- Kadang banyak orang yang menganggap bahwa berat badan yang lebih menghalangi berbagai aktivitas yang ada, termasuk olahraga. Tapi nampaknya anggapan itu dimentahkan oleh Jessamyn Stanley (27). Instruktur yoga asal Durham, North Carolina, Amerika ini mempunyai berat badan berlebih, tapi hal itu tak menghalanginya untuk melakukan aktivitas yoga.

Jessamyn telah berlatih yoga sejak usia 16 tahun. Kini, ia telah menjadi instruktur yoga yang mengajar kelas di kota kelahirannya. Jessamyn ingin mengampanyekan jika berat badan hanyalah angka yang tak menghalangi aktivitas.

Ia mencoba mengubah stereotipe yang ada dan menunjukkan bahwa yoga dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja. Pada websitenya, ia menekankan orang untuk bertanya 'bagaimana saya merasa?' daripada menanyakan 'bagaimana penampilanku?'. Kini Instagram yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kemampuannya telah diikuti oleh lebih dari 166.000 pengguna Instagram.

Penasaran dengan aksi instruktur yoga ini? Berikut foto-foto Jessamyn yang diambil dari Instagramnya, Rabu (6/4):

1. Waw...

Jessamyn Stanley instruktur yoga  2016

2. Top banget nih Jessamyn.

Jessamyn Stanley instruktur yoga  2016

3. Hebat kan?

Jessamyn Stanley instruktur yoga  2016

4. Jessamyn ingin mengampanyekan jika perempuan gemuk bisa melakukan gerakan yoga.

Jessamyn Stanley instruktur yoga  2016

5. Tak hanya itu, gemuk juga bukan penghalang untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas.

Jessamyn Stanley instruktur yoga  2016

6. Wuihh...

Jessamyn Stanley instruktur yoga  2016

7. Kalau Jessamyn bisa, kenapa kamu nggak?

Jessamyn Stanley instruktur yoga  2016

8. Hasil pasti nggak akan mengkhianati usaha.

Jessamyn Stanley instruktur yoga  2016

9. Nih, salah satu video gerakan Jessamyn.

Today, I stopped in the middle of an awesome @yogaglo class to get into some #flowfuckery. BTW, stopping in the middle of an online class is totally normal. It can happen to anyone regardless of how long you've been practicing. It usually happens to me when I get an itch to just do my own thing. It's nothing personal- I'm a free spirit, ya dig? Anyway, this flow was the result. It was beautiful and rewarding and I felt myself on the verge of tears afterward. My practice is in a completely different place than when I first stepped on a yoga mat. It's like I actually don't give a fuck about anything anymore & it's the most freeing yoga-related sensation I've ever felt. You wouldn't know it, but the Western yoga world is pretty effing rigid. Many people love rules but I'm not really about that life. I've never really enjoyed rigid structures and I've always been a bit of a troublemaker. However, yoga was once a place where I felt pretty tied to some rules but I think I'm finally letting go of that, too. I'm finally coming to this place where I don't care about anything but genuinely enjoying my experience on my mat. I don't begrudge anyone their stringent rules but I don't know if that will ever be my thing. I really like marching to the beat of my own drum. If you're interested, you can watch this whole flow fuckery on my YouTube channel- I'm 'Jessamyn Stanley' over there! My YouTube channel is also a good place to find quick tutorials for tricky yoga transitions, especially those including #downwardfacingdog and other tricky EveryBody Yoga transitions on @codyapp. (Also, I'm unofficially heading back to my yoga mothership @ashevilleyogacenter in April to study at the knee of Shala Worsley, queen of intuitive touch and Ayurveda and all things awesome that I wish to absorb like a chubby Hermione Granger-shaped sponge. I haven't paid my tuition yet but I'M COMING SHALA, OK? I also want to duck in my mama duck @the_tao_of_kim's restorative classes the weekend before, but my bank account is like, "You Need to Stop.") (Also smh at the fact that my boo @nolatrees & I were both shoulder opening tonight WHY ARE WE YOGA FRATERNAL TWINS.)

A video posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on