- Menulis surat dalam bahasa Inggris seringkali menjadi kebutuhan penting di berbagai situasi, baik formal maupun informal. Contoh surat bahasa Inggris berbagai keperluan akan sangat membantu bagi kamu yang ingin menulis surat dengan format dan gaya yang tepat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Surat dalam bahasa Inggris biasanya diperlukan dalam urusan bisnis, pendidikan, hingga permohonan resmi. Oleh sebab itu, memahami cara menulis contoh surat bahasa Inggris berbagai keperluan dapat mempersiapkan seseorang menghadapi situasi tersebut dengan lebih percaya diri.
Penulisan surat yang tepat akan memberikan kesan profesional sekaligus memastikan pesan tersampaikan dengan baik. Unsur penting dalam surat bahasa Inggris tidak hanya pada struktur kalimat yang benar, tetapi juga penggunaan bahasa yang sesuai dengan tujuan surat.
Melalui contoh surat bahasa Inggris berbagai keperluan, kamu dapat mempelajari cara menyusun surat yang baik untuk referensi kedepannya. Nah, yuk simak ulasan lengkap contoh surat bahasa Inggris berbagai keperluan, seperti disadur dari berbagai sumber, Kamis (22/8).
Unsur-unsur penting dalam surat bahasa Inggris
Unsur-unsur penting dalam surat bahasa Inggris, terutama dalam konteks formal dan semi-formal, meliputi beberapa elemen utama yang harus diperhatikan agar surat tersebut sesuai dengan etiket komunikasi internasional. Adapun unsur-unsurnya sebagai berikut:
1. Heading (kop surat)
Biasanya terdapat di bagian atas surat, berisi alamat pengirim dan tanggal surat ditulis. Untuk surat bisnis atau formal, juga dapat mencakup nomor telepon, alamat email, hingga informasi kontak lainnya.
2. Inside address (alamat penerima)
Alamat penerima terletak di bawah heading, mencakup nama penerima, jabatan (jika relevan), nama perusahaan atau institusi, dan alamat lengkap.
3. Salutation (salam pembuka)
Salam pembuka merupakan sapaan formal sebelum memulai isi surat. Umumnya, ditulis seperti "Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Nama Penerima]," atau jika penerima tidak diketahui, digunakan "Dear Sir/Madam" atau "To Whom It May Concern."
4. Body of the letter (isi surat)
Bagian utama dari surat yang menjelaskan maksud atau tujuan surat tersebut. Isi surat harus terstruktur dengan baik, mulai dari pengantar, informasi utama, hingga penutup yang jelas dan sopan.
5. Closing (penutup)
Bagian ini adalah kalimat penutup yang menunjukkan kesopanan, seperti "Yours sincerely," atau "Yours faithfully," diikuti dengan tanda tangan pengirim.
6. Signature (tanda tangan dan nama pengirim)
Setelah penutup, pengirim menandatangani surat dan mencantumkan nama lengkap di bawah tanda tangan. Pada surat formal, terkadang jabatan pengirim juga dicantumkan di bawah nama.
7. Enclosures (lampiran)
Jika ada dokumen atau informasi tambahan yang disertakan bersama surat, bagian ini menunjukkan daftar lampiran dengan kata "Enclosures" atau "Attachments."
Contoh surat bahasa Inggris berbagai keperluan
1. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja (Job Application Letter)
John Doe
123 Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90001
August 22, 2024
Ms. Sarah Johnson
Hiring Manager
XYZ Corporation
456 Elm Street
Los Angeles, CA 90002
Dear Ms. Johnson,
I am writing to apply for the position of Marketing Specialist, as advertised on your company's website. I hold a Bachelors degree in Marketing from the University of California, Los Angeles, and I have over three years of experience in digital marketing, specializing in social media strategy and content creation.
During my previous role at ABC Company, I led a successful campaign that increased our social media engagement by 40% within six months. I am confident that my skills and experience align with the needs of your team, and I would welcome the opportunity to contribute to XYZ Corporations continued growth.
Please find my resume attached for your review. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this opportunity further. Thank you for your time and consideration.
John Doe
2. Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri (Resignation Letter)
Jane Smith
789 Oak Avenue
Chicago, IL 60601
August 22, 2024
Mr. Robert Brown
Lincoln High School
987 Maple Street
Chicago, IL 60602
Dear Mr. Brown,
Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as English Teacher at Lincoln High School, effective two weeks from today, on September 5, 2024. I have thoroughly enjoyed my five years of teaching here, and I am grateful for the support and guidance I have received from both the administration and my colleagues.
This decision was not easy, but I feel it is the right time for me to pursue other opportunities. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition for my students and am happy to assist in any way during this period.
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of such an exceptional community.
Jane Smith
3. Contoh Surat Izin Tidak Masuk Sekolah (School Absence Excuse Letter)
Emily Johnson
456 Pine Street
Houston, TX 77001
August 22, 2024
Mr. Thomas Miller
Homeroom Teacher
Sunrise Elementary School
123 Cypress Lane
Houston, TX 77002
Dear Mr. Miller,
I am writing to inform you that my son, David Johnson, will not be able to attend school on August 23, 2024, due to a scheduled medical appointment. I have ensured that he will complete any missed assignments upon his return to school.
Thank you for your understanding.
Emily Johnson
4. Contoh Surat Permintaan Informasi (Request for Information Letter)
Michael Brown
321 Willow Drive
New York, NY 10001
August 22, 2024
Admissions Office
Columbia University
116th St & Broadway
New York, NY 10027
Dear Admissions Office,
I am writing to request further information about your Master's program in International Relations. Specifically, I am interested in learning more about the course curriculum, admission requirements, and available scholarships for international students.
I would appreciate receiving any brochures or materials that outline these details. Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your response.
Michael Brown
5. Contoh Surat Undangan Formal (Formal Invitation Letter)
Elizabeth White
CEO, Bright Horizons Charity
258 Birch Lane
San Francisco, CA 94102
August 22, 2024
Ms. Patricia Green
789 Willow Road
San Francisco, CA 94103
Dear Ms. Green,
It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the Annual Bright Horizons Charity Gala, which will be held on September 15, 2024, at the Grand Ballroom of the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. The event will begin with a cocktail reception at 6:00 PM, followed by dinner and an auction at 7:00 PM.
Your support over the years has made a significant difference in our efforts to provide education and healthcare to underprivileged children. We hope you can join us for an evening of celebration and giving back to the community.
Please RSVP by September 1, 2024, by contacting our office at (555) 123-4567 or via email at We look forward to seeing you there.
Elizabeth White
CEO, Bright Horizons Charity
6. Contoh Surat Permohonan Cuti (Leave of Absence Request Letter)
David Turner
Customer Service Representative
Acme Inc.
123 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
August 22, 2024
Ms. Laura Black
HR Manager
Acme Inc.
123 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Dear Ms. Black,
I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from work due to personal reasons. I would like to take leave starting on September 1, 2024, and plan to return to work on September 15, 2024. During my absence, I will ensure that all my pending tasks are completed, and I will remain reachable in case of any urgent matters.
I appreciate your understanding and support regarding this matter. Please let me know if any further documentation is required to process this request.
David Turner
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