- Pidato bahasa Inggris memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan pidato pada umumnya. Pidato sendiri dapat dipahami sebagai aktivitas yang mengungkapkan ide atau pandangan secara lisan kepada orang lain dengan tujuan yang jelas. Berpidato tidaklah mudah, kamu harus mampu menguasai panggung, audiens, ekspresi, intonasi, hingga bahasa yang digunakan.

Terdapat beberapa jenis pidato bahasa Inggris, yakni manuscript, impromptu, memorized, dan extemporaneous. Untuk manuscript, kamu bisa menyampaikan pidato dengan membacakan teks yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya. Jenis pidato ini biasa dilakukan di forum resmi seperti pidato kenegaraan. Impromptu merupakan pidato yang disampaikan secara spontan atau dadakan tanpa teks.

Memorized merupakan pidato yang menghafalkan isi teks pidato yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya. Berbeda dari manuscript, memorized tidak membawa teks karena pembawa pidato telah menghafal seluruh naskah pidato. Extemporaneous merupakan pidato yang disampaikan melalui catatan kecil yang didapatkan dari poin penting pembahasan dalam pidato.

Setelah mengetahui jenis-jenis pidato, kamu juga perlu untuk mengetahui struktur pidato bahasa Inggris yang dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yakni introduction, body, dan conclusion. Introduction atau pendahuluan memuat tentang topik yang akan dibahas secara singkat. Meskipun belum dikupas tuntas, bagian pembuka ini harus mampu menarik perhatian audiens supaya mereka mau menyimak pidato hingga selesai.

Untuk body atau isi pidato menjelaskan tentang pembahasan utama atau pembahasan yang ingin disampaikan. Pada bagian conclusion atau kesimpulan memuat tentang solusi atau cara untuk mengatasi permasalahn yang tengah dibahas. Biasanya, pembicara akan menutup pidato dengan permohonan maaf dan ucapan terima kasih.

Sebagai bahan referensi, berikut rangkum 7 contoh teks pidato bahasa Inggris dengan berbagai tema dan penjelasannya seperti dihimpun dari berbagai sumber pada Senin (17/1).

1. Teks pidato bahasa Inggris tentang pemanasan global

teks pidato bahasa Inggris  2022


"That so many of us are here today is a recognition that the threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent, and it is growing. Our generation's response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet it - boldly, swiftly, and together - we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe." These are the words President Obama used to begin his global warming speech before the United Nations Summit in 2009.

Search Google for global warming and you will get almost 65 million pages of results. The subject has certainly drawn a lot of attention. But just what is global warming? What is causing it? What effects does it have on the earth and its inhabitants? What are some possible solutions? These are the questions that I will be addressing in this short, informative speech today.

What is Global Warming?

Global warming is the gradual increase of the temperature of earth's atmosphere and oceans. Over the past century the average temperatures have gone up by just over one degree. This may not seem like much, but many scientists agree that the earth's temperatures are starting to increase at a faster rate.

What Causes It?

Global warming occurs when greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane trap heat inside the earth's atmosphere. Think about what happens when you open your car door after the windows have been rolled up on a hot day. Heat from the sun enters the car, but the frame of the car prevents it from escaping. To a small extent, this is a representation of what happens during global warming. Burning fossil fuels like petroleum and deforestation both contribute to the problem.

What Effects does Climate Change Have on the Earth and its Inhabitants?

Global warming has already started to affect the earth in several ways. Arctic glaciers have begun to melt, threatening indigenous life such as the polar bears. Melting glaciers also cause sea levels to rise. This could become a problem for low land areas like the ones in the South Sea Islands. Ocean temperatures have begun to rise. This causes some of the algae to die which can affect the entire food chain.

What are some Possible Solutions to the Problem?
There are ways we can combat the effects of global warming. The Clean Air Act of 1990 is a law in the United States that attempts to protect and improve the earth's air and atmosphere. Some of the components of this law include limiting harmful vehicle emissions and phasing out the use of chemicals that can damage the ozone layer. On a more personal level, we can work to prevent global warming by planting trees and by car-pooling.

