Contoh kalimat obligation bahasa Inggris
1. I have to meet her.
(Aku harus menemuinya)
2. I have to practice at school.
(Aku harus berlatih di sekolah)
3. I must drink this medicine.
(Aku harus meminum obat ini)
4. You must get up earlier.
(Kamu harus bangun lebih awal)
5. You have to arrive at office before 8 pm
(Kamu harus sampai di kantor sebelum jam 8 pagi)
6.You must study hard for preparing next examination.
(Anda harus giat belajar untuk mempersiapkan ujian mendatang).
7. I have to go to visit my friend
(Aku harus pergi mengunjungi temanku)
8. It must be nice taking a holiday to Yogyakarta.
(Pasti menyenangkan berlibur ke Yogyakarta).
9. My computer cant run well. It must be broken.
(Komputer saya tidak bisa bekerja. Pasti sudah rusak).
10. You cant turn left here. You have to turn right.
(Anda tidak bisa belok kiri di sini. Anda harus belok kanan.)
11. You have to wear a shoe when you go to school.
(Kamu harus memakai sepatu ketika pergi ke sekolah)
12. You have to listen first.
(Anda harus mendengarkan terlebih dahulu)
13. They must be here before 8 am.
(Mereka harus berada disini sebelum jam 8)
14. I can't attend to the meeting.
(Saya tidak bisa hadir ke rapat)
15. You have to buy a flower as you promised.
(Kamu harus membeli bunga seperti yang kamu janjikan)
16. You are not allowed to smoke here.
(Anda tidak diperbolehkan merokok disini)
17. We don't have to pay it here.
(Kami tidak perlu membayarnya disini)
18. We must cook delicious food for the guests.
(Kita harus memasak makanan yang lezat untuk tamu)
19. Guests must report to staff before entry.
(Tamu wajib melapor pada staf sebelum masuk)
20. All students must participate in the study tour.
(Semua murid diwajibkan mengikuti studi wisata)
21. I have to do something today
(saya harus melakukan sesuatu hari ini)
22. I dont have to bring notes book, right?
(Sata tidak harus membawa buku catatan, kan?)
23. Maya has to finish her work before Sunday.
(Maya harus menyelesaikan pekerjaannya sebelum hari Senin)
24. We need to buy something sweet.
(Kita harus membeli sesuatu yang manis)
25. She needs to practice more often.
(Dia harus berlatih lebih sering lagi)
26. I need to write a journal.
(Saya harus menulis jurnal)
27. it is necessary that we bring umbrella.
(Kita harus membawa payung)
28. It is obligatory that we buy uniform.
(Kita wajib membeli seragam sekolah)
29. It is obligatory that you have driving license.
(Kamu wajib memiliki SIM)
30. It is necessary that you see a doctor.
(Kamu harus pergi ke dokter)
31. I must eat healthy food.
(Saya harus makan makanan yang sehat.
32. You must study hard for the final examination.
(Kamu harus belajar giat untuk menghadapi ujian akhir.)
33. She must not come to the party.
(Dia tidak harus datang ke pesta.)
34. He doesnt have to come to the party.
(Dia tidak boleh datang ke pesta)
35. I have to get up early morning. Im going away and my bus leaves at 5.30 AM.
(Saya harus bangun pagi-pagi. Saya akan pergi dan bus saya berangkat jam 5.30 pagi.)
Penulis: Agung Pradana Putra
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