- Penggunaan such that dan so that dalam bahasa Inggris sering membingungkan banyak orang. Keduanya sebenarnya punya fungsi yang mirip, yakni untuk menghubungkan dua ide atau menunjukkan sebab-akibat. Namun, ada perbedaan halus dalam cara mereka digunakan dalam kalimat.

Kalimat dengan such that biasanya digunakan untuk menekankan hasil dari suatu keadaan atau kejadian. Sedangkan, so that lebih sering digunakan untuk menunjukkan tujuan atau maksud tertentu.

Setelah memahami perbedaan antara such that dan so that, kamu bisa lebih mudah menggunakannya dalam percakapan sehari-hari atau tulisan. akan membahas contoh-contoh kalimat dengan kedua frasa tersebut, lengkap dengan terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Yuk, simak ulasan lengkapnya seperti dihimpun dari berbagai sumber, Senin (23/9).

30 Contoh kalimat dengan such that dan artinya.

perbedaan antara such that dan so that  2024

perbedaan antara such that dan so that

1. The problem was such that nobody could solve it.
(Masalahnya begitu sulit sehingga tidak ada yang bisa menyelesaikannya.)

2. The movie was such that it made me cry.
(Filmnya begitu menyentuh sehingga membuatku menangis.)

3. The weather was such that we decided to stay indoors.
(Cuacanya begitu buruk sehingga kami memutuskan untuk tetap di dalam rumah.)

4. The cake was such that everyone wanted the recipe.
(Kuenya begitu enak sehingga semua orang ingin resepnya.)

5. His anger was such that he couldn't speak properly.
(Amarahnya begitu besar sehingga dia tidak bisa berbicara dengan baik.)

6. The demand was such that the company had to increase production.
(Permintaannya begitu tinggi sehingga perusahaan harus meningkatkan produksi.)

7. The event was such that it attracted international attention.
(Acaranya begitu besar sehingga menarik perhatian internasional.)

8. The book was such that I couldn't put it down.
(Bukunya begitu menarik sehingga aku tidak bisa berhenti membacanya.)

9. The view was such that we stayed longer than planned.
(Pemandangannya begitu indah sehingga kami tinggal lebih lama dari yang direncanakan.)

10. Her performance was such that the audience gave her a standing ovation.
(Penampilannya begitu memukau sehingga penonton memberinya tepuk tangan berdiri.)

11. His fear was such that he didn't leave his house for days.
(Ketakutannya begitu besar sehingga dia tidak meninggalkan rumah selama berhari-hari.)

12. The situation was such that immediate action was needed.
(Situasinya begitu mendesak sehingga tindakan segera diperlukan.)

13. The news was such that it spread quickly.
(Beritanya begitu mengejutkan sehingga menyebar dengan cepat.)

14. The problem was such that it required expert assistance.
(Masalahnya begitu kompleks sehingga memerlukan bantuan ahli.)

15. The atmosphere was such that everyone felt uncomfortable.
(Suasananya begitu tegang sehingga semua orang merasa tidak nyaman.)

16. The challenge was such that it tested our limits.
(Tantangannya begitu berat sehingga menguji batas kemampuan kami.)

17. The traffic was such that we were late for the meeting.
(Lalu lintasnya begitu padat sehingga kami terlambat ke rapat.)

18. His influence was such that many followed his advice.
(Pengaruhnya begitu kuat sehingga banyak orang mengikuti nasihatnya.)

19. The price was such that we couldn't afford it.
(Harganya begitu mahal sehingga kami tidak mampu membelinya.)

20. The situation was such that we had to call for help.
(Situasinya begitu berbahaya sehingga kami harus meminta bantuan.)

21. The music was such that it lifted everyone's spirits.
(Musiknya begitu menggetarkan sehingga meningkatkan semangat semua orang.)

22. The meal was such that everyone complimented the chef.
(Makanannya begitu lezat sehingga semua orang memuji kokinya.)

23. The project was such that it took months to complete.
(Proyeknya begitu besar sehingga memakan waktu berbulan-bulan untuk menyelesaikannya.)

24. The result was such that nobody could believe it.
(Hasilnya begitu mengejutkan sehingga tidak ada yang bisa mempercayainya.)

25. The noise was such that I couldn't concentrate on my work.
(Kebisingannya begitu parah sehingga aku tidak bisa berkonsentrasi pada pekerjaanku.)