Climate change is seen as a serious threat that is receiving serious attention world-wide. Hopefully, this global warming speech has helped inform you of what causes it and the effects that it has on the earth. It's up to you to decide how you can help to do something about it.


2. Teks pidato bahasa Inggris tentang perundungan atau bullying

teks pidato bahasa Inggris  2022


Humans - we are believed to be the smartest creatures on earth. We have our own special ways of communicating and acting around others. In fact, every single day, we talk, act, and behave so that our words and actions meet the primitive expectations of society.

I like to think of my entire body as a coffee machine; my heart the multi-colored coffee beans before they're ground; my mind the filter, and my words and actions as the coffee. And what happens to coffee beans? Before you put them into the machine, all of them are multi-colored and special in their own ways.

But after they are ground up and blended together, the uniqueness within each bean is obscured. Once they have traveled through the filter, all people can see is just the plain coffee that they wanted. Nobody will ever see the rainbow-colored beans in the darkish brown liquid. Just like nobody can see your initial thoughts and decisions, that are at conflict with your words and actions. All that people can see and taste is the generic, finished product.

Maybe you're afraid that if you do not "filter" your original ideas and intentions, others will reject or dislike you. Perhaps they will see your ideas and decisions as too strong or too bitter, so you instinctively feel the need to change or to filter your coffee beans. People would be so surprised if they saw MY original coffee beans. They would be shocked when they found out the real person I am.

When I was in 4th grade, I transferred to a new school. It was my 5th week there when I saw a kid being bullied on the playground. I was playing on the swings when I heard screeching and screaming noises from the other far end. I asked the girl beside me what it was all about. She was like, "Oh, don't worry about it, it's just the 6th graders teaching the new kid in our grade a lesson." She said it as if everything was so natural. She then smirked then whispered in my ear: "Don't tell anyone that I told you this but he has the plague!"

I was confused, so I asked her what kind of plague he had, and she told me "It's the 'nano-plague'." She then explained that it was a virulent disease caused by nano worms that bit into your face, causing a permanent red mark. And if others touched the victim or touched something that he'd touched before 3 seconds had passed, they would be infected as well. Frankly, I was dying to see what that kid looked like.

When I got to the other side, I was astounded. I had never seen that many students circled around and cheering about something. I squeezed my way into the center of the circle, but the "plague" was nowhere to be found. All I saw were the backs of two or three tall guys dressed in our school uniform. They all seemed to be pointing and talking to something on the floor. Even though I didn't quite get what they were saying, and I couldn't quite see who or what they were talking to, my assumption was the plague.

Then I saw that most of the older spectators were laughing, so I laughed with them. As if the things the tall guys were saying were amusing in some way. After a while, I actually started to enjoy myself. Gradually the guys at the back started moving aside. My heart beat rapidly as I stretched out my neck for a better view of the inner circle. I was actually expecting to see a monster looking plague or perhaps a clone of Frankenstein or something. But to my surprise, it was just a normal boy.

He might not have been the most stylish person I'd seen, he might have had glasses that were way too big for his face, he also might have a birthmark that covered up a little less than one-third of his face, but to me, he was just a normal human being. Who deserved to be treated like one.

The smirk gradually vanished from my face. It was then that I realized that this was not a game, this was not something funny, this was bullying. For a moment, there were just way too many thoughts and ideas going through my mind, and I was just overwhelmed. I remember thinking and asking myself questions like: Should I go in and help him? Should I at least stop it and tell an adult?

But instead of following my heart, and doing what was right, I froze. I froze there like a statue, too shocked to even blink. The shouting noises seem to have faded into the background. And I seemed to have faded in my own world. I regretted that I'd ever laughed at him. The feeling of complete melancholy, the feeling of downright regret and hatred, the feeling of resentment made an alliance and loomed over me.

I felt like I was gagging on salty waters, but too afraid and too bashful to use my arms and legs to swim to the surface. He must have noticed me, for he looked up at me with all the strength he had left. He was bruised all over his face. For about ten seconds, he looked at me and I looked at him. He then mouthed the words: "Help, please."

