Contoh announcement dalam bahasa Inggris, simpel dan mudah
1. Contoh school announcement
Notified to all Class VIII students of SMA 5 Bandung to attend the Youth Oath Day commemoration on:
Day: Monday Date: October 22 2021
Time: At 10.00
Place: Karebosi Field
Given the importance of this event, it is expected that all students and students will be on time. Thank you for your attention.
Principal of Bandung 5 High School
2. Contoh job announcement
To : Resource inc. Staff, Resource inc. Clients
Subject: Promotion Announcement John Pardede
Dear staff,
I would like to announce the promotion of John Pardede as a new marketing Head of
Resource inc. John has worked for our company for twelve years and climbed his professional ladder with absolute adeptness, which is rare nowadays. As marketing manager of Resource inc., he has bought a huge percentage of the company business. His influence on sale and business retention has been substantial and he possesses an excellent record of customer relations and timely service delivery. During Johns time in the marketing department, he has taken on additional responsibility and worked extra hours to meet deadline.
We anticipate that as a head of the marketing department, Johns input and work aggression will be multifold. His work duties now include creating and implementing marketing plans for the Amadeus project that has been entrusted to the company. He will be leading the marketing team through this five-year project and will also be working on various other concurrent projects. Let us all congratulate John on his outstanding performance in previous years, which led to his promotion today. I wish him luck for all future endeavours he undertakes.
Mark Corelli
Director Marketing and Communication
Resource Inc.
3. Contoh airport announcement
Your attention please, passengers of Garuda Indonesia on flight number GA328 to Surabaya please boarding from door A12, Thank you.
4. Contoh school announcement tentang Lomba baca puisi
Our school will hold a poetry reading competition which will be held on May 11, 2022. Poetry is required to be a work of its own with a free theme.
Free registration is free of charge, starting from 4 to 8 May 2022 in the Student Council room. Register yourself immediately because there are many prizes. Thank you Student Council
5. Contoh announcement tentang olimpiade kimia
The announcement of the first stage selection of the chemistry olympiad team can be seen in the following table. We congratulate all students who passed stage 1, and are expected to prepare themselves better for the stage 2 selection.
6. Contoh announcement graduation
This announcement is addressed to all 12th grade students of Bhakti Raharja High School, that the uniforms used during graduation are:
men: dark cloth tops and trousers
women: kebaya
for those who do not have the dress code, you can contact Ms. Hardiningrat at the secretariat room for the purposes of renting a dress code. Thank you
7. Contoh announcement tentang pembatalan acara
Dear our lovely visitor,
With a heavy heart, we are obliged to announce that the Music Festival is unfortunately canceled due to the extremely heavy rain. Following discussions with our venue partner and guest stars, the safety of our visitors, crew, talents and everybody involved, is our utmost priority.
Please kindly check our website and social media for refund and other information related to cancelation of the Music Festival. We truly apologize to our ticket holder for this cancellation.
Stay safe, and please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
We do hope we can see you again very soon.
Committee of Music Festival
8. Contoh school announcement tentang rekrutmen organisasi
Student arts organization The Turututtuuts is currently opening registration for new members in the fields: music, drama, painting. For students who are interested in joining us, please fill out the form that can be taken at The Turututtuuts secretariat every time the class ends. Thank you
Chairman of The Turututtuuts,
Tiara Andini
9. Contoh school announcement tentang les tambahan
Aimed at the entire 3rd grade of SMP Jaya Makmur that additional lessons will be held before the first hour of study and after school. Additional lessons will be held from 20 January to 28 March 2017. This is due to the preparation of the National Examinations to be held. All students are required to attend additional classes without exception in order to succeed in facing the UN.
Penulis: mg/Feni Listiyani
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