26. The event was such that everyone talked about it for days.
(Acara tersebut begitu spektakuler sehingga semua orang membicarakannya selama berhari-hari.)

27. The design was such that it won multiple awards.
(Desainnya begitu bagus sehingga memenangkan banyak penghargaan.)

28. The tension was such that you could cut it with a knife.
(Ketegangannya begitu terasa sehingga bisa diibaratkan bisa dipotong dengan pisau.)

29. The offer was such that we couldn't refuse it.
(Tawarannya begitu menarik sehingga kami tidak bisa menolaknya.)

30. The misunderstanding was such that it almost caused a fight.
(Kesalahpahamannya begitu besar sehingga hampir menyebabkan perkelahian.)

30 Contoh kalimat dengan So That dan artinya.

perbedaan antara such that dan so that  2024

perbedaan antara such that dan so that

1. I studied hard so that I could pass the exam.
(Aku belajar dengan giat agar bisa lulus ujian.)

2. She left early so that she could catch the bus.
(Dia pergi lebih awal agar bisa mengejar bus.)

3. They saved money so that they could go on vacation.
(Mereka menabung agar bisa pergi berlibur.)

4. He turned off the lights so that he could sleep.
(Dia mematikan lampu agar bisa tidur.)

5. We moved closer to the stage so that we could see better.
(Kami bergerak lebih dekat ke panggung agar bisa melihat lebih jelas.)

6. She worked extra hours so that she could earn more money.
(Dia bekerja lembur agar bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak uang.)

7. He exercised daily so that he could stay fit.
(Dia berolahraga setiap hari agar tetap bugar.)

8. I woke up early so that I could finish my homework.
(Aku bangun lebih awal agar bisa menyelesaikan PR.)

9. They studied together so that they could help each other.
(Mereka belajar bersama agar bisa saling membantu.)

10. She practiced the speech so that she wouldn't be nervous.
(Dia berlatih pidato agar tidak gugup.)

11. He trained hard so that he could win the competition.
(Dia berlatih keras agar bisa memenangkan kompetisi.)

12. We left early so that we wouldn't be late.
(Kami pergi lebih awal agar tidak terlambat.)

13. They built a shelter so that they could stay dry.
(Mereka membangun tempat berlindung agar tetap kering.)

14. He wore a jacket so that he wouldn't get cold.
(Dia memakai jaket agar tidak kedinginan.)

15. She brought an umbrella so that she wouldn't get wet.
(Dia membawa payung agar tidak kehujanan.)

16. They left the door open so that the cat could come in.
(Mereka meninggalkan pintu terbuka agar kucing bisa masuk.)

17. He practiced every day so that he could improve his skills.
(Dia berlatih setiap hari agar bisa meningkatkan kemampuannya.)

18. We saved money so that we could buy a new car.
(Kami menabung agar bisa membeli mobil baru.)

19. She stayed quiet so that she wouldn't disturb others.
(Dia diam agar tidak mengganggu orang lain.)

20. He studied so that he could get a scholarship.
(Dia belajar agar bisa mendapatkan beasiswa.)

21. They built a fence so that their dog wouldn't run away.
(Mereka membangun pagar agar anjing mereka tidak kabur.)

22. She closed the window so that the wind wouldn't blow inside.
(Dia menutup jendela agar angin tidak masuk.)

23. He made a to-do list so that he wouldn't forget anything.
(Dia membuat daftar tugas agar tidak lupa.)

24. They set an alarm so that they wouldn't oversleep.
(Mereka menyetel alarm agar tidak kebablasan tidur.)

25. She wore glasses so that she could see clearly.
(Dia memakai kacamata agar bisa melihat dengan jelas.)

26. He took notes so that he could remember the lesson.
(Dia mencatat agar bisa mengingat pelajarannya.)

27. They practiced so that they could perform perfectly.
(Mereka berlatih agar bisa tampil sempurna.)

28. She read the book so that she could understand the topic.
(Dia membaca buku agar bisa memahami topiknya.)

29. He slowed down so that he wouldn't make mistakes.
(Dia memperlambat laju kerjanya agar tidak membuat kesalahan.)

30. We arrived early so that we could get good seats.
(Kami tiba lebih awal agar bisa mendapatkan tempat duduk yang bagus.)