Instead of standing up for him, I backed down. I walked backward, further and further back until I stumbled and fell out of the circle of spectators. I looked in his direction until the gap in the crowd started to fill in. Then I walked away fighting back tears. I wanted to march up and tell the aggressors and the spectators that what they'd done was inhumane.

I wanted to tell everybody that they did not have the right to pick on a boy one-third of their size, they did not have the right to tell a boy that he wasn't beautiful, just because of a subtle birthmark on his face. I wanted to tell them that they were the definition of ignorance and failure. I wanted to tell them that what they were doing was wrong!

But instead, I walked away and let the victim down. Three years have passed since the incident, and a lot has changed and happened. But strangely, that scene is as clear and concise in my mind as it was then. The regret and the pain sting just as much as it did then. The incident has become a scar that has formed on my heart and never seems to heal. It's like a curse that can never be broken.

I'll bet he has forgotten and hated me for what I have done. And I have hated myself for not speaking up. But I know that it's too late now and I have already lost a chance to be brave and to be myself. So with this opportunity, I wanted to show and tell everybody that: Sometimes, the things you see about me are only the things I reveal. The things you think you know about me are only the things I let you know about. There is much more of me that I haven't revealed, of which you have absolutely no idea.

Perhaps the reason that people are afraid to reveal their true identities is that they might think their thoughts are too bitter, unlikable, unique and different. I'm a great example of that! I could have followed my heart and stood up for the boy, but instead, I went with the flow and didn't help a person in need.

I hope that people will learn from my experience and stop filtering their own unique coffee beans just to go with the flow. Please always be the person that you really are. I want to tell everyone that it's okay to go upstream. You don't always have to end up in the same position as others. And that's what makes this world colorful.


3. Teks pidato bahasa Inggris tentang kelulusan

teks pidato bahasa Inggris  2022


Principal Brown, members of the School Board, teachers, parents, friends, and fellow graduates, it is an honor to speak to all of you today. A little over 12 years ago I was 6, and I remember my first day of school. I was excited with my new Power Rangers lunchbox. My parents were there with their camera, snapping pictures and wishing me well. And I met a cool kid named James. In some ways, not much has changed in 12 years.

Here I am today. OK, so I didn't bring my Power Rangers lunchbox but, my parents are here with their camera, snapping pictures and wishing me well. My best friend James is here, and he's still a really cool kid. And, I am excited. But this is how things are different. Twelve years ago I was excited, but I had no idea about the implications of the journey I was about to begin. I had no idea that after 1st grade there would be 2nd grade and 3rd grade and so on. I was just excited to be in first grade.

Today, I know that I am standing on the brink of my future - the first day of the rest of my life. As a "computer geek" I am inspired by the words of one of our greatest American computer scientists, Alan Kay. He said, "The greatest way to predict the future is to invent it." Some of us here today, including our parents, are wondering how our lives are going to turn out. It is OK to wonder but, I also think it is important to realize that our future is not just something that happens to us. It is up to us to create.

So, fellow graduates, I urge you today to embrace the opportunity before you. Take what you have learned throughout the last 12 years and put it to good use. Leave behind what isn't helpful (I'm leaving my Power Rangers lunchbox) and bring forward with you the lessons that will be the working parts of your greatest invention ever, Your Life! Congratulations!


4. Teks pidato bahasa Inggris yang argumentatif

teks pidato bahasa Inggris  2022


Should Children Be Allowed to Own and Use Cellphones?

It is difficult to imagine a time when we did not have cell phones. Many of us rely on our phones throughout the day to stay in contact with our businesses, friends, and families. Whether we like cell phones or not, they have become an essential part of our society, and there is little chance of their use being curtailed soon.

Even children have begun to carry their own cell phones, not only for emergency and family use but to stay in touch with friends via text messaging. So what are the positive and negative points of allowing a child to carry a cell phone?

