Contoh kalimat kata kerja dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
16. You clean the dishes after eating. (Kamu mencuci piring setelah makan)
17. She does her homework in her room. (Dia mengerjakan PR di kamarnya)
18. They talk on the phone with friends. (Mereka berbicara di telepon dengan teman-teman)
19. He listens to music while working. (Dia mendengarkan musik saat bekerja)
20. I check my email regularly. (Saya memeriksa email saya secara teratur)
21. She shops for groceries on weekends. (Dia berbelanja bahan makanan pada akhir pekan)
22. They visit their grandparents on holidays. (Mereka mengunjungi kakek nenek mereka saat liburan)
23. He goes to the gym to exercise. (Dia pergi ke gym untuk berolahraga)
24. We take the kids to the playground. (Kita membawa anak-anak ke taman bermain)
25. You help with household chores. (Kamu membantu dengan pekerjaan rumah)
26. She reads a bedtime story to the children. (Dia membaca cerita sebelum tidur kepada anak-anak)
27. They plant flowers in the garden. (Mereka menanam bunga di taman)
28. He mows the lawn on Saturdays. (Dia memotong rumput pada hari Sabtu)
29. I water the plants in the evening. (Saya menyiram tanaman di malam hari)
30. She feeds the pets every day. (Dia memberi makan hewan peliharaan setiap hari)
31. They go for a walk in the evening. (Mereka pergi jalan-jalan di malam hari)
32. He takes a nap on Sundays. (Dia tidur siang pada hari Minggu)
33. We go to church on Sundays. (Kita pergi ke gereja pada hari Minggu)
34. You attend meetings at work. (Kamu menghadiri pertemuan di tempat kerja)
35. She visits the doctor when she's sick. (Dia mengunjungi dokter saat sakit.)
36. They go to the movies on Fridays. (Mereka pergi menonton film pada hari Jumat)
37. He goes fishing with his friends. (Dia pergi memancing bersama teman-temannya)
38. I take the subway to work. (Saya naik kereta bawah tanah ke tempat kerja)
39. She goes shopping for clothes. (Dia pergi berbelanja pakaian)
40. They have a picnic in the park. (Mereka piknik di taman)
41. He takes photos during vacations. (Dia mengambil foto selama liburan)
42. We celebrate birthdays with cake. (Kita merayakan ulang tahun dengan kue)
43. You go jogging in the morning. (Kamu pergi jogging di pagi hari)
44. She dances at parties. (Dia menari di pesta)
45. They ride bikes in the neighborhood. (Mereka bersepeda di lingkungan)
46. He drives carefully. (Dia mengemudi dengan hati-hati)
47. I sing in the shower. (Saya menyanyi di kamar mandi)
48. We hike in the mountains during the summer. (Kita mendaki di pegunungan selama musim panas)
49. You volunteer at the local shelter. (Kamu menjadi relawan di tempat penampungan lokal)
50. She practices yoga for relaxation. (Dia berlatih yoga untuk relaksasi)
51. He takes the trash out every evening. (Dia mengeluarkan sampah setiap sore)
52. We drive to the beach on weekends. (Kita pergi ke pantai pada akhir pekan)
53. You study for exams at the library. (Kamu belajar untuk ujian di perpustakaan)
54. She walks the dog in the park. (Dia membawa anjing jalan-jalan di taman)
55. They visit relatives during the holidays. (Mereka mengunjungi kerabat saat liburan)
56. I jog in the park in the evenings. (Saya jogging di taman pada malam hari)
57. We bike to the store for groceries. (Kita bersepeda ke toko untuk belanja bahan makanan)
58. He fixes the leaky faucet in the kitchen. (Dia memperbaiki keran yang bocor di dapur)
59. She plays the guitar for entertainment. (Dia bermain gitar untuk hiburan)
60. They swim at the pool on hot days. (Mereka berenang di kolam renang pada hari panas)
61. I visit museums to learn about art. (Saya mengunjungi museum untuk mempelajari seni)
62. You go to the dentist for check-ups. (Kamu pergi ke dokter gigi untuk pemeriksaan)
63. She writes letters to her pen pals. (Dia menulis surat kepada teman pena)
64. He takes care of the garden plants. (Dia merawat tanaman di kebun)
65. They cook a special meal for guests. (Mereka memasak hidangan istimewa untuk tamu)
66. We go camping in the summer. (Kita berkemah di musim panas)
67. You watch the sunset at the beach. (Kamu menonton matahari terbenam di pantai)
68. She practices the piano for hours. (Dia berlatih bermain piano selama berjam-jam)
69. He rides his bike to work to save money. (Dia naik sepeda ke tempat kerja untuk menghemat uang)
70. They volunteer at the local community center. (Mereka menjadi relawan di pusat komunitas lokal)
71. I paint the walls of my bedroom. (Saya mengecat dinding kamar saya)
72. We dance at weddings and parties. (Kita menari di pernikahan dan pesta)
73. You go for a run in the morning. (Kamu pergi lari di pagi hari)
74. She takes her kids to the zoo. (Dia membawa anak-anaknya ke kebun binatang)
75. They visit historical landmarks on vacations. (Mereka mengunjungi tempat-tempat bersejarah saat liburan)
76. He fishes by the river for relaxation. (Dia memancing di sungai untuk relaksasi)
77. I watch documentaries to learn new things. (Saya menonton dokumenter untuk belajar hal-hal baru)
78. She takes a break in the afternoon. (Dia istirahat di siang hari)
79. They go for hikes in the forest. (Mereka pergi mendaki di hutan)
80. We travel to different countries for adventure. (Kita bepergian ke berbagai negara untuk petualangan)
81. I wake up early every day. (Saya bangun pagi setiap hari)
82. She brushes her teeth before bed. (Dia menyikat giginya sebelum tidur)
83. They take a shower in the morning. (Mereka mandi pagi)
84. He gets dressed for work. (Dia berpakaian yang rapi untuk bekerja)
85. We have breakfast together. (Kita sarapan bersama)
Contoh kalimat kata kerja dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
16. You clean the dishes after eating. (Kamu mencuci piring setelah makan)
17. She does her homework in her room. (Dia mengerjakan PR di kamarnya)
18. They talk on the phone with friends. (Mereka berbicara di telepon dengan teman-teman)
19. He listens to music while working. (Dia mendengarkan musik saat bekerja)
20. I check my email regularly. (Saya memeriksa email saya secara teratur)
21. She shops for groceries on weekends. (Dia berbelanja bahan makanan pada akhir pekan)
22. They visit their grandparents on holidays. (Mereka mengunjungi kakek nenek mereka saat liburan)
23. He goes to the gym to exercise. (Dia pergi ke gym untuk berolahraga)
24. We take the kids to the playground. (Kita membawa anak-anak ke taman bermain)
25. You help with household chores. (Kamu membantu dengan pekerjaan rumah)
26. She reads a bedtime story to the children. (Dia membaca cerita sebelum tidur kepada anak-anak)
27. They plant flowers in the garden. (Mereka menanam bunga di taman)
28. He mows the lawn on Saturdays. (Dia memotong rumput pada hari Sabtu)
29. I water the plants in the evening. (Saya menyiram tanaman di malam hari)
30. She feeds the pets every day. (Dia memberi makan hewan peliharaan setiap hari)
31. They go for a walk in the evening. (Mereka pergi jalan-jalan di malam hari)
32. He takes a nap on Sundays. (Dia tidur siang pada hari Minggu)
33. We go to church on Sundays. (Kita pergi ke gereja pada hari Minggu)
34. You attend meetings at work. (Kamu menghadiri pertemuan di tempat kerja)
35. She visits the doctor when she's sick. (Dia mengunjungi dokter saat sakit.)
36. They go to the movies on Fridays. (Mereka pergi menonton film pada hari Jumat)
37. He goes fishing with his friends. (Dia pergi memancing bersama teman-temannya)
38. I take the subway to work. (Saya naik kereta bawah tanah ke tempat kerja)
39. She goes shopping for clothes. (Dia pergi berbelanja pakaian)
40. They have a picnic in the park. (Mereka piknik di taman)
41. He takes photos during vacations. (Dia mengambil foto selama liburan)
42. We celebrate birthdays with cake. (Kita merayakan ulang tahun dengan kue)
43. You go jogging in the morning. (Kamu pergi jogging di pagi hari)
44. She dances at parties. (Dia menari di pesta)
45. They ride bikes in the neighborhood. (Mereka bersepeda di lingkungan)
46. He drives carefully. (Dia mengemudi dengan hati-hati)
47. I sing in the shower. (Saya menyanyi di kamar mandi)
48. We hike in the mountains during the summer. (Kita mendaki di pegunungan selama musim panas)
49. You volunteer at the local shelter. (Kamu menjadi relawan di tempat penampungan lokal)
50. She practices yoga for relaxation. (Dia berlatih yoga untuk relaksasi)
51. He takes the trash out every evening. (Dia mengeluarkan sampah setiap sore)
52. We drive to the beach on weekends. (Kita pergi ke pantai pada akhir pekan)
53. You study for exams at the library. (Kamu belajar untuk ujian di perpustakaan)
54. She walks the dog in the park. (Dia membawa anjing jalan-jalan di taman)
55. They visit relatives during the holidays. (Mereka mengunjungi kerabat saat liburan)
56. I jog in the park in the evenings. (Saya jogging di taman pada malam hari)
57. We bike to the store for groceries. (Kita bersepeda ke toko untuk belanja bahan makanan)
58. He fixes the leaky faucet in the kitchen. (Dia memperbaiki keran yang bocor di dapur)
59. She plays the guitar for entertainment. (Dia bermain gitar untuk hiburan)
60. They swim at the pool on hot days. (Mereka berenang di kolam renang pada hari panas)
61. I visit museums to learn about art. (Saya mengunjungi museum untuk mempelajari seni)
62. You go to the dentist for check-ups. (Kamu pergi ke dokter gigi untuk pemeriksaan)
63. She writes letters to her pen pals. (Dia menulis surat kepada teman pena)
64. He takes care of the garden plants. (Dia merawat tanaman di kebun)
65. They cook a special meal for guests. (Mereka memasak hidangan istimewa untuk tamu)
66. We go camping in the summer. (Kita berkemah di musim panas)
67. You watch the sunset at the beach. (Kamu menonton matahari terbenam di pantai)
68. She practices the piano for hours. (Dia berlatih bermain piano selama berjam-jam)
69. He rides his bike to work to save money. (Dia naik sepeda ke tempat kerja untuk menghemat uang)
70. They volunteer at the local community center. (Mereka menjadi relawan di pusat komunitas lokal)
71. I paint the walls of my bedroom. (Saya mengecat dinding kamar saya)
72. We dance at weddings and parties. (Kita menari di pernikahan dan pesta)
73. You go for a run in the morning. (Kamu pergi lari di pagi hari)
74. She takes her kids to the zoo. (Dia membawa anak-anaknya ke kebun binatang)
75. They visit historical landmarks on vacations. (Mereka mengunjungi tempat-tempat bersejarah saat liburan)
76. He fishes by the river for relaxation. (Dia memancing di sungai untuk relaksasi)
77. I watch documentaries to learn new things. (Saya menonton dokumenter untuk belajar hal-hal baru)
78. She takes a break in the afternoon. (Dia istirahat di siang hari)
79. They go for hikes in the forest. (Mereka pergi mendaki di hutan)
80. We travel to different countries for adventure. (Kita bepergian ke berbagai negara untuk petualangan)
81. I wake up early every day. (Saya bangun pagi setiap hari)
82. She brushes her teeth before bed. (Dia menyikat giginya sebelum tidur)
83. They take a shower in the morning. (Mereka mandi pagi)
84. He gets dressed for work. (Dia berpakaian yang rapi untuk bekerja)
85. We have breakfast together. (Kita sarapan bersama)
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