Dalam tata bahasa Inggris, kata kerja aktif terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu transitive verb dan intransitive verb. Transitive verb adalah kata kerja aktif yang membutuhkan objek untuk menjelaskan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh subjek, sedangkan intransitive verb adalah kata kerja aktif yang tidak memerlukan objek dalam kalimat.

Contoh kata kerja aktif dalam bahasa Inggris beserta artinya.

Contoh kata kerja aktif dalam bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan ciri-cirinya  2023 brilio.net

foto: pexels.com

1. Walk: berjalan
She walks to school every day.

2. Run: berlari
He runs five miles every morning.

3. Jump: melompat
The athlete jumps over the hurdle.

4. Swim: berenang
They swim in the pool every weekend.

5. Fly: terbang
The plane flies to New York.

6. Dance: menari
She dances ballet on stage.

7. Sing: bernyanyi
He sings in a choir at church.

8. Play: bermain
They play basketball after school.

9. Write: menulis
She writes a story every night.

10. Read: membaca
He reads a book before bedtime.

11. Speak: berbicara
She speaks three languages fluently.

12. Listen: mendengarkan
He listens to music while he works.

13. Watch: menonton
They watch a movie on Netflix.

14. Cook: memasak
She cooks dinner for her family.

15. Bake: membakar
He bakes a cake for his sister's birthday.

16. Clean: membersihkan
They clean their room every Saturday.

17. Organize: mengatur
She organizes her desk before studying.

18. Plan: merencanakan
He plans his trip to Europe.

19. Prepare: menyiapkan
She prepares a picnic for the park.

20. Pack: mengemas
They pack their bags for the beach.

21. Unpack: membuka kemasan
He unpacks the groceries from the store.

22. Fix: memperbaiki
She fixes the bike tire.

23. Repair: memperbaiki
He repairs the broken window.

24. Build: membangun
They build a sandcastle on the beach.

25. Create: menciptakan
She creates a painting on the canvas.

26. Design: mendesain
He designs a logo for the company.

27. Draw: menggambar
She draws a portrait of her friend.

28. Paint: melukis
He paints the walls of the living room.

29. Sculpt: memahat
They sculpt a statue from clay.

30. Sing: menyanyi
She sings a song in front of the audience.

31. Act: berakting
He acts in a movie as the main character.

32. Direct: menyutradarai
She directs a play at the theater.

33. Produce: memproduksi
He produces a film for the studio.

34. Sell: menjual
They sell clothes at the market.

35. Buy: membeli
She buys a new car for her family.

36. Invest: berinvestasi
He invests his money in the stock market.

37. Earn: menghasilkan uang
She earns a salary from her job.

38. Spend: menghabiskan uang
They spend money on groceries and bills.

39. Save: menyimpan uang
He saves money for his future.

40. Donate: menyumbangkan
She donates clothes to the charity.

41. Volunteer: menjadi relawan
He volunteers at the animal shelter.

42. Help: membantu
They help their neighbor with the gardening.

43. Teach: mengajar
She teaches English to foreign students.

44. Study: belajar dengan tekun
They study for their exams at the library.

45. Practice: berlatih
She practices the piano for two hours every day.

46. Exercise: berolahraga
He exercises at the gym to stay fit.

47. Meditate: bermeditasi
She meditates to reduce stress and anxiety.

48. Relax: bersantai
He relaxes on the couch after a long day at work.

49. Sleep: tidur
She sleeps for eight hours every night.

50. Wake up: bangun tidur
He wakes up early in the morning to start his day.