There's no doubt that a cell phone becomes an essential tool for a child to use when an emergency occurs. We live in a challenging and sometimes dangerous world. Having a means of contact with your child at all times through the use of a cell phone can help ensure their personal safety and provide peace of mind.

Children have used cell phones to contact their parents or officials in threatening situations. Some have even used their phone's ability to take photographs to ward off or identify predators. Furthermore, as children grow older, responsible cell phone ownership makes it possible to give them a more considerable amount of freedom than when younger.

On the other hand, owning a cell phone can also have a somewhat negative impact on a child. These phones can be a source of distraction, both at school and elsewhere.

Worryingly, phones make it easy for children to receive text messages and pictures of which their parents may not approve. Plus, medical professionals have indicated in the past that there may be dangers in having powerful cellular waves so close to a developing body on a regular basis.

One solution to the problem is to have a cell phone for the child that is limited in its capability to send and receive calls. A parent could program a mobile device to call out to only emergency numbers. One could also set the cellular equipment to accept pre-established phone numbers. These limitations would give the parents some peace of mind, knowing that their child has a means of contacting them in case of an emergency.

There's no doubt that the issue of children and cell phones is a difficult one to resolve. If you have children yourself, however, then it will be a personal issue, one that you will decide for the benefit of your family. But I hope this presentation has helped you think about the advantages and disadvantages of cell phone use for the younger generation and will better enable you to settle on your own position.


5. Teks pidato bahasa Inggris tentang organisasi siswa

teks pidato bahasa Inggris  2022


Good afternoon, students and staff members! My name is Stephanie, and I'm running for student body president. I'll keep this quick as I'm sure you are ready to get out of here.

You might be saying to yourself, "Should Stephanie really be the student body president? After all, she's only been at our school for two years." It's true that I am fairly new to Jefferson Anderson High School. At first glance, this may seem like a disadvantage. I didn't attend this school for my freshman and sophomore years, and I've only known most of you for a couple of years.

When you think about it though, there is actually a benefit in choosing someone who is coming into the school from somewhere else. I have new ideas that I can bring in from the school I was at before. Are you tired of doing the same old things year after year? Are you ready to do something different? One thing I noticed about this school when I came last year is that most of the students didn't really get to make any of the decisions here at the school.

Did anyone ever ask you what you wanted to do for a fundraiser? Did anyone ever ask you what you wanted to buy with the money we raised? Who makes these decisions? Those types of decisions are left up to the student council. The person you choose to represent you as president will speak for the entire senior class. Do you want to choose someone who will make those decisions for you without knowing what you want?

If you vote for me as a student council president, I promise to always get your opinions before making any decisions. You should have a say in the actions that will affect you. Every single one of you can come to me with your ideas, and I promise to listen and speak for you. I may not be the most well-known person running for student council president, but I promise to listen to each and every one of you.

You matter. Your opinion matters. Don't choose someone who will make all of the decisions for you. Don't vote for the person who will pick whatever their friends want them to choose. Choose someone who wants to be your spokesperson. Choose someone who cares about what you want. Choose me, Stephanie, for your student council president.


6. Teks pidato bahasa Inggris tentang kebijakan seragam sekolah

teks pidato bahasa Inggris  2022


Should students be required to wear a uniform to school? That is the question that has been raised for discussion here today. Private schools have long been known for having school uniform policies. Now some public schools such as ours are deciding whether or not they want their students to wear a school uniform. Some people argue that requiring students to dress a certain way takes away their sense of creativity and individuality. However, there are several strong arguments in favor of schools requiring school uniforms.

Wearing a school uniform can encourage some students to take their responsibilities more seriously. If they wear the same clothes to school that they wear when they go to the mall with their friends, they may have the same laid back attitude in both places. Wearing "work clothes" to school can change the students' frame of mind and inspire a more serious attitude that is focused on study.

School uniforms can also lessen the negative effects of class status. In some schools you are only popular if you wear the latest fashions and trends. Students are sometimes left out or even teased if they are unable or unwilling to pay to dress the way the popular students are dressing. Requiring students to wear a school uniform levels the playing field, by reducing the implied class status that is created when only certain students can buy the most expensive clothes.

Not only is teasing decreased, but violence can also be prevented at schools that have a required uniform. Gang violence is becoming more prevalent at schools around the country. Sometimes fights can start over someone wearing the "wrong color" or gang symbol. There have even been instances of gang members sneaking into schools to recruit or harass students.

Required school uniforms can reduce fighting among students and prevent outsiders from being able to get into the school undetected. Some opponents of school uniforms worry about the cost, but uniforms can actually cost less than other school clothes. With regular clothes you usually buy a different outfit for each day of the week.

You may even buy more than that. With a school uniform you can just purchase a few items, as you don't have to worry about wearing something different each day. You can also pass school uniforms down to family members, or find them on sale from other families.

There is a lot of controversy over whether or not school uniforms should be required. However, when you look at the facts you will see that there are many benefits to students all wearing the same thing to school. Students may take school more seriously, teasing and violence can be decreased, and you may even save some money. Please keep these benefits in mind when you vote today!


7. Teks pidato bahasa Inggris tentang obesitas anak-anak

teks pidato bahasa Inggris  2022


Obesity has been called the "new American epidemic" by many doctors. It is estimated that fifty-eight million Americans living in the United States are obese and that eight out of ten people who are over twenty-five are overweight. Obesity is, easily, America's fastest-growing health concern. This condition, though, is not limited to American adults. Doctors have recently found that nearly thirteen percent of all American children suffer from this problem, and that statistic seems to rise each year.

Understanding the jump in childhood obesity rates is directly linked to understanding obesity itself. The American Academy of Pediatricians defines childhood obesity as occurring in kids who have a BMI of more than 30. Other institutions, though, suggest that a child whose body weight is at least 20% higher than a child of a similar height is obese. No matter what the exact definition, obesity is, simply stated, excess body fat.

Why, though, is obesity such a concern? I mean, hey, an extra Twinkie or two can't really harm a kid, can it? Actually, yes, it can. Obesity can not only increase the risk of psychological problems in kids, such as eating disorders, depression, and anxiety problems. It can also put children at risk for all sorts of physiological problems. These problems include heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. In fact, forty-five percent of all new cases of juvenile type-II diabetes are obesity linked.

Childhood obesity increases the risk of orthopedic problems. Because kids are forced to carry extra weight that their bone structures simply cannot handle, bowed legs and arthritis are increasingly present. Obese kids also have more skin disorders than children of a healthy weight. Obesity increases the skin area subject to folds, which, in turn, increases problems like heat rash and dermatitis. All of this can create serious problems for the child and our health care system. In 1979, hospital costs associated with childhood obesity were $35 million. At the end of the decade, they had risen to $127 million.

Some may suggest that the rise in childhood obesity rates is due to naturally occurring medical conditions like hypothyroidism and Cushing's Syndrome. For each child who demonstrates these conditions, a medical professional should carefully evaluate symptoms of obesity.

Most doctors suggest that the occurrence of these problems in children is quite low. However, the obesity epidemic is linked to more serious societal issues like low physical activity levels and poor eating habits. There is little doubt that childhood obesity rates are on the rise, and treatments for the problem may be simpler than you think. The best treatment for the problem, on a societal level, is prevention.

We can accomplish prevention by increasing the number of mothers who breastfeed their babies. Breastfeeding delays the introduction of solid foods to six months of age. Other measures include limiting the television and video game intake of toddlers and older kids alike. Providing healthy, low-fat nutritious snacks and meals for kids of all ages helps, as well as creating family exercise plans.

If obesity is already present, treatment should include a manageable weight loss plan, behavior modification therapies, nutrition counseling, and an exercise plan. Childhood obesity is on the rise, and clearly, everyone is at risk from the effects of this devastating condition.

This "unknown" problem in America needs attention. Our children are our future, so it is unacceptable to put them at risk for obesity and the health problems associated with being overweight. By advocating healthy diets, exercise, and education, the country can end the rapid increase in childhood obesity.
