Contoh kata adverb yang umum digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris  2023

Contoh kata adverb yang umum digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris

1. Slowly (lambat): She walked slowly to the bus stop.

2. Quickly (cepat): He typed quickly on his computer.

3. Carefully (hati-hati): She held the fragile vase carefully.

4. Loudly (keras): The band played their music loudly.

5. Softly (lembut): She spoke softly to the baby.

6. Sadly (sedih): She cried sadly after watching a sad movie.

7. Brightly (terang): The sun shone brightly in the sky.

8. Darkly (gelap): The room was darkly lit.

9. Beautifully (indah): The flowers bloomed beautifully in the garden.

10. Happily (bahagia): They happily walked on the beach.

11. Nervously (gugup): She nervously waited for the exam result.

12. Briskly (gesit): She walked briskly to the office.

13. Calmly (tenang): He handled the situation calmly.

14. Angrily (marah): He spoke angrily to his friend.

15. Quietly (senyap): They quietly walked through the library.

16. Clearly (jelas): The teacher explained the lesson clearly.

17. Eagerly (bersemangat): The children eagerly opened their gifts.

18. Patiently (sabar): She waited patiently for her turn.

19. Fearfully (takut): He looked fearfully at the dark alley.

20. Courageously (berani): He courageously saved the drowning child.

21. Honestly (jujur): She answered the question honestly.

22. Carelessly (asal-asalan): He did his work carelessly.

23. Frequently (sering): They frequently visited their grandparents.

24. Occasionally (kadang-kadang): She occasionally eats fast food.

25. Rarely (jarang): He rarely goes to the cinema.

26. Almost (hampir): She almost missed the bus.

27. Fully (sepenuhnya): He fully understood the concept.

28. Only (hanya): She only drinks coffee in the morning.

29. Too (terlalu): The coffee was too hot to drink.

30. Enough (cukup): She had enough time to finish the project.

31. Almost (hampir): He almost forgot his keys.

32. Completely (sepenuhnya): She completely finished her work.

33. Hardly (hampir tidak): They hardly had time to rest.

34. Mostly (sebagian besar): The event was mostly attended by young people.

35. Partly (sebagian): She was partly responsible for the accident.

36. Nearly (hampir): He nearly missed his flight.

37. Really (benar-benar): She was really happy to see her friend.

38. Simply (secara sederhana): He explained the concept simply.

39. Slightly (sedikit): The water was slightly warm.

40. Totally (sepenuhnya): He totally disagreed with his friend.

41. Utterly (sangat): She was utterly exhausted after the trip.

42. Well (baik): He played well in the basketball game.

43. Quite (sangat): She was quite surprised by the news.

44. Enough (cukup): They earned enough money to buy a new car.

45. Barely (hampir tidak): She barely passed the exam.

46. Notably (terutama): The restaurant was notably busy during the lunch hour.

47. Simply (secara sederhana): She simply couldn't finish the work in time.

48. Essentially (pada dasarnya): The book is essentially a love story.

49. Particularly (terutama): She was particularly interested in the history of the city.

50. Merely (hanya): He merely nodded his head in agreement.

51. Approximately (sekitar): The journey took approximately two hours.

52. Exactly (tepat): She arrived exactly at 8 o'clock.

53. Fully (sepenuhnya): He was fully aware of the consequences of his actions.

54. Hence (karena itu): She couldn't attend the meeting, hence she sent her assistant.

55. Mostly (sebagian besar): The guests were mostly from out of town.

56. Nearly (hampir): He nearly fell off the ladder.
57. Obviously (jelas): It was obviously a mistake on his part.

58. Rarely (jarang): They rarely eat out at fancy restaurants.

59. Seriously (serius): She took the problem seriously and found a solution.

60. Somehow (entah bagaimana): He somehow managed to finish the project on time.

61. Suddenly (tiba-tiba): The car suddenly swerved to the left.

62. Surely (pasti): She surely knew the answer to the question.

63. Together (bersama-sama): They worked together on the project.

64. Unfortunately (sayangnya): Unfortunately, the event was cancelled due to bad weather.

65. Usually (biasanya): He usually wakes up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

66. Very (sangat): She was very happy with her new job.

67. Almost (hampir): They were almost at the top of the mountain.

68. Clearly (jelas): The instructions were clearly written on the package.

69. Early (awal): She arrived early for the meeting.

70. Highly (sangat): He was highly recommended for the position.

71. Only (hanya): The restaurant serves only vegetarian food.

72. Simply (secara sederhana): She simply couldn't understand the math problem.

73. Truly (benar-benar): He was truly sorry for what he had done.

74. Very (sangat): The weather was very hot that day.

75. Happily (senang): They happily celebrated their anniversary.