Contoh kalimat kata kerja pasif bahasa Inggris beserta artinya.

Contoh kata kerja pasif bahasa Inggris beserta pengertian dan jenisnya  2023


1. The cake is baked by the baker. (Kue dipanggang oleh penjual roti.)

2. The house was built by the construction workers. (Rumah dibangun oleh pekerja konstruksi.)

3. The letter has been written by John. (Surat telah ditulis oleh John.)

4. The book was written by the author. (Buku ditulis oleh pengarang.)

5. The new product is being developed by the team. (Produk baru sedang dikembangkan oleh tim.)

6. The decision was made by the committee. (Keputusan dibuat oleh komite.)

7. The car was repaired by the mechanic. (Mobil diperbaiki oleh mekanik.)

8. The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg. (Film disutradarai oleh Steven Spielberg.)

9. The package will be delivered by the courier. (Paket akan diantar oleh kurir.)

10. The room is being cleaned by the housekeeper. (Kamar sedang dibersihkan oleh housekeeper.)

11. The report has been reviewed by the manager. (Laporan telah direview oleh manajer.)

12. The document was printed by the printer. (Dokumen dicetak oleh printer.)

13. The painting was created by the artist. (Lukisan diciptakan oleh seniman.)

14. The problem has been solved by the IT team. (Masalah telah diselesaikan oleh tim IT.)

15. The concert will be held by the music band. (Konser akan diadakan oleh band musik.)

16. The game was won by the home team. (Permainan dimenangkan oleh tim tuan rumah.)

17. The cake has been eaten by the children. (Kue telah dimakan oleh anak-anak.)

18. The book has been read by the student. (Buku telah dibaca oleh siswa.)

19. The mistake was made by the employee. (Kesalahan dibuat oleh karyawan.)

20. The test will be taken by the students tomorrow. (Ujian akan diambil oleh siswa besok.)

21. The proposal has been approved by the board. (Usulan telah disetujui oleh dewan.)

22. The money was stolen by the thief. (Uang dicuri oleh pencuri.)

23. The problem will be solved by the expert. (Masalah akan diselesaikan oleh pakar.)

24. The program is being developed by the software engineer. (Program sedang dikembangkan oleh insinyur perangkat lunak.)

25. The play was written by Shakespeare. (Drama ditulis oleh Shakespeare.)

26. The company has been acquired by the competitor. (Perusahaan telah diakuisisi oleh pesaing.)

27. The message was sent by email. (Pesan dikirim melalui email.)

28. The movie has been watched by millions of people. (Film telah ditonton oleh jutaan orang.)

29. The task will be completed by the team. (Tugas akan diselesaikan oleh tim.)

30. The bridge was destroyed by the storm. (Jembatan hancur karena badai.)

31. The room has been decorated by the interior designer. (Kamar telah dihias oleh desainer interior.)

32. The letter will be delivered by the postman. (Surat akan diantar oleh tukang pos.)

33. The paper has been written by the researcher. (Makalah telah ditulis oleh peneliti.)

34. The house will be sold by the owner. (Rumah akan dijual oleh pemiliknya.)

35. The tickets were sold out in minutes. (Tiket habis terjual dalam hitungan menit.)

36. The meeting was cancelled due to bad weather. (Pertemuan dibatalkan karena cuaca buruk.)

37. The project has been delayed by a week. (Proyek tertunda selama satu minggu.)

38. The package has been shipped to the customer. (Paket telah dikirim ke pelanggan.)

39. The class was taught by the new teacher. (Kelas diajarkan oleh guru baru.)

40. The message has been received by the recipient. (Pesan telah diterima oleh penerima.)

41. The software has been updated by the developer. (Perangkat lunak telah diperbarui oleh pengembang.)

42. The dinner will be cooked by the chef. (Makan malam akan dimasak oleh koki.)

43. The movie was filmed in Hollywood. (Film difilmkan di Hollywood.)

44. The car has been serviced by the mechanic. (Mobil telah diservis oleh mekanik.)

45. The order will be processed by the sales team. (Pesanan akan diproses oleh tim penjualan.)

46. The house was sold for a high price. (Rumah terjual dengan harga tinggi.)

47. The book has been translated into several languages. (Buku telah diterjemahkan ke beberapa bahasa.)

48. The cake was eaten by everyone at the party. (Kue dimakan oleh semua orang di pesta.)

49. The report was submitted by the deadline. (Laporan diserahkan sebelum batas waktu.)

50. The mistake was corrected by the editor. (Kesalahan diperbaiki oleh editor.)

51. The computer was fixed by the technician. (Komputer diperbaiki oleh teknisi.)

52. The concert was attended by thousands of people. (Konser dihadiri oleh ribuan orang.)

53. The project will be completed on time. (Proyek akan selesai tepat waktu.)

54. The building was destroyed in the fire. (Bangunan hancur dalam kebakaran.)

55. The letter has been signed by the CEO. (Surat telah ditandatangani oleh CEO.)

56. The movie was nominated for several awards. (Film dinominasikan untuk beberapa penghargaan.)

57. The test was taken by all the students in the class. (Ujian diambil oleh semua siswa di kelas.)

58. The email has been sent to the recipient. (Email telah dikirim ke penerima.)

59. The job was finished before the deadline. (Pekerjaan selesai sebelum batas waktu.)

60. The proposal was rejected by the committee. (Usulan ditolak oleh komite.)

61. The money has been deposited in the bank account. (Uang telah disimpan dalam rekening bank.)

62. The movie was released in theaters worldwide. (Film dirilis di bioskop-bioskop di seluruh dunia.)

63. The event was organized by a team of volunteers. (Acara diorganisir oleh tim relawan.)

64. The task was assigned to the most experienced employee. (Tugas diberikan kepada karyawan yang paling berpengalaman.)

65. The company was founded in the 20th century. (Perusahaan didirikan pada abad ke-20.)