Contoh: He writes a letter to his friend (Dia menulis surat kepada temannya).
4. Dance
Contoh: The children dance happily (Anak-anak menari dengan gembira).
5. Play
Contoh: We play basketball every weekend (Kami bermain basket setiap akhir pekan).
Kata Verbal Stative (State Verbs)
6. Know
Contoh: She knows the answer to the question (Dia tahu jawaban atas pertanyaan itu).
7. Love
Contoh: He loves playing the guitar (Dia suka bermain gitar).
8. Believe
Contoh: They believe in the power of teamwork (Mereka percaya pada kekuatan kerja tim).
9. Understand
Contoh: I understand the instructions (Saya memahami instruksinya).
10. Prefer
Contoh: She prefers reading to watching TV (Dia lebih suka membaca daripada menonton TV).
Kata Verbal Modal
11. Can
Contoh: She can speak three languages (Dia bisa berbicara tiga bahasa).
12. Could
Contoh: He could swim when he was five (Dia bisa berenang ketika dia berumur lima tahun).
13. Will
Contoh: We will go to the beach this weekend (Kami akan pergi ke pantai akhir pekan ini).
14. Would
Contoh: She would love to join the party (Dia ingin sekali bergabung dalam pesta itu).
15. Must
Contoh: You must finish your homework before going out (Anda harus menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah Anda sebelum pergi keluar).
Kata Verbal Transitive
16. Read
Contoh: She reads a book every night (Dia membaca buku setiap malam).
17. Watch
Contoh: They watch a movie at the cinema (Mereka menonton film di bioskop).
18. Eat
Contoh: He eats an apple for a snack (Dia makan apel untuk camilan).
19. Buy
Contoh: We buy groceries every week (Kami membeli bahan makanan setiap minggu).
20. Play
Contoh: They play a musical instrument (Mereka memainkan alat musik).
foto: freepik.com
Kata Verbal Intransitive
21. Sleep
Contoh: The baby sleeps peacefully (Bayi itu tidur dengan nyenyak).
22. Laugh
Contoh: We laugh at the funny joke (Kami menertawakan lelucon lucu itu).
23. Arrive
Contoh: The train arrives on time (Kereta tiba tepat waktu).
24. Sing
Contoh: They sing in the festival (Mereka bernyanyi di festival).
25. Swim
Contoh: He swims in the pool every morning (Dia berenang di kolam setiap pagi).
Kata Verbal Regular
26. Walk
Contoh: She walked to the store yesterday (Dia berjalan ke toko kemarin).
27. Talk
Contoh: They talked about their plans (Mereka membicarakan rencana mereka).
28. Listen
Contoh: He listens to music in the car (Dia mendengarkan musik di dalam mobil).
29. Play
Contoh: We played tennis last weekend (Kami bermain tenis akhir pekan lalu).
30. Study
Contoh: She studied for the exam (Dia belajar untuk ujian).
Kata Verbal Irregular
31. Go - Went
Contoh: They went to the museum last week (Mereka pergi ke museum minggu lalu).
32. Eat - Ate
Contoh: She ate sushi for dinner (Dia makan sushi untuk makan malam).
33. Have
Contoh: We have had a great time together (Kami bersenang-senang bersama).
34. See - Saw
Contoh: He saw a beautiful sunset (Dia melihat matahari terbenam yang indah).
35. Do - Did
Contoh: They did their best in the competition (Mereka melakukan yang terbaik dalam kompetisi tersebut).
Kata Verbal Auxiliary
36. Be
Contoh: She is reading a novel (Dia sedang membaca novel).
37. Have
Contoh: They have finished their homework (Mereka telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya).
38. Do
Contoh: He does his chores every day (Dia melakukan tugasnya setiap hari).
39. Will
Contoh: We will be there on time (Kami akan tiba disana tepat waktu).
40. Can
Contoh: You can solve the problem easily (Anda dapat menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dengan mudah